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Pick a phobia, any phobia!?

There are so many phobias in the world, there's probably a phobia of phobias! What is your phobia, or what do you think it would be if you had one?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Some people are afraid of heights....not me, I'm afraid of widths."

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have axactly the same problem as you. I thought if i could get my little girl to grow up not afraid of spiders, she'd be the one able to put them outside. Keeping my phobia rational is flippin hard though. I got up one morning with my daughter (we were on our own that day) and there was a HUGE spider hanging from the air vent over the sofa. I didn't scream or panic but stayed in the kitchen and watched it while i called my Dad to come and dispose of it. Ironically she is now petrified of ants. Which i am fine with. And her younger brother screams his head off when a plane flies over. Kids will get scared of anything for an extra hug. I think as long as you reasure them and not let them get silly about things their fear won't stick.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only thing I know of that I'm really scared of, is....Other people reading my mind! I know it's weird but I can't help it. Just the thought of someone knowing what I'm thinking gives me the shivers. Google says I may have a psychotic condition. I'm scared of going crazy too! Those are the 2 things I'm scared of. I haven't told anyone yet of my 'thought broadcasting'. There's a few people on the web like me, I haven't contacted them yet either...I don't wanna go crazy :( I think I am though.

    Edit: I don't actually think people can read my mind. But, like all phobias, it's irrational while you're not confronted with it, but when you are, you can't help it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Phobophobia – fear of having a phobia.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Fear Of Heights

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Earwigs i HATE them with a passion,ergggghhhhh!

  • 1 decade ago

    Swallowing pills... yea. I'm afraid I'll choke.~

  • 1 decade ago

    mice? is mice a phobia. i hate them, there so scary and gross

  • SueBee
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Arachnophobia. I have a fear of spiders.

  • there isnt a real name for it but im afraid of being afraid

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