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Do you think that the internet is responsible for discrimination on a massive scale?

If you read through forum after forum on any subject, it seems that no matter what is being discussed, somebody from the sanctuary of their own computer will go out of their way to be as offensive as they can to a minority group. As sure as day following night, they will then start a flame war, which will overtake the original discussion.

My questions are..

Do you think that this is how people really think, or is it just the thrill of causing a flame war?

Is there anything that can be done about it, without locking down the internet with censorship?

In three days on this site alone, I have seen somebody pretend to be a muslim woman and claim to be bashed by her husband on the grounds of religion, which got the usual protests, I have seen somebody say that ALL Australians are racist because there are no Indians in the national Cricket team, which amazingly had so much support!

At the end of the day, in a world of political correctness gone mad, take a look at what people are saying to each other on the internet, it seems like with the lack of mutual respect on display, we are going backwards, and fast, as a society.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, not currently is it a major discriminator intentionally.

    Any media is open to manipulation by the nefarious -- from the commercially to the bigoted orientations.

    The degree to which any medium can be promoter of untoward interests depends on it's ready accessibility and availability.(Some modes maybe available but if exorbitantly priced for use or strictly controlled are not very accessible.)

    For the most part, most of the global community can have cheap, ready access to the internet. Purchase, rental, time-sharing, friendship lending/ borrowings, cyber-cafes time-hiring and public facilities ( libraries et al) free provision all mean relative ease of connectivity.

    Naturally unrestricted availability and access for everyone means for people of ALL stripes: from the intelligentsia to the intellect challenged. Whilst negativity can readily be expounded and expanded it can also be exposed and exterminated. If ignorance flourishes it is due to it being permitted by non-opposition. "Evil flourishes when good men do nothing."

    Censorship of the internet would be counter-productive : so too with filtering. Information restriction generally means ignorance (bigotry etc) proliferation.`

    As ever, any freedom needs regular active defense if not to be lost. Flame wars can be pursued and denigrated. Do not those who are capable -- and able -- have a responsibility to ensure censure of the inflammatory few BEFORE wildfires erupt ?

    Most stupidities are easily countered by confronting with logic. Take your examples:

    "How many Indians (West Indians/ Pakistanis/ women/ Inuit) actually APPLIED to be in the national cricket team ? ANY ? Are there ANY Australians in the Indian national cricket team ? NONE ? Are ALL Indians therefore racist too ?"

    Political correctness has NEVER been a problem anywhere: it's constant extremist perversions by those with agendas that IS a problem. Fundamentalists who forever wish to disrupt mutual respect between disparate groups have always been around : their numbers as a population percentage is no more than ever was. Whilst the internet provides for greater visibility of aberrant -- and abhorrent -- opinions, it also provide the greatest exposure of same too.

    Ignorance and offensiveness will NEVER be eradicated -- only controlled and diminished -- BUT ONLY IF WE CHOOSE TO by forsaking lethargy.

  • 6 years ago

    You can find out more about natural hemorrhoids cure here

    Diarrhea can contribute to hemorrhoid formation because the bowel undergoes pressure strains due to the condition. Undue pressure on the veins that make up internal hemorrhoidal structures can worsen existing damage. Internal hemorrhoids are not visible, unless they proplapse (protrude) from the anus, either constantly or during a bowel movement. If this is the case, then you have a grade III or IV internal hemorrhoid. If the protrusion is on the anal verge or the area surrounding the anus, then its likely an external hemorrhoid. Reducing pressure from issues of diarrhea and constipation will help. Not straining during a bowel movement, not lifting heavy objects, not sitting for extended periods, all will help.

    An external hemorrhoid is simply a vein located at the anal verge, the wall of which as weakened and protruded. Don't push on it, this will only increase pressure and worsen it. The body has to repair the vein wall and rebuild the integrity. This takes time, perhaps weeks, if all goes well. Use sitz baths and over-the-counter medications such as pads or creams to provide symptom relief in the interim. These won't solve the issue long term, but will give the tissue a better chance at self-healing.

    Internal hemorrhoids are a different matter and require more intervention. Your best bet is to educate yourself about the condition, its causes and what options there are to treat it both short and long term. Don't ignore it though, hemorrhoids tend to become chronic in nature, lasting years or decades in some cases.

  • none
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Actually, I think the internet helps end discrimination. I acknowledge your observations about flame wars, but i think that in the end, the internet is a very free exchange of information, and that is a type of education. And the more education people have, the more open minded they are. Look at the demographics of the last election.. Most young people have no problem voting for a black president, but many old people do. The culture of today's young people is the internet. It seems to make them more open minded, not less.

  • casson
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    On youtube, there are movies of adult males filming themselves in front of the pc mutually as respiratory in deeply from pot. What lands up going on is they cough their fool heads off till they faint. i do no longer know in case you have seen them or no longer, yet they're kinda humorous. besides, I wager those adult males have hemorrhoids. :D

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