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kenny J asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why do Republicans put the GOP before America?

The party seems united in their goal of defeating every proposal put forth by President Obama, regardless of the benefit to the country.


A proposal by President Obama to close Gitmo. Gitmo has been a recruiting tool for al Queda. Why does the GOP fear putting prisoners in a Super Max prison?

Dick Cheney making moronic claims about a "pretend war". Rove making moronic claims about Obama not speaking soon enough on the Christmas bomber. Both proved factually inaccurate. President Obama increased troop levels in Afghanistan. President Obama spoke within 3 days of the event on Christmas. Bush waited past 6 days to comment, in passing, on the shoe bomber. And he was tried in court not in a military tribunal as Rove and Cheney insist happen to the Christmas bomber.

Need more?

Health care will benefit those in America without any care. Why is rebuilding Iraq under Bush more important that assiting deserving Americans?

Update 2:

The socialist argument? Really? Name what is socialist about any of these proposals.

Also President's Obama's proposal to invest in America's infrastructure.

Update 3:

As far as MY party, I am NOT a Democrat.

I see the GOP opposing everything especially the President. This began before he was even in office. Time for the GOP to put aside the petty BS and start governing.

38 Answers

  • Fern O
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Karl Rove asked on FOX News Channel why it took Obama 80 days to make a decision to deploy 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan, and it only took the US Army 50 days (2001) to overthrow the Taliban? Really!!! The Republicans aren't only "Greedy Old Pricks" they're getting dumber by the day. It's 2010 for Gods Sake, why are we still in Afghanistan? The biggest threat to this country is the dumbing-down of America. Fox News is in the forefront of that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why do Republicans put the GOP before America?

    One can ask the same of the Democrats.

    The party seems united in their goal of defeating every proposal put forth by President Obama, regardless of the benefit to the country

    That's politics. What you see as benefiting America, the other side sees as harming America and is why they try to defeat it and replace it with their own ideas that they feel will be a better alternative. The Democrats do the same. There isn't anything malicious behind it it's just POLITICS!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Or maybe they see that what the democrats are putting forth is actually contrary to their beliefs, like smaller government, low taxes, strong defense.

    The Republicans, well most of them, are Republicans because the Republican party is the vehicle to advance more conservative ideology. If a bill comes through that is contrary to conservatism, then they believe it will not help the country but hurt it in the long run. So their opposition might actually be real and not just politics.

    No one questions that Obama wants to see the US nuked. But his policies to combat are diametrically opposed to Bush in many ways. So would have called Obama a partisan nay sayer for opposing Bush?

  • Um, no. Which is why they are opposed to every proposal put forth by Obama because not a single, solitary one would be of 'benefit to the country'. See? That's the problem with your logic. You don't understand that. If anything he proposed would benefit the country, Republicans and conservatives would be behind him. But we're not going to support his constant stream of ill conceived and misguided idiocy. And we've made this point very clear all along..along with evidence that his proposals ARE ill conceived and misguided idiocy. Even my 16 year old, high school son often finds him self saying, "Holy crap! He's doing what?!?" Now, if my 16 year old high school kid can see 'idiocy' where a Harvard educated lawyer cannot, what is wrong with this picture?

  • 1 decade ago

    This "party" is strictly put on by the Democrats who are drunk with power. The Republicans are not even on the list-they've been shut out of the whole process. They'll only be invited to clean up the mess when the citizens get the bill!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you kidding me? Try replacing that with Democrats and the DNC too. The Obama proposals are all socialist and violate the Constitution in many regards. I thought the Obama took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution"?

  • Those proposals involve expanding government to provide more for everyone. Right. Every single government program has accomplished a fraction of what was promised and simply lines the pockets of the connected. Even liberals scream about that, but when it's their connected friends, they have no problem. $14 Trillion in debt and rising. It's unsustainable.

  • 1 decade ago

    And what did the democrats do during the Bush years? We at least see where obama is wrong and say so. His policies and proposals are wrong waste too much money and will destroy the economy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Show me an actual "benefit", and we'll discuss it. All I've seen from Obama's first year are takeovers. Tell me how that benefits anyone, but the government? Financial, automobile, and now the insurance and medical industries all becoming government entities. It's ridiculous, and it will be stopped!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Benefit for the country as a whole or a small percentage?

    Believe it or not we have a right to disagree with what our elected officials believe is best. The President is not "all-knowing". If he were he wouldn't need advisors. But think about what you are saying... The GOP defeating every proposal?????? How is that possible with the Dems in complete control???

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