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im a virgin and my boyfriends not...?

its a serious relationship, we've been together for about 5 months now. he knows im a virgin, i know hes not, weve talked about it and theres no problem there. hes never done 'it' with someone he actually cared about, i told him that that worries me because if anything ever happened between us i would want there to be feelings there too. he told me how everything is different with me, and how if we did do it it would be "making love" not "having sex".

i dont want to do it yet, and theres absolutely no pressure from either side..but i know that i will want to someday..maybe soon and the problem is that he has a 'thing' with virgins. he says that he doesnt do it with virgins beacuse hes afraid of the aftermath(meaning that ill expect him to marry me or something, which isnt true)

what do i do? how do i let him know how im feeling, and is there a way to get rid of his 'thing' with virgins???

16 Answers

  • Peache
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Stop thinking so hard, and take it slow. If he has a "thing" with virgins, you don't want to be with him. What you've got is precious, and the guy who you choose to lay with better deserve it and want it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    If you plan on sleeping with him, it's only fair to let him know before hand, and if he asks, be honest. I was in the exact same situation when I was 19- it's not weird- it's more common than people think! I waited until we were in a situation when sex was looking likely and I knew I wanted to, and before things progressed passed heated making out I told him I was a virgin, and that I wanted to lose it to him, if he wanted to. He later told me it made him feel special- it was a total ego boost and the conquest/ corrupting an "innocent" girl idea really appeals to quite a few guys- that, and they aren't being compared to anyone else. So I wouldn't stress about telling him- if you're open to sex and a virgin then he'll be fine, and if you aren't and he isn't ok with it then find a nicer guy! Also wait until an appropriate moment to tell him- like not when you're seconds away from sex as that may freak him out, and don't drop it in randomly to conversation. I was terrified to tell my guy, but I think we worry more than they do- to them it's a win. Also, a good way to play it is by asking him to teach you- that way he feels all manly and attractive as you're essentially telling him he's good enough to take the virginity you held onto for so long, and you're implying he's great in bed and can pass on that expertise, all while you get around what you may see as a difficult issue. Obviously if sex isn't an option with you, then you'll need to explain why to him, and if he's worthwhile he should be cool with it :)

  • 1 decade ago

    The fact that he's cold enough to use a girl just for sex and not care about her feelings is really bad news. If you don't want to do it yet, don't want to do it with this boyfriend of yours. He knows what to say and he knows what he wants. What's the "thing" with virgins? That they have more self respect than most other girls who don't mind being a used car for a night? You know what the "thing" with virgins is that he doesn't want to have respect, responsibilities or commitment to a girl who has sex with him. So, with that in mind, with the guilt trip in mind, it is strongly suggested that you move to higher ground unless you want to give every guy the sex they want. I'm so glad that you have respect for yourself now. It will be disappointing that you've come this far only to fall victim to what almost every girl in America has become. Keep your self respect and see how long your relationship lasts. If he has no plans to marry you at all, then, keep your pants on.

    Just a suggestion as I am quite familiar with girls who had sex with their boyfriends and later on, become "easy" with all the other guys they end up with because their "first" never stayed with them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally I think a man is disgusting if he has had sex with someone he didn't have feelings for. That means he probably objectifies women and uses them as a tool instead of for love. To me it sounds as if he's going to try and get in your pants and then leave you when he feels like it. You are naive to think that there is no sort of pressure from him. He has obviously got you thinking seriously about it. When I had sex for the first time it was with my now fiance and he was a virgin too. Find a guy who wants the same things you want. I have a feeling you would regret losing your virginity to this guy. He just sounds like a loser feeding you a line of bulls*** and about his thing with virgins, he has most likely been desensitized by porn and expects this from regular girls. I would recommend finding a nice guy who is also a virgin because the experience just brings the both of you closer together.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its your body--its your right to say what goes on and when it will happen. Virginity for you is important--once he nails you --he will be GONE--I can almost guarantee that!! And if you say no--he may go anyway--then you know he was an immature creep. YOU make all the decisions and choices in YOU life--you don't do anything to please another person. GOT IT?? He actually said--"making love "and not just SEX??? Boy--is he good at lying. What a manipulator. YOU tell him that NO sex is REAL LOVE FOR YOU. CASE CLOSED. Sex with him is dangerous--diseases and all that bad stuff----and he will lie about protection---so don't trust him. OK---NOW tell him once and for all--ITS NO--do NOT ask again or he can take a hike for good!!. Keep your pants on---there is no rush for you to have kid sex. Do the right thing----Good Luck.

  • cc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Oh dear, just run!

    Here let me explain, he knows you are a virgin, he's dating you, great however he throws in this line!

    "he says that he doesn't do it with virgins because hes afraid of the aftermath"

    Now the tables have turned, right! Suddenly you are the one pressuring for sex with him. It has turned into a game. If I get him to do this with me it means its special, etc etc! Basically this line makes it seems like hes the one holding the cards and that is simply not true. Don't get sucked in!

    Or worse another take"

    He has now told you that he doesn't want to be emotionally responsible for any pain/ problems this causes. If for whatever reason you guys have sex and a simple relationship problem comes up like, why didn't you call when you said you would, etc etc! He can now throw it in your face. See I told you this is the reason I don't do virgins.

    Really sweetie just run now!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he sounds like sort of a jerk only do it if you are ready and if you want to i really hope he doesn't leave you after you have sex please think this thru carefully and make sure you loose your virginity to someone you love and care about

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    explain to him how you feel n if hes not mature enough to understand, he doesnt deserve a self respecting girl like you.

    answer mine please : thanks!;_ylt=AtL.d...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i dunno .... tlk to him bout it !!

  • 1 decade ago

    just tell him u love him and if you lose it to him u wont regret it and hes a chodee for telling u that

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