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Jess asked in Science & MathematicsChemistry · 1 decade ago

Chemistry Gas Law Questions!!!?

1. What happens to the air pressure inside a tire of a car increase when the car i driven? Why?

2. Convert the following: pressure of 836 mm Hg to Torr? to atm? to kPa? How do you do this???

3. Covert the following pressure of 0.71 atm to mm Hg? To kPA? again how?

4. What are some examples of effusion?

5. What are some examples of gas diffusion?


2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. What happens to the air pressure inside a tire of a car increase when the car i driven? Why?

    As a car is driven friction causes the tire to heat up. The increased temperature of the tire causes the gas pressure to increase inside the tire.

    2. Convert the following: pressure of 836 mm Hg to Torr? to atm? to kPa? How do you do this???

    Find a table of conversion factors. 1 mm Hg = 1 torr; 1 atm = 760 mm Hg; 1 atm = 101.325 kPa

    836 mm Hg(1 torr/1 mm Hg) = 836 torr

    836 mm Hg( 1 atm/760 mm Hg) = 1.10 atm

    836 mm Hg(101.325 kPa/760 mm Hg) = 111 kPa

    3. Covert the following pressure of 0.71 atm to mm Hg? To kPA? again how? Look at the above examples and use them to work out this problem. It is just more of the same thing.

    4. What are some examples of effusion? In chemistry, effusion is the process in which individual molecules flow through a hole without collisions between molecules. This occurs if the diameter of the hole is considerably smaller than the mean free path of the molecules. An example of this is the escape of helium in a rubber balloon. Eventually the balloon will be deflated.

    5. What are some examples of gas diffusion? The activity of diffusion is demonstrated by the odor of a skunk which has been killed on the highway on a calm day. The odor will eventually permeate a large area due to diffusion of the skunk odor.

  • HPV
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1. The molecules of gas inside the tire acquire more kinetic energy as the car moves, so they hit the inside walls of the tire with more force, which increases the pressure inside the tire.

    2. 836 mm Hg = 836 torr (mm Hg = torr)

    836 mm Hg x (1 atm / 760 mm Hg) = 1.10 atm

    836 mm Hg x (101.3 kPa / 760 mm Hg) = 111 kPa

    3. 0.71 atm x (760 mm Hg / 1 atm) = 540 mm Hg

    0.71 atm x (101.3 kPa / 1 atm) = 71.9 kPa

    4. Effusion is movement of a gas molercule through a small hole. Effusion is one way to produce UF6 (uranium hexafluoride gas) which is enriched in U-235 isotope. That is, UF6 containing U-235 will pass through the hole at a slightly greater rate than UF6 containing U-238. U-235 is used in nuclear reactions.

    5. Diffusion - a gas spreading out over its entire volume. Open a bottle of perfume at one end of a room. Eventually the fragrance will reach the other end because of diffusion.

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