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Has anyone else gotten angry emails from a Jehovahs Witness named Holford?

Here's more from the Angry family. This guy sent me a whole inbox full of these angry rants. I'll share them with all since the guy won't let me return any of his angry rants.

Please do not insinuate that my daughter is being anything other than herself, SHE IS sincere and does not try to falsify anything in any respect.

When talking to 'The voice of reason' you may be talking to a family.


This email I got after questioning why this avatar on some posts says he is 14 yo, and on others is not.

To put matters straight, this is a family computer and is used on this basis because we all try to help others when we can. There is NO intention of abusing anyone's trust or of being dishonest. My daughters who vary in age - all use this computer 'OPENLY' and hopefully have helped various people with their opinions and idea's.

I myself may be a little too opinionated from time to time but believe my experience of certain aspects of life have given me reason to be.

Who are you to question and verify someone on the net?

Just because of your questioning- I'm going to send your own details across to someone that may check YOU out.

MR G. HOLFORD! 44yrs old!

So, a notice may be in order for those who get emails from this avatar "Voice of Reason" of all things. It may be a child you are communicating with, or it may be his 44 yo father who acts like an angry teen ager. So many angry JWs out there! I never realized how much anger they have.

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Jw's live with repressed anger and revenge. They constantly talk about the vindication of god's name.(Armageddon, destruction, annihilation of all those not Jehovah's Witnesses) They have been praying for that day since 1879.

    Disturbingly to them, they have even set dates for this vindication to happen. But those dates have come and gone time and again.

    They are getting tired and worn out. For a Jehovah's Witness to out an opposer like Unsilenced Lioness with such viciousness is truly a sign that they are falling apart.

    For them to cheer on Vot's mocking response, is no indication of what jw's used to stand for. They are I am sad to say 130 years out from the stalwart Bible Students, Jehovah's Witnesses of old, that prided themselves by withstanding every trial with out complaint. Apparently they have lost that perspective. Why because the truth is being presented to them on the internet as never before. They can't stick their heads in the sand as they did for many years prior. It is why the jw leaders are warning them about the dangers of being on sites like YA.

    So not only are they angry. They are violating what their own leaders reccomend against.

    What a load to carry.

    They utilize their numbers to harasss opposers, while promoting such individuals like Mindy. Just read some of what that girl yells out, shouting from the top of her voice, with Jw's lined up to egg her on. It is really a sad thing to watch.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Oh chill Jumbo-we are taught to have the Christ like personality and not revile. Maybe he's just a kid in need if more training. Although I don't know what you maybe saying to push his buttons, at any rate the internet is not a veil for us because as Prov. 15:3 says; "The eyes of Jehovah are in every place, keeping watch upon the bad ones and the good." Ps. 94:11 "Jehovah is knowing the thoughts of men, that they are as an exhalation.' So you see there is no veil or hiding place for us. You have a college degree huh, you are doing well-I just finished high school myself, no other formal education but I did learn how to spell definitely.IOI

  • 1 decade ago

    Here are some of the reasons that I suspect they are angry:

    1. They are tired of their religion being called a cult.

    2. They are tired of us non JW's seeing the way and they can not see past the noses on their face or they were born in this cult and feel picked on and are really lost.

    3. Simply put, they are angry because we do not understand.

    Just because someone is in a controlled religion or cult, like the JW's, does not mean that there are not people within the group who act out their aggression, like this person you are talking about. You are obviously an irritant to this person and this person feels the need to act against you. My opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I haven't but I have gotten some angry emails from JWs. The majority of the time they tell ME...I was NOT raised a JW (which I was) ...they tell ME I was never baptized (which I was) and they accuse me of all kinds of things that are WAY out there like that I'm 'bitter'....oh and of course I get called 'satans spawn', 'apostie' etc.

    Their rants and judgemental condemning attitudes do not bother me nor does their name calling...however once I had a JW tell me they feel sorry for my children! That angered me because Y!A R&S is for debate....leave my CHILDREN out of it!

    Most often...the ones who email (just had one the other day defending the NWT) do NOT allow email so you can NOT email them back! They do what they can to try to get under your skin. I supposed being all bottled up WOULD make them angry!

    Source(s): Grew up JW....yes I did!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a J.W. and I don't feel angry. I'm a pretty happy guy even though I broke my neck a few months ago and was completely paralyzed. I thank God I can now walk and type with my two pointer fingers. Since you mentioned anger, three times I have had guns pulled on me by others who said they were Christians. My offense? I just knocked on the door. Two out of the three knew I was a Witness. My wife had a shotgun pulled on her by a good Baptist woman. She had also just knocked on the door. So you see, alot of people hate Jehovah's Witnesses. Although it's not Christ like, I would say a few of the immature ones are venting here. And please don't take offense at this, but like Jesus we do hate false religion, but not the duped individuals.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They can't deal with the message so they attack the Messenger here is one I got today form a bunch of Witnesses attacking me;_ylt=AmdiC...

    At least 3 witnesses call e a liar and others call me names

    Oh and the question poster rewards the first Witness who calls me a liar....Truth doesn't work with these people I wish they would hold the same magnifying glass up to their governing body LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    No, but I have gotten angry e-mails from other Jehovah's Witnesses

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like a real creep.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not sure..

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