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Tessa C asked in SportsOther - Sports · 1 decade ago

i need a easy trick on a skate board please help!!!!?

i am bringing in my skateboard for show and tell in speech and i need an easy trick that i can do so i don't look stupid i have benn working on an ollie but can't get it yet so i need something that i can just do for show and tell PLEASE HELP!!!!!

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Try a shove-it. It's when you pretty much jump, with one foot in the middle of the board, another on the tail and pretty much jump, so the board flips around once and you land on the bolts.

    Another is the caveman, hold the board by it's tail and swoop it beneath your legs, and let go when you land on the bolts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Type "old fashioned kickflip" into google and find a how to video. That, a shove-it, and a few other flatland tricks are all you can learn in that short of time. Just find some how to videos on YouTube or google.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    My first skateboard trick exchange right into a bs pop shov it. which potential you scoop it with your backfoot in the back of you and it shud merely spin a hundred and eighty ranges. once you spot it coming around stomp on it like a muther friggin mamoth leaping off the sears tower and roll away with steez... you shud get this one greater as you go on...

  • 1 decade ago

    try a casper, its when you have one foot under the board and one foot on top. then you flick the one on the bottom up and lift the foot on the top off. it spins like a kickflip, but is much,much easier.

    hope this helped email me at

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