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Awkward asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Should children be rasied without tv?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do you mean "raised?" It surely won't hurt them, but I don't think that limited TV watching, under the guidance of parents, will hurt them either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you're asking is it possible - yes! Of course!

    But SHOULD, they? If the parents have a choice would it benefit the child in the long run? - Well, that's a completely different question altogether. My personal view is that at this point in time TV is such an integral part of our culture that you would have to wonder what growing up without one would do to a child socially. If they don't have a TV in the home, they would be missing out on a lot. Now, some of the stuff they would be missing out on is obviously bad - but at the same time, some of what they would be missing out on is actually positive. And the damages it could do to a child socially (Teasing, bullying, being made fun of.) might be worth it to invest in one, even if it's just one and used very occasionally. I believe that a little of it here and there is fine and completely harmless - just like in mostly everything else in life, it's fine (and maybe even good!) in moderation. Having one in the house, however, and forbidding your child from watching it should definitely not be the route however - they will just find ways to watch it anyway, whether it be at a friend's house or sneak it in at home. If you don't watch TV yourself, it might be ok not to have one. But if you do watch TV, you can't just tell them that they can never watch it as well.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I don't believe that shielding our children from everything that's bad just so they have a perfectly easy life and will never get teased is a good thing. Nor do I believe that we should buy things just because they might socially be harmed without it - however I do think that with something as substantial as a TV, it's not a bad idea to have one, anyway. ;)

    However I'm not saying that TV is completely golden - I agree that there's a lot of crap on TV these days. You have to be more careful, than, say, my parents did when I was a kid and I watched TV. Back then everything was just on a few channels, and everyone knew what was going on.

    Nowadays most TVs have hundreds and hundreds of channels with who-knows-what on them. But as long as you have control over what your children are watching and you monitor them - even maybe using parental controls if needed, I personally don't believe it's a bad thing. I wouldn't suggest letting them have a personal TV though - a family one in a main room like the living room is what we have and it suits us just fine.

    Bottom line: I believe that a little TV here and there is fine for your children to be raised around as long as you are monitoring them and have control over what they are watching. I even believe that sometimes they can even be used as an educational tool and if you're willing to put in some extra effort you can find good channels with values and lessons that will benefit your kids in the long run.

    Hope I helped and good luck!

    Source(s): mother of 3
  • 1 decade ago

    Not necessarily.

    I've never been against tv. I'm against a lot of the crap that is on tv, but in general television is not evil.

    My kids have learned a lot from tv. Not that my husband and I don't teach them, but the tv sort of helps reinforce what they are learning especially shows like Sesame Street or Blue's Clues. In other words, I think the tv can also be a great learning tool just like educational toys.

    Of course, it can be harmful if they are watching the wrong things or watching too much television. But with monitored use the tv is just fine for kids.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, TV can be beneficial when used in moderation. There are lots of educational programs on TV. Also, the news is very informative and shows visual, current pictures of issues or situations going on throughout the world.

    When TV isn't beneficial, it's a treat. There is nothing wrong with having a favorite TV show.

  • 1 decade ago

    Children raised without a tv do just fine but you should have plenty of newspapers or something for current events if no tv but I know families who don't allow tvs in the home. My house however we love tv but they aren't something we would die without. They come in handy if you want to just sit down and watch a movie as a family and they have some great learning shows but they aren't necessary for survival unless your children want to grow up to be an actor or something.

  • Ruby
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Tv is good in moderation programmes such as Mickey Mouse club house and dora the explorer are actually quite educational and make learning fun.

    The only problem that I have with such shows (being from the UK) is that my daughter has started using american variations for certain objects e.g. skipping rope is now a jumper rope which isn't such a big deal but may be confusing for her.

  • *HM*
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well, they could live without TV, but TV isn't evil either as long as they only watch it in moderation and they are watching age-appropriate shows.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If a parent doesn't watch it, then there's no reason to make a special effort to introduce it to one's child. But, if the parent watches it, kids will and should.

    I watched too much TV as a kid. It helped make me fat, but not stupid, didn't give me ADD, and didn't make me socially retarded.

    TV, like anything else, can be good in moderation.

  • 1 decade ago

    I missed every tv series from 1973-1989

    I had no tv...didnt miss a thing

    Got rides to work from Al Roker as a teen

    had no clue who he was

    until I grew up

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Personal choice. I would rather have my kids not watch TV. Than watch whatever they want on TV.

    I monitor what kids watch on TV and internet

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