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TH Family : so....I am leaving now:(?

these couple of months, there changes have been way too big for me to adjust. At first, I wanted to love everything there was about them and accept them for change, as everyone goes through changes right? But I just can't...because everytime I think of TH, I still think back to the zimmer 483 phase...bill is my favourite, but I still think of the lion mane hair him and that's what I loved.

To be honest, I've been feeling like this from the beginning. The fashion show yesterday just confirmed my thoughts even more. You would be kidding yourself if you say he is still the same person, obviously he is not. So...he turned into a much larger-scale celebrity, and though I'm glad for him, I am sad to see him change. I never thought TH was the stereotypical celebrity FAMOUS famous,,,if you know what I mean? But now, especially with bill being extremely skinny and wearing such girly pieces, nothing is genuine to me anymore=(

also, have you guys thought that MAYBE for a minute, he is gay? I know we don't want to believe, don't want to give in and believe the same as those haters such as perez hilton. We just don't want to see the real truth. He is acting on every part a gay man cant deny it..maybe it's his way of slowly telling the public what's his real sexuality.

I miss the old them so much it hurts...I'll always love them, but I feel empty inside for some reason...

also I realize yesterday, after all the time wasted on watching interviews, TH TV, fangirling over some hot pictures, those gave me such great memories...but I realize in the end, you will always get over them sooner or later. They will never know me, and me loving them and their music doesn't bring significant changes to I guess I'm less obssesive now=)

and also, here comes the 2 most important years of my high school life, I cannot have more time outside of studies to focus on this band alot..I need my grades to have a great future.

It was such a great moment of my life, I have never anyone the way I loved them, and I met so much people, they really changed me alot, so I will forever love and THANK them for that<3

POLL: tell me your opinions on them if you want, do you still feel the same of them?

so...I guess, goodbye=) i have alot of you on facebook anyway, so we'll stay remain friends<3


@ Me- aw thx alot for saying that, means alot to me <3

I feel so horrible you don't even know for thinking these things..but it is what it is and we cant bring back the past...

ofcourse I'll try to visit sometime[:

Update 2:

wow...thanks alot guys for saying Im a big part, I didn't expect alot of you to understand..

maybe once school and those other stressful stuff settle down, I'll come back...

I don't hold anything against TH, they are amazing guys, and that will never change, I'll always remain a fan, but not a crazed one like before.

This family and site was great too, it gave me a sense of welcome and closeness I found in no other forums, I'm so happy to know all of you, means a lot to me, I swear<3

thanks for the great times, the stars, the questions, the memories<3

16 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    The fashion show yesterday just confirmed my thoughts even more. You would be kidding yourself if you say he is still the same person, obviously he is not. So...he turned into a much larger-scale celebrity, and though I'm glad for him, I am sad to see him change. I never thought TH was the stereotypical celebrity FAMOUS famous,,,if you know what I mean? But now, especially with bill being extremely skinny and wearing such girly pieces, nothing is genuine to me anymore=(

    WHAT THE FREAKIN F#$%??!?!?!?

    You just said EVERYTHING I've been trying to say for the past couple of months. I just couldnt find words to get it across. I agree with everything you wrote here.

    gosh....idk what to say, normally if a TH fam member was leaving i would be kinda sad that they werent fans anymore and tell them not to leave but with you I totally understand why. I think I might stop being a fan in a couple of months too. I never personally knew them and I never ever judge people unless I know them personally but seriously--- i have to stop telling myself that Bill and TH didnt really change cuz i never knew them for real. Its kinda obvious now that they did change and i have to stop lieing to myself. I loved TH cuz they were so normal. I remember when i first starting loving them. I would watch vids of them on youtube and forget they were rockstars cuz they were so normal. i cant do that anymore. After seeing the fashion show yesterday, idk bill looked happy but idk he just seemed like a totally different person.

    and remember before when they were just a band. They never attended all these events and parties like all the american celebs (im american) and now they just seem like larger scale celebs just like you said. and theyre just famous famous and not relatable.

    did you see this vid that was out of bill and tom and dan and dean being interviewed together. bill was talking to dan and dean in a wierd way. it reminded of the way paris hilton and jefree star. u know idk how to explain it but its just this wierd fake way.

    ya i was thinking about this all day which was really stupid. I hate how they changed. im still a fan i guess but im just waiting to see if i was just mistaking myself and that the fashion show just gives off that kind of wierd impression. i guess i still have hope and its all filled with doubt. im not sure if all of TH changed though- it just seems like tom and mostly bill. its kinda sad. i spent so much time reading/watching interviews of them, listening to their music, learning german, lloking at their pics, fangirling lol it seems so pointless. theyre kinda the reason i have bad grades. and you have a point. im in my 2nd semester of my sophomore year and i really need to think about my studies and my future.

    seeing that fashion show changed the way i look at bill, he doesnt seem relatable anymore. when i first saw it i was like "woah" out of shock at his outfit. my next thought was "wow, bill have fun finding a girlfriend looking like that" ya he does seem kinda gay know but maybe im just stereotyping. w/e it doesnt matter since we're not getting him anyways does it.

    he just seems like an annoying celeb now. if you think about it, it all leads to the vmas. if it wasnt for the vmas they wouldnt have been so successful and so well known. im happy for them but u know... i liked when they were just that german band that noone in america knew about. seems like america and hollywood changed them. i guess its just what hollywood does to people. i dont think theyre drifting apart. the whole bill and tom vs. georg and gustav is stupid. if they wanted more attention they would have no problem with letting bill know. theyve known each other for 10 years and have nothing to hide. the thing that bothers me is that bill doesnt sing with feeling anymore like songs like geh and hilf mir fleigen.

    i feel so bad for saying this but this is how i feel. i feel bad cuz for one, TH and bill cant make all the fans happy and sometimes idk if they really changed or if its just me and im just so confused right now idk what to think. they changed my life so much and helped me grow so much. before when i heard people talk about how their fave bands helped them i would just think wtf... how can a band and thier music change you. it just sounded stupid to me. and now i know what those people mean. they would talk about the same things i would think aobut and go through and ya i never listened to bands before cuz i never found one that fit my taste. th were the first ones. and when i was voting for the vmas i kinda knew that they were gonna win the award and change. it makes me mad that everytime an artist or band get famous they always change. its so ****** messed up. i kinda get mad at myself for being too obsessed.

    anyways this is getting long, but i just wanna say that their bill probably never be a band as cool as TH was, and no other band will have that affect on me. not saying im leaving the fandom as of yet, but i might soon. im getting too annoyed and frustrated. but then again maybe i wont leave. but i think that all the fans one day will stop being so obsessed. and they should too. i mean, most of us are in our teens but our whole lives cant revolve around TH forever. whats gonna happen in like 20 years?? r we gonna be like that creepy lady who cared more about TH than her family. but again, TH changed me so much and i met so many cool fans cuz of them and i will always love them for that. They gave me the best time of my life 2 years ago.

    btw, ur still gonna be on Y!A right?? i know u emailed me a couple of months ago and im sorry i didnt get a chance to reply. email me if you want to talk. i feel like im losing a good friend or something. i sound like such a creeper lol. :P

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I dont get this, why are people being so... negative? Alright, we ALL love Tokio Hotel. And wether we joined The Tokio Hotel family, yesterday or 5 months ago. WE ARE ALL still part of a family, because we ALL love Tokio Hotel; and will do anything for them. Families stick together through the good and bad times, and work out problems, and i guess right now we have one. If someone feels differentley about what is happened to The Tokio Hotel family, and they want to leave - then let them. We cant stop them, and it's entirely their opinion. I'm not mad at anyone for leaving, nor am i mad at anyone joining. There are no sets of rules saying that once you joined the family, that you had too stay; we all have our own opinions and all now want we want within this family. And wether someone joined yesterday or 5 months ago, like i said. We all love Tokio Hotel right? And thats the main thing. Sure, we might have different opinions on things, or totally disagree with what someone says, but who said we have to agree or disagree on the exact same thing? No one. It dosent matter who answers, or what it's about; its all about expressing our love for Tokio Hotel. Monika said she will still love them as much as she does now, but just wont be answering questions, and that's fine. It's totally HER OPINION, not ours, and we shouldnt judge anyone. And im not sure, but if Summer is leaving, then thats fine to. Because these two people up their will still! love Tokio Hotel, but just because they dont write or answer about them everyday, dosent mean they love Tokio Hotel any less. We have to accept the fact, that the original members are gone... I joined around 4 months ago, and i love them as much as anyone else. People that love TH will be joining this website every single day, and they will want to be joining this group. We cant stop them, because they share the same intrest in what we do. We have to accept the fact, that EVERYONE is welcome in this group, and if some people arent or are happy..then its their opinion on what they want to think. I love the Tokio Hotel family, mainly because were unique. There is no other group on the internet like this. xo.

  • Well, I really don't know what to say to this. I'm friends with you on facebook, but it's not the same. I don't feel the same way as you with Bill, but that's really not the point I guess. We'll really really really miss you in here and I REALLY don't want you to leave - but obviously, they're nothing I can do. It's your choice :(

    Jilly's answer sort of made me wont to cry! You said that so well! This is really a DRAMATIC group hahah but that's ok. I think we're just emotion people lol I can give half of that credit to the band haha

  • omg... you say exactly what im feeling, just in better words with better phrasing...

    I think that if i had not known the old TH, and just discovered them now, I would not like them... At the moment, I just feel that I love the old them too much to give up loving the new them...

    Also, what Humanoid 483 says is completely true, but... I think I would rather pretend that the image of TH is the true them than try and imagine four pple completely different from what I thought they were... I just cant imagine it, and well... Ive always been a guilable person...

    I'm not going to try and stop you. I know exactly how you feel (I think...), so all i'm gonna say is that if you ever want someone to talk to, you can always email me on completely non TH related topics XD. Im sure the rest of the TH family would still want to stay in contact with you. I know I do XD

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Even though I dint know you well, It feels like a close friend is leaving the Family. I agree with everything you wrote, I really miss the old Tokio Hotel and there are just to many things to have to adjust to, it can be unbearable.

    If you feel this is what you should do, then we are going to support you 100%. If you ever need someone to talk to, we are here for you.

    Source(s): I*love*Bill*Kaulitz
  • 1 decade ago

    i feel the same. exactly the same.i know that changes can be good and everyone changes over the years. but its not the first time ive seen someone say they're not real anymore.for me its well sadly to say kinda hurts that eveything is becomming so blatantly ovbious. and i keep readding what everyones been wrtitignt he last couple of days and my opinion on all this keeps changing. and i guess im not so obsessed like i was anymore either. they have worked so hard to be where they are now. but something keeps giving me the feeling that its all well they're all drifting apart. like all these magazines and intwerviews of it mainly only being Bill and tom has to count for something? it used to be more of the four of them nowit seems like everyhting is just the two of them.

    and you're right. i know we dont wanna think the same as haters. but they're always been that questioni know he has said many a time that he'snot gay. but i agree he is starting to well look it, ithought that too at first when i first saw the catwalk pictures. so yeah maybe he is saying something like that.i nkow thats quite dissapointing for us girls to hear lol. sucks when a well goodlooking guy is gay.not for him just..well ya know what i mean right?? hope that didnt come out wrong :S

    and thats good to focus on your grades i think a few of us have to watch them i know i do.

    well it was nice talking to you and reading your questons and being able to awnser them.

    you'll be missed! xX <3

    ps: plz can i add you guys on facebook?? i don t have anyone other than on here and it would be lovely to chat outside of Y!A :)) xX <3

  • shabo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    OMG, finally somebody who feels like me!

    I LOVE Tokio Hotel....always will, always have but these days things are so confusing.

    I just don't know what to do anymore. I want to deny the evidence, the facts, the OBVIOUS but I just can't.

    Just like you, the fashion show also confirmed some feelings. I mean looking at those pictures I can't fully be confident to beleive that he hasn't changed.

    I beleive he is straight though because he's mentioned it in interviews and news.

    I trust him and would hope that he could never lie to us.

    I am still equally in love with them and all but you know, some things have changed for sure.

    I totally know how you feel and I think you're making the best choice for yourself.

    BUT, is it okay if we keep in touch through facebook?

    I love you too much to just say goodbye! :D

    I really appreciated your time in the family!

  • 1 decade ago

    I absolutely agree. I miss when they were in their Scream phase. His porcupine-like hair and Tom's dreads. Now he keeps trying to look like he's in a gang and Bill got dreadlocks. I kind of cringed at the sight, missing his unique like none other hair. He had such a great personality - all of them. Now they are just changing more and more, their music becoming more electronic. I miss songs like Forgotten Children and Scream. I miss the old TH, as well. I used to be so obsessed over them and now whenever their songs come up on shuffle on my iPod, I instantly hit next. I haven't listened to one of their songs since I heard their recent song, Automatic. It's okay, but it's not anything like they used to be. Deep lyrics, powerful meaning people could relate to, but now they're just drifting away, sounding like everyone else. And yes, I do think Bill might be gay now, although I have shoved away the thought numerous times, and didn't want to believe it. He will always look like a god in my sight, but I still miss his exotic hair and the way they ALL used to be.

  • Jilly
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    This is seriously the most dramatic group I have ever seen or known. Yet I love it so much. I agree with much u say.

    I really think Bill has depression. I've been recognizing so many signs of it in him. I've been sensing something like this for awhile. One of my brothers just got diagnosed with it and it's quite noticeable, like he's suddenly more of this bipolar guy, he's completely different. And the way Bill has been, even when he smiles, it's like the same thing. But it's not him there anymore, it's the negative debbie downer on his shoulder that just makes him feel this empty hole. It horrible looking at his face cuz u can just read his feelings.

    This next part isn't directed to you, just want to make that clear :)

    About the gay thing... I don't like accusing or seeing others accuse those they don't know personally as being gay. It's like back in the days when Blacks were seen as horrible ppl, so when ever I hear someone say that person is so gay it's like their saying it's so shocking and horrible and disappointing that their love is is disgusting. Anyways, I can honestly say i mean REALLY with the purest truth in my heart, and if i was religious i would even swear on a bible, that I do NOT think Bill is gay. His hand motions, his walk, voice, the way he looks at people, his body language, and etc. It doesn't scream gay to me at all. For many reasons and examples and experiences. i think the most Bill could be is Bi curious. Which I'm sure most people have been at some point. Just thoughts but never wanting to actually do it.

    Like this: 0<===3 <3!!....o.O ... 8===><===3... :p, nah.

    I've only known Tokio Hotel since late June of 09. At first I didn't really care for the guys but loved their music. Yet i still had this odd fascination of Bill. Eventually I grew to adore all the guys. Then to obsessed. I was already a frequent user of Y!A. Answering any kind of question. Then a few weeks after knowing of TH I started to suggest TH music. In the answer I would write all excited about how great they are and how the are like no other, even with their fans from all over, of different backgrounds, cultures. Yet, there is never a language barrier between any of us and blah blah blah. I was so awed. Then I discovered this lil TH family on Y!A. I was so excited. And what made my experience even better was all the excitement and love u all had for something I also loved dearly. All the energy was contagious and brightened my mood to talk with such huge lovable dorks. Then even more excitement with the new CD, then the getting rid of the dreads to have the Billhawk.

    Now where are we? Yes, Bills changing is changing my mood a bit, but what has actually been making feel so sad is this fandom here. The energy is practically all gone. If we were all still as positive as we were before, all this Bill dramatic changing and TH sound would not have affected me so much. but u know what they say, others moods are contagious.

    Now, I'll stop with this cuz it's going no where haha. But from now on I'm stopping with my negative comments of the band. If I do, someone virtually slap me. All this drama going on has actually been taking a toll on my real life, which is pathetic of me so I want to do something about it and be optimistic about TH whether I like it or not. Hopefully others will join. Even if ur love is dead (XD), less pessimism would be nice.

    I'm glad and honored to know such accepting souls as all of u fans. Cuz from the beginning of the band years so many would bash TH cuz of their looks, say they should die, think of them as scumm just for trying to stick out from an average person yet all of u accepted the boys for who they were. That is such an amazing and beautiful characteristic to have. Everyone, I hope u feel better and find ur inspiration.

    Ok, back to you now! Sad to see u go. Hope to see more videos form u. You were such a big part of this Fam here and no doubt about ti, you will be missed. Wish to see u occasionally here, whether its TH related or not.

    Kwaheri :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I am going to agree with you. after that fashion show I dont know, I just dont feel attracted to him anymore. I liked him ALOT i thought it was impossible to ever lessen my admiration for this man but now I dont know how it happened but it happened and I am no longer into him. I also am leaving this fandom it was great fun. they are good people but my heart just aches and it doesnt feel the same. and I am quite sure that he is gay so wish him all the luck to be strong and come out and stop needing to lie and you are blind if you say he isnt gay. hope he finds happiness in his life because he is just the sweetest soul.

    I’m glad to see others feel the same because i was rejecting my own thoughts, how could i be over him? I dont understand how it is not the same but it really isnt the same. There is a major difference and you Know it. Now he is more of Out of Reach kind of a being. Its like saying R.I.P. to the old era bill. Change is inevitable and you obviously cant stop that. It is sad cause of the fact that no matter how much you wish to see that “schreeeii” bill , but He wouldnt be able to go back to his past. and that is why it is So hard to bear, because he may or may not know he has changed but there is no way he can undo that because he can not see the gradual changes but outsiders can ..Fans like us who loves him for his unique.. THE MOST unique soul. so it does hurt us like when you lose someone close to you, you cant bring them back. the thing about loving bill was .. that he felt like a famous yet verry normal person so there was a emotional connection between him and us but now that all changed and it just feels empty and he just seems like just another rockstar. we see him, we like him, we enjoy what he does.. but emotionally those feelings are dead.

    Don’t get me wrong I am super proud of everythin he has accomplished and the runway he has conquered. I am proud his dreams are coming true but you know you gain something you lose something. and I am so depressed that I cant even force myself to get my feelings back for him..because it was the sweetest feeling. bill kaulitz is a surreal special being and now he has finally flown over to the top where he is unreachable and our connection to his mind and emotions has been cut off. :( R.I.P. to those emotions. wish I could've kept those wonderful feelings.


    so farewell

  • yes, he has changed but what has changed is only what we can see on the outside.

    I forgot who said it but it was true and she basically said that we don't know Bill personally so, who are we to judge? he can be the exact same but how are we suppose to know? we only get to see the pictures and interviews and that's only a little bit of who they actually are.

    about that who gay thing. yes, I have thought about it and it doesn't bother me at all.

    I support homosexuality so it's not a big deal for me. if Bill's gay, then he's gay.

    I would support him no matter what.



    btw it was Humanoid ►483◄ who said that! xD

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