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Is "KNOW" the next stage of evolution ?

In artificial intelligence we have the 4 parameters LEARN, SENSE, PLAN & ACT (REACT)

Now the stars, planets, etc have only REACT. The next phase of evolution the plants & trees have SENSE & REACT. The next evolution till human have LEARN, SENSE, PLAN (from almost nil to not so strong) & REACT. It is only at human level we have all the four and also the PLAN part is getting stronger and stronger.

Now if we see, then the ability is being shifted from external capability to mental capability. The mental growth / evolution is getting stronger and stronger.

So what might be the next phase of mental evolution - Is it the KNOW part ? i.e. we will be able to see / feel / hear without being present physically ? Is it that I can read others mind ?


Those who think we have reached the end of evolution should know that the science of the inner space has only started. The science is an evolving subject to which we align our lifestyle and habits.

If we believe God is all knowing also, then naturally the evolution may move in that direction also.

It is better that we keep an open mind as the science keeps unveiling & unravelling the other side of our activities (internal / mental). Till now we have been limited to the external side i.e. what can be sensed by physical senses.

Our ignorance should not be a hurdle to an open mind.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's actually interesting.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You are assuming evolution is entirely positive and that its progress has a definitive outcome. Evolution is merely the combination of random mutations with external stimuli. Sharks and crocodiles have remained the SAME for millenia because there has been no environmental stimulus strong enough to cause them to change. Indeed, evolution has always maintained a balance between cooperation and competition -- lifeforms will never achieve an "enlightened" nirvana because what you call "archaic" is natural and is encoded in almost all species: desires, ambition, and the need to satiate one's individual wants. I believe one should focus more on the day-to-day kindnesses and cooperations rather than bemoan that society has not "evolved". Evolution may spur us to be an even more fragmented and competitive society should the external stimuli so lead us along that path. Just my opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a specie our evolution is complete and there is no further part by part evolution going on, such as mental or other parts of the human body. It is the same brain with which the man first invented a wheel and with the same brain in all respects, he invented how to fly. Our bodies were constructed by genes over millions of years, basically to reproduce copies and send out in the world at lowest cost and resources and that was the end of evolution so far humans are concerned. We are trying smarter thing as we still have not fully exploited our brain that is it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I can only ask with retort: With what means could this communication occur? Maybe as one of my genius contacts put it, "you are associating to much with the Internet." I would like to "know" if you have a reasonable answer for me, thanks.

    The mind is a local position, non-locality of mind is somewhat improbable. I think the next stage of conscious evolution, or as it has been called a paradigm, is awakening to our true potential or our true power to create.


    Read some Karen Armstrong or Dennet. Darwin's logic deals only with the process of natural selection of the biological and physical organism that is the human, not the adaptation of consciousness.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The most probable widespread and noticeable evolutionary change will be the ability to survive whatever the next global pandemic disease is.

    As far as our mental evolution, well nature has probably taken us as far as it can and there is no way that we could ever naturally be able to sense remotely. This will only be achieved through artificial enhancement.

  • 1 decade ago

    We have come to the stage of end in the evolution of development. It is like a perimeter or a hill or a tall building where people climb. After reaching on top one has to decent or come down, one can not remain or live for ever on the hill top. Another example is one board a plane to reach a particular place, after reaching there he/she has to deboard. Thus slowly we would go back to the stage from where we had started.

  • 1 decade ago

    The next phase of evolution might be vegetarianism. People will learn that killing and eating animals is not a symbol of mental growth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe not. Unless there is some sort of survival/reproductive advantage to having more mental capabilities that offset the cost of having it (higher food requirements, more oxygen to brain, etc.), that may not happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    Next revolution I think how to make a person happy

    Because in spite of evolutions people are not happy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with Alex. For the first sentence or two I thought this was going to be a crazy idea.. but it's actually quite an interesting thought.

  • 1 decade ago


    because evolutions goal is to help the species survive to reproductive age. We already do this as a species so we dont need to evolve in such away as it doesnt help pass on genetic material

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