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What will be the result of premarital sex?

suppose a girl of 20 gets pregnant, by her boy friend who assure her for marriage and had sex regularly.

Later he refuses for marriage

but courageous girl continues pregnancy and give birth to child

what shall be legal position.

what will be the fate of girl

This question is for those boys & girls who r indulge in premarital sex

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the boys make lots of promises while trying for having sex with girls and once they had their attitude changes towards the girl the position of girl and that too pregnant before marriage becomes very pathetic and it needs courage to give birth to a child alone that's without getting married. indian society is yet to give respect to child born out of love than wedlock. the actual sex act should be avoided at all cost or condom should be used by male if it has to happen pregnanny will rob fun of pre marital sex if it results in pregnancy

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Legally the boy is still responsible for taking care of girl & the child. In Indian context there will be a lot of hue & cry over the pre marital child but either the guy has to marry the girl or has to face jail for luring the girl into sex after promising marraige

  • 1 decade ago

    well legaly this new born child has a dna that says abt his or her father with that a court can order this child as the son or doughter of the guy and this child have full rite to have any property and any asset on her father name however a rape case could be brought as that she did not report it at the time of rape due to social or family pressure and he the boyfriend said if she told abt this sex and baby to any one he would kill her child and her so under post trouma she feared ding and was left with no option rather than giving birth to father less child ,,,,,,she can say now she is in court coz this child needs a father name and u know who did this to u because he was once a friend and attacted without announcing or never let her react the victim this will clear the court that they were in relationship dont hide being in relation with this guy but say u never agreed to have sex he forced it when u were alone remember to remember most things as they were dont chance the place u had it dont cahange time or date u can just change is that u were saying no and he forced and being female u had to give up

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He dumped you..99% of boys promise before sex and they forget it and the girl after sex It is girl's foolishness to bileve boys in this matter. If you still wanna continue with your pragnancy and give birth to your child ...I would be so horrible for you and especially for your child once he/she has come to knw the world. Don't ever try to kill your child psychologically. Avoid his or her birth. Forget that boy and get married to someone who loves you but don't dare to reveal this secret. If you still wanna give birth you must get away from this country becuase you and your child will be humiliated people around you. Western society accept this but Indian kind of traditonal societies won't...and I a boy 27

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  • 1 decade ago

    Gosh!!!! Look at the answers, they are just 2D answers. Let me remind you of another dimension you are not considering or may be you are missing. How does that child feel about himself all through his life. Its not just about the man and women. Neither of the three would be happy in the future for sure. Sorry for being rude. But don't mess with that child's life. The result would be terrible. If you want to have sex, have it but protected . period.

    Source(s): My Heart :-|
  • 1 decade ago

    He must take care of the child....

    From my own experience, a girl that I grew up with and always liked had this problem, I was single when I arrived home from the army...I saw her at a skating ring, she told me the story and I ran from her. It takes a very strong guy to take the child as his. I do know many guys who have done the opposite than I did. My standards for myself and others is very high...

  • Aryan
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Legal Position is very clear on that child has all the rights to everything that his fathers ancestral property.If court order which in most cases they do. they the boy has to bear all expenses.

    Fate of the Girl is if she proves that he has cheated, they she also has same right.

    Source(s): personal
  • 1 decade ago

    Both should have been aware of these things. Since its too late, boy should take the responsibility of their child.

    I know this does not work out in real life but. however one of them have to take decision.

  • 1 decade ago

    Avoid sex before marriage, if you are already in process take legal advice from advocte

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