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How will Republicans con the American public into playing Russian Roulette?

with their incomes when they campaign on balancing budgets by cutting more jobs?


Christine, if you have no logical input, just ignore the question.

Update 2:

Progressive/Liberal = socialists, don't act like you have actually read it. if you truly knew anything about the US Constitution, you will know it was made to change with the times. Even the founding fathers new that it needed to have that quality to surivive.

Update 3:

Islam Delenda Est, if you had any clue about economics, you would know free market is just autopian pipe dream. A little knowledge of History would also help you see that the power the government relinquishes is gained by corporations to create monopolies and prevent competition.

Update 4:

Pro Con, you may not be interested in cutting government or state jobs, but that is what Republicans are camapigning on.

Update 5:

Burning Beard, if no party is willing to put tarriffs back up, and use them to protect our businesses as most successful nations have used all throughout History, they are not going to increase private sector jobs growth.

Update 6:

Bulldog, go back to sleep.

Update 7:

Nate have you been paying attention?

maybe you should look back at previous months.

Obama isn't to blame for Ronald Reagan deregulating trade.

Update 8:

<<I've forgotten more about those subjects than you are likely to ever know.>>

Well nobody would ever know by your silly comments.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Republicans will try and scare people into believing that Democrats and Obama are "bad" for America and only the GOP can save them!

    (Like they "saved" us from the last two recessions? Like they "saved" us when they said "No!" to raising the minimum-wage? Like they "saved" us from the Wall Street sharks whom took many Americans for a ride, stole their life savings and dumped them on the streets afterwards? Or how about the time when the Republicans "saved" us from 9/11? Or when they "saved" us from those pesky phantom WMDs in Iraq?

    Yup: They sure do like to do a lot of "saving"! lol)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Republican con will be a simple one.

    They will just point out the lousy job the Democrats are doing.

    Of course if the voters wise up they will dump both parties. Neither is a friend to freedom, peace, or security.

    And you are wrong in your disdain for freedom. It's the free societies that prosper, not ones hampered by taxes, regulations, and tariffs. Don't tell me to study history or economics. I've forgotten more about those subjects than you are likely to ever know.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    We could act now on environmental matters, that could desire to have been achieved 2 many years in the past as quickly as we first new what replaced into taking place. they could spent a sturdy element of my funds on environmental motives, because of the fact that's the only maximum severe difficulty that has ever been. Screw the financial device, the place speaking approximately saving the international here. the way forward for our earth is doubtful and we are only performing now! somebody desires to hold a gun to all ranges of gov. and push this. If no longer the earth would be waterworld in a pair of generations. i do no longer understand lots approximately politics. i understand extra approximately technological information. Its time those 2 entities social gathering.

  • 1 decade ago

    You tell us. The Democrats did a wonderful job convincing people like yourself that "hope" and "change" is what makes the world go round. Forgiving campaign promises (which, ahem...are POLICIES that affect you) is akin to idiocy. And they couldn't possibly cut more jobs than Obama has. The ONLY job sector that has grown under him is GOVERNMENT. Those aren't revenue producers--they are tax payer revenue black holes. Save the partisan hackery though--I am an independent and don't have too much love for either party. But I have even less for those that still play this childish game where they bash one side while the one they support fully is in full speed ahead destruction. If you are missing that--your vote really didn't count.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My income will go up if the fundamentals improve. It's not Russian Roulette for me.

    Besides, I'm not interested in cutting government jobs, or government employee furlows. When I have to call them, I already wait on hold too long. I'm interested in government pay cuts!


    Additional Details directed at me:

    I know. My answer has more to do with the current state of the economy. When unemployment is up, government should NOT be shedding jobs, but tax revenue is down at the same time. Hmmm. What could be the short-term answer? Pay cuts! The average American is forced to live on less right now, why isn't the government?

    Ideologically, at least in a normal economy, I believe the federal government should shrink. Not go away, just shrink. Of the various levels of government I must submit to if I want to live in America, I think the local city/town is the most important and should have the most power. County next, then state, and finally federal.

    No where in our system do we need to focus more than education, yet California has been laying off teachers. The UC system is accepting less applicants for next year because of it. This is completely stupid when a pay cut achieves the same goal. Recessions are painful, but why must 10% of the teachers face catastrophic pain when they could all take a 10% pay cut, keep their jobs and achieve the same goal? Don't the 10% of teachers who now have no job saddle tax payers with a new burdon in addition?


  • 1 decade ago

    The only jobs the Government can cut are Government jobs. I don't have a problem with that. But, we need policies that allow private sector employment to grow, and I don't think either party cares about that. Honestly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let's see... if democrats stay in power, I know they steal my money, liberty, and freedoms. The democrats tripled the deficit in less then a year. The corruption is at an all time high, and socialism is kicking down the door.

    If we elect a republican, there's a chance it can be like '94-'06, prosperous and fun. I'll take the republicans. At least the corruption will go down, the spending will go down, and it's kind of fun listening to liberals make up all kinds of lies so they can whine like spoiled little girls.

    Source(s): Common sense...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Huh? We're the free market party. We do not advocate, nor have we ever advocated, a planned economy in which the government could decide to attempt to expand or contract the economy in such a manner.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Democrats are playing Russian Roulette with six bullets in the gun.

  • 1 decade ago

    85000 jobs lost last month on Obamas watch. They are already being cut. Now how its time for him to back up his claim that he can create them. Unemployment was only 5.8% at one time under Bush

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