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Favorite Answers12%
  • Where are the driving road tests given in NJ?

    Not 60 years ago--or not where you think they are---and don't tell me to ask where they are--if I asked I would know---I would ask but I can't get an answer. W H E R E are these testing spots?? Not where they used to be--i want to knowT O D A Y --the latest spots--what town are they in--if you don't know don't add anything here. sheesh

    1 AnswerSafety1 decade ago
  • Where are the NJ DMV road test sites?

    Exactly WHERE are the actual road tests given in the NJ DMV system. Not written--the driving test---got it?? D R I V I N G---so the permit driver can get the "driving test." WHERE are these sites.??

    4 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago