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Installed RAM now having problems?

My computer knowledge is somewhere in between Basic and Advanced

I had four 256 RAM chips(?) and i took them out and put one 500 something RAM chip and three 256 RAM chips

everything played out well i did it nice and quick... BUT when i turn on my computer the screen flickers and windows xp loads up two times but i only have one OS on my computer

after like 5 minutes it actually loads to the desktop and my programs open perfectly but my screen flickers every 10 seconds for a duration of 5 seconds and my computer gets very slow

What could i have done wrong? i didn't touch any cables cause the inside of my computer is very neat and organized, perhaps i installed the RAM facing the wrong way? or do i need to do something special to accustom my PC to the new RAM? before i had 900 something MB ram and now with the new one i have 1.8GB RAM

please help me cause this computer is my main one

Now i said earlier that i am somewhere in between a basic and advanced user well thats true im somewhat advanced when it comes to the computer but as dumb as a blonde when its anything inside my computer but even so im pretty sure i did verything right, the RAM is tightly secure in its place

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You didn't give much information so there could be a few things:

    1. Wrong type of RAM--Some computers require specific types of RAM to operate; the limitation is different depending on the motherboard but there will be some limitations.

    2. Static--Did you grounded yourself? Did you use an anti-static pad or wrist strap to discharge static electricity.

    3. Have all of them been inserted properly into the slots?

    Best solution? Make sure that the RAM you are adding match the existing RAM in type, speed, and parity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You probably didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes when memory is combined with different types/brands of memory it doesn't always play nice. It might be that the new and old memory just don't work together, in which case your going to need to get more of the new stuff and ditch the old entirely or stick with the old stuff.

    The other possibility is that the new memory is faulty. This can happen, and it does occasionally. I believe that xp has a memory diagnostic tool that you can run. Look for something probably called "Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool" or something similar. It will want to run the next time you reboot your computer. If you run this and it finds errors with the memory, you can probably return it because that means it is defective.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can think of two possible problems.

    1: Can't tell you how many times I've seen problems when installing RAM simply because they were NOT inserted fully/properly.... Remove them and reinstall. You night try removing one at a time to see if your computer works properly, then you'll know which one is causing problems.

    2: Your motherboard may brequire you install RAM of equal amounts to work properly. Check your manual or the cpmuter's maker's website.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its interesting that memories affect the display..anyway try to isolate by reverting back to our original config..put everything back the way it was and confirm if the issue disappears, its not hard to do.

    It did not add up above, your new chip is maybe 512MB and is you were close to 1GB before, your total memory should be around 1.2GB after upgrade..and you said you got almost 2GB. Make sure they are all the same specs. Try booting the pc with one RAM only..the biggest one, see if the issue remains.

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  • 1 decade ago

    run your pc with the new RAM u have bought to see if the problem persists.if it does then try changing it on different slots.

    while installing a RAM just arrange it like: first will come 512mb ,n then the rest in descending order.

    good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did you make sure all the RAM is the same speed? Are you sure it is compatible with the motherboard? It might need to be installed in pairs!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    you need to pair your ram 2-500gb and 2- 256gb

  • 1 decade ago

    If there was anything wrong with your RAM, it wouldn't boot.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well it seems that you might have to have a video card installed.

    Source(s): I had the same problem.
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