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Ok, Mosley caused Briatore to be able to wriggle, but would venues be able to ban Flabbyold from showing his?

...disgraced presence - or what other alternatives have WE to not have him back???

4 Answers

  • rosbif
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Forget appeals to French courts. I'm pretty certain the FIA statutes don't mention double jeopardy. Just hold a new set of hearings into the Singapore mess, don't make the same mistakes that were made last time, find him guilty again and ban him for a decade. After 10 years out of the sport, no-one is going to want to know him anyway, so it's quite long enough. Also, it may be long enough to prevent my worst nightmare - Briatore taking over from Bernie.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't mind him in the stand, just not in the paddock. F1 is not a sport about the fans, and it will never be, so if Flavio means money, he'll be in. It's that simple. We can't do anything to have him banned.

  • Tilly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If all the team bosses, manufactures etc banded together maybe this could bring about enough force to keep Flabby out of F1?

  • WinWin
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    "It's not over 'til the fat lady sings", and I can't hear her.

    This isn't over by a long chalk, and I think we are unlikely to see Flabbyo back after being retried.

    Hmmm...or should that be "refried"? lol

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