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Lou asked in Consumer ElectronicsHome Theater · 1 decade ago

Which receiver will allow me to get surround sound from Xbox360, PS3, and Cable Box all at once?


Is this even possible?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sure, you just need a receiver that has the proper number of inputs for your situation.

    The easiest way to connect everything is have your devices (PS3, 360, cable box) plugged into your receiver with HDMI, then have your receiver plugged into your HDTV with HDMI. The receiver will separate the audio and video signals on the HDMI cables and just pass the video signal to your HDTV. Any reasonable mid-range receiver should be able to do this.

    Another solution would be to have your devices plugged into your HDTV directly with HDMI, then run a separate optical audio cable from each device to your surround sound receiver. In this situation, you could get sound from either the TV and the receiver, giving you a bit more flexibility.

    Or you can use a combination of the two.

    Make sure you know how many inputs, of what type(s), and other features you need in your receiver. On Screen Display (OSD), for instance, is great as it makes it a lot easier to setup your receiver.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anyone that has enough inputs. Just make sure what cables will be running to the reciever and just make sure it has enough inputs for all components.

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