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What will be the result of premarital sex?

suppose a girl of 20 gets pregnant, by her boy friend who assure her for marriage and had sex regularly.

Later he refuses for marriage

but courageous girl continues pregnancy and give birth to child

what shall be legal position.

what will be the fate of girl

This question is for those boys & girls who r indulge in premarital sex

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hi monica, appreciate the bold step you took in hammering against premarital sex. This consequences is great it ranges from single parent, exposure to Stds, Hiv and Aids and others. Please young ones especially girls you stand at the receiving end of the effect. ABSTINANCE IS THE KEY

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well, she can't force him to marry her, and I don't see why she would want to make him marry her if he didn't want to anyway... But she can make him give her money to support the child (if he doesn't already support the child). So the only legal action that the woman could take would be to get child support (payments for things that the child needs) out of him. She can get money. But she cannot legally force him to be a good father, or to marry her and live with her and the child. If he does support the child, does take care of the child, and does help pay for the needs of that child, then she can't really do anything legally, because he's already doing what he is supposed to be doing in the first place. The girl can raise the child by herself, or allow the father to be involved in the life of the child (which he should be, and she should absolutely let him care for the child; if she does not, then HE can take legal action against HER), or she can find a new man and if that man loves the child, he might be a father figure for the child. She can get a job and make enough money to take care of her child and herself, and support herself and her child. She can get government assistance as well. (This is all legal information for the USA, though, so if you do not live here, I am not sure of the legality of your situation in your country)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is the responsibility of woman not to indulge in sex before marriage if at all she wants to avoid all the consequences. They should never allow their male partners to have sex before marriage.

    Men are sex oriented (they are not bothered about the consequences) - women are security oriented.

    You have no legal or social support if you give birth to a child without marriage.

    You can go to court against the person who took advantage of your ignorance.

    You can also lodge a complaint with the police and take their help.

  • 1 decade ago

    In India, Law is strict in these cases.

    But yes, it depends on the lawyers, how they handle the case.

    The girl got pregnant, its her mistake.


    the guy promised her to marry and continued having sex and then did not marry her, case can be built around this fact. I read a similar situation in news paper around 3 years ago & as i can recall, boy was made to marry the girl, through court.

    But, the girl needs to be strong enough to sustain the vulgar questions of defending lawyer.

    At best, Girl's fate is that, She will get married with a guy who does not love her at the time of marriage & future love is not guaranteed. Children might also face the bash.

    All in all difficult scenario.

    Source(s): I presume you are from India. I know little about Law, due to one subject in studies and thru news items. Last & the hurting one :) I am not indulged in PM Sex
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  • 1 decade ago

    No one would accpept the fact and the girl will faces lots of challenges making the her life ver miserable.

    Girl doing this can not be called as couragous in today's world.

    Legally the guy is free as he is not married to the girl.

    The girl will invite problems, troubles n thts all. She herself will repend on her fate.

    The best advisable thing to do is have safe relations and enjoy the beautiful life. Use condoms to avoid STDs, HIV risks. Today who guarantees to be free from these deadly infections??? LIFE gets the worst pathetic after these infections. Beware of these.

    All the best.

  • 1 decade ago

    The male partner shall be free after competing the course, but the female shall suffer because she would not remain virgen and even if she could not marry this man,the new man shall not tolerate the fact that she had intercourse with another man and therefore, the females should not allow the male to have sex before marriage.

    Source(s): my view.
  • 1 decade ago

    The fate of the girl is that she becomes a mother. If the father's name is on the birth cirtificate, he would have to pay childcare.

    If she married him, then he left, he'd still have to pay childcare.

    Marriage isn't the issue. Faithfulness is!

    Marriages break down too. Besides, it's not always about the man's bad behaviour. In an equal world, we are ALL responsible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gosh!!!! Look at the answers, they are just 2D answers. Let me remind you of another dimension you are not considering or may be you are missing. How does that child feel about himself all through his life. Its not just about the man and women. Neither of the three would be happy in the future for sure. Sorry for being rude. But don't mess with that child's life. The result would be terrible. If you want to have sex, have it but protected . period.

    Source(s): My Heart :-|
  • 1 decade ago

    by going through the answers of all learned people my opinion is that the damage to the life of girl is far more and which can not be compensated by any thing.

    mistakes of girl

    She should have denied sex before marriage.

    she did not use any protection,

    end result is that

    premarital sex is not suitable for indian girls

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to go to conservative churches that teach that abstinence crap, and I learned that the leaders of these churches actually crack jokes about 30 and 40 year-old virgins behind their backs. Now I just send my Christian friends to the site below which debunks the whole thing against premarital sex in the Bible. It covers same-sex lifestyles too. I hope it helps you.

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