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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

poll: what do you think of the USA ?

and have you ever been to the USA ?


i am in new york state USA

40 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I love my home but sometimes it is a police state. I got a DUI like two weeks ago and it's been hell ever since.

  • 1 decade ago

    We're spoiled; easily suckered by ignorant religious fundies; our minds are full of sexuality that we don't really DO anything with so we're just voyeurs for the Hollywood hunks and bunnies; we're hard-working and friendly; we have a lot of trouble with other languages than English; our youth is uneducated about world geography and history.

    Our Land is beautiful and fertile. Our climate is habitable and good.

    Our politics are very confused and ignorant. We are under the control of accountants and lawyers.

    We are under the delusion that passing new legislation makes for improvement. Thus we are run by bureaucracies

    We mean well and are a good-hearted, often naive people. We don't know how lucky we are to have what we have, and we're losing it. We secretly love the French above all others. And we respect the Germans and Russians. We like our Jewish population but Israel is often a pain in the a**e.

    Our minorities are better treated than minorities anywhere else, and even white folks like me know that we will soon be a minority. Nobody here really speaks for ALL of us.

    We have considerable crime within our borders, even violent crime. But we are generally at peace, without riots, random bombings, on a daily basis. Now and again though, a school shooting or serial sniper reminds us that our social/mental health could use a lot of work.

    We trust doctors and pharmacies too much. 10-15% of us are addicted to alcohol and/or street drugs. 50% are habitualized to prescription medicines. We don't get enough physical exercise.

    Source(s): Born and still here, 1950---2010, sixty years, ex-American lawyer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    new york state USA huh!

    my uncle John Little air - conditioned caravan Miama Florida

    why do they need this in Florida?

    no i have never been to the good old US of A

    my dad went there to see our uncle

    he said it was like a FLYING WAREHOUSE

  • 1 decade ago

    I hate when Americans themselves diss the US. Usually people from other countries are ignorant enough to like the US.

    It's the most beautiful country on Earth I think! :) You have skyscrapers, than the desert, than rain forest, and they're starting to take care of it.

    But Americans automatically expect things to happen... spoilt brats they are... my family basically lives off the government :p and in any other country we'd be considered doing pretty good.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago


  • 1 decade ago

    I have been to the States and have to stay that I had a wonderful time, especially in New York

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, my case it different.

    My mom and dad are Indian but I am born in America so I have American citizenship.

    I don't remember anything out there. When I left from there I was only 5 so I just remember flashes.

    But to be honest, I love that place!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    been here all my life , and i think that the us should not get so involved with helping other countries we spend to much tax money helping people in other countries but what about all the poor *** people and kids here in our country . have you ever heard of another country feeding our children , giving medical treatment I for one have never seen it . but yeah i would not want to go any where else .

    Source(s): some of my own opinion
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I adore the the Americans I have worked with over the years.

    They are loud at times, but they have good hearts and only want what's best for their families. I do however feel they are taken advantage of, and feel it's time for some to ask those all important questions.

    You guys watch my brothers backs when they needed it, and they watched yours. So if my own family can say your worth the effort, then the least I can do is wish you all well.

  • Alien
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is a wonderful adventure and filled with so many different types of humans. I rather enjoy the place. Oh, and there are lots of alens here, also. It is our favorite haunt.

  • Bunge
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Never been there...

    I don't like the way religion is used in politics and that so many Americans are basically fanatical about their Christianity, and they have done zero research on the roots ot this religion...

    I do like the big highways I have seen and that there are hundreds of thousands of my HOG brothers & sisters in all 50 states where as a HOG member I would be welcome !!!

    HOG is Harley Owners Group and it is the biggest Motorcycle Club in the world !!!


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