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Cellphone Users: Are all mobile phone companies cheaters?

When cellphone companies send bills, the break up of charges are divided into a hundred items, such as, plan charge, voice, local calls, std calls, isd calls, fow calls, vms calls, other calls; sms in, sms out, sms delivery, international sms, national sms, premium, VAS/others, then 10 types of Roaming, gprs, mms, wap, LBA usage, DND (Do not disturb) Charges and this also alterable without notice, so as to make customer a fool for one hour for verification of the bills and to get explanations from the BSNL. Is it not cheating and phucking the customers


In commerce, this splitting is a way for extracting money from customers, like service tax, Surcharge on it and then Educational Cess and then "Commerce Minister's Family Welfare Fund" and so on to make the customers aware that He/She is merely a fool and advent of 'Group Feudalism'- one of the worst danger for human peace

Update 2:

I asked whether BSNL is cheating or not. If not, what is the psychology behind innumerable heads of accounts in a bill for Rs.500 or 1000/- per month, where consumption is less than 100/-

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There must always have a gentle way of earning, irrespective of individual or of group, which is better than begging for donation. If BSNL cheats, mind it that a celphone is secondary requirement for any person. I have bought one cellphone and thrown away - just to update myself with the developing world. The cost of cellphone is less than 1 dollar for which how much the cellphone company took from you as its retail price - $.85 to $.170. Not bothered. That it it.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): 100% Free Cell Phone -
  • 1 decade ago

    use prepaid of vodafone. It's best one. I am using it since last 3 years. All other postpaid are worst & maily cheaters are reliance,airtel,idea.

    BSNL is not too good at service. TATA & vodafone are good

  • 1 decade ago

    this process is done for making the record of incoming and outgoing calls. all companies follow this bill format .so please dont be confuse.

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  • 5 years ago

    T Mobile"

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