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Lv 58,071 points


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a typical-case

  • I personally hate cleaning but sometimes, it can get out of hand...?

    Thickening particles infest the air

    heaving with lumps gulping a stare

    so dense

    I can't see through my thoughts

    The cigarette butts rest in glass

    where liquid morphs into murky clunks

    Vomit green and yellow spots

    gurgling only for lust

    The lumps won't pop and the doors

    and windows

    stay shut.

    4 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • Awkward feelings when someones making a scene?

    she will yell & she will scream

    blow the fuse too easily

    pupils crystalised in her descent

    towards flushing reason out the vents

    Unabashed she will swing

    limbs, words and memories

    The laundries out and so, LISTEN!

    Pitches and lungs overthrow the silence of strangers

    eyeing the scene & callous behaviour

    Such demeanour is seized to be

    an indication of ceasing ties with humanity

    Sneers as I shift away

    this isn't my problem but still

    I have to stay.

    2 AnswersPoetry8 years ago
  • The Baby ---- thoughts?

    Her rumbling womb rippled in circular motions

    the rolling and heaving waves plunging across the surface

    An icy cold ocean throbbing at its core

    as desperation cloaked the existence

    Into blood

    and nothing more

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Renting Love --- thoughts?

    Renting Love

    It was a problem

    the monthly pay required

    went beyond my emotional capacity

    every second was charged

    just much too high

    and soon enough

    I was in debt

    Any outsider would've realized

    that had happened from the start

    only I was so smitten

    that my eyes drew to the side

    only to see what wasn't me

    Now I'm broke

    trying to reconstruct my insides

    so that I can invest again

    maybe next time

    I'll do some research

    and remember

    that I won't trip into a fall

    but dive

    with back-up

    to support my possible climb

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Movies Today (thoughts?)?

    Love scenes usually give me the creeps

    that almost kiss or slushing sound of lips

    believe it or not movie-makers today

    saliva doesn't look or hear good

    so keep it off the screen

    and out of my ears

    Death scenes make me laugh

    that look to the sky

    as if their higher-calling was ringing up

    finally drink the dead man's cup

    and that music kills

    either gospel shrieks or tapping keys

    either way its meant to be


    and soul-touching

    "extremely deep"

    Emotion has evacuated cinema

    generic lines like

    "what's happening" (whispering of course)


    "do you realize what you have done?"

    have taken over the scripts

    with music in the back

    to get a rise out of the audience

    sitting and unfortunately


    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Will music die when humanity dies?


    Music colors the chaos of the mind

    splashing notes on the sides

    and brushing lines for them to stand,

    spring and dive into pits of sorrow

    or happiness

    whichever's collecting that moment

    only to jump right out

    and continue their symphony

    It's organized anarchy

    where feelings speak to silence

    peaking at the pitches

    never to deplete but simply breathe

    a little

    A continuity exists

    'cause it lives in death as well

    as maggots rip the flesh of the brain

    the notes spell themselves into their minds

    and human song provides entertainment

    for the dirt of the earth


    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • A question about the U.S....?

    Where do most Right-Wing, religious Americans live?

    (its for a project)

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Quick spanish translation?

    Hey! I travelled to the 1960s with my time machine and this was definitely my favorite year to travel to. I'm in America right now and the hippies have welcomed me as one of their own despite language differences. Russia and Latin America are next on the list!

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • How do you say this in spanish?

    Hey! You missed so much! The core of the earth was amazing! It didn't feel hot because we were in the rocket but when I saw the magma I actually started feeling warm. The scientists let us get out with special costumes which were so heavy and my camera actually melted in my hands!

    Hey! Pilar, the internet, Pilar, wow. Wires are everywhere and you see files flying past you and Diego even had one fly through him! It was very funny, he almost peed in his pants! Everything was blue and green and red and we even saw this HUGE screen with zeros and ones flashing around. Once in a lifetime trip. Wished you were there!

    Thank you

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Spanish translation help?

    how do you say..

    Hey! I'm on the moon! Its been a lot of fun, we've been floating around all day and they gave me a rock as a souvenir. I took lots of pictures for all to see!

    Hey! Italy is great! I got to know some people from the mafia and I killed a few guys with a sniper! It was awesome! The police even saw us but then walked away when Brando nodded at them.


    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • May you leave a comment on this poem? Please..?

    Will the search come to nothing

    only leave our echos ringing like cathedral bells

    Momentary moments of clarity

    only for the moment to pas

    A sudden awakening of the soul

    only for it settle back into a slumber

    and leave the echoing thoughts of confusion

    Wil the search only leave sound

    turmoil and anarchy

    never to die down

    never to allow silence

    Perhaps that's the tragedy

    because maybe

    the search will only end in silence

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Lame rant about school being retarded..?

    If school continues to be this boring

    count me out

    calculus doesn't work well with my belly

    and science should blow itself up

    Call it a juvenile attitude

    immature, impulsive


    I've got a right to speak

    Yes education is im-portant

    yes knowledge is great

    but gosh enough is enough

    a transforming world

    means transforming minds

    transforming jobs

    and the complete irrelevence of certain subjects

    for certain fields

    Do you want to waste your time learning something

    when you could improve on the job

    that will be paying for your meals?

    I think not


    get FUKCING real

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago