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band hero consoles compatible with beatles rockband software (Wii)?

I'm thinking of buying the rock band band hero set for wii but also would like to buy the beatles game aswell,

can anyone let me know if the consoles (guitar, mic and drums) that come with band hero complete band are compatible with the beatles rockband software for Wii please :)


2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All Guitar Hero/Band Hero instruments work for all Guitar Hero games,Band Hero and Rockband 2 and every Rockband game made after Rockband 2 eg Rockband Beatles for the Wii.

    However, Rockband instrument only work within Rockband games and cannot work with Guitar Hero games Band Hero.

    Your best option is to buy the Band Kit for Band Hero and buy the Rockband Beatles game.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not 100% sure, but i remember reading that they do work together

    Source(s): Beatles game info site
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