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Is Anyone Sick Of Leftists Calling The EDL ( English Defence League) Racist?

I know i have asked this question before but the habit is getting worse it seems anyone who wants to challenge extremist Islam is racist in the eyes of the blinkered left . They want to ban patriots from marching on our own streets and displaying our own flag yet don't seem to have a problem with Muslim hate clerics spouting there poison . It seems the real extremists are the leftist UAF which is a SWP front which supports censorship for English/British patriots time in my opinion to tell them to get lost its our country and we will defend its culture and free speech!


Mr Hairyman yes it is a problem with some real racists on EDL marches but they don't represent the position of the EDL and there have black and asian members if you support free speech and oppose islamic extremism ( Sharia law etc) then the EDL is with you. The UAF opposes free speech and labels anything patriotic like displaying your national flag racist ust check out SWP weirdo Martin Smith on Youtube.

Update 2:

David Cameron is a wet liberal sell out it does not suprise me he supports a SWP front.

Update 3:

Princess i would take what Searchlight say with a pinch of salt it is run by leftists and hasa very warped understanding of what real racism and fascism is.

Update 4:

L what can i say but typical leftist non answer

Update 5:

Wensleyd i believe in a free country where people of all political beliefs can march and broadcast there views its a cornerstone of our democracy the left seem to want to create a state ( or region of the EU) were only a PC metropolitan ideology is accepted . The accusation of BNP connections is a dead end there might indeed be some members with past membership or association but thats like banging on about Labour members being Communists or Trots there is indeed such members in Labour. But of course thats fine to lefties only patriots are a problem in there little world.

Update 6:

Mr Hairyman no im not saying all supporters of the UAF want censorship and banning of certain parties but the main organisers of the group is the SWP which does i should know i am a former member of such party and there support suppressing free speech and see patriotism as wrong and racist.I do not believe challenging and highlighting extremist Islam is racist at all or do i believe celebrating and defending our culture and values is either.

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is an unfortunate time we live in that patriotism can now be conceived as being xenophobic or racist. The problem with groups such as the English Defence League and British National Party is some members links to groups such as the National Front. The BNP argues that it's members that were in the NF were the less militant and racist ones, only interested in the defence of British values and in effect that's what the British National Party is today: a non-racist, non-violent group.

    Neither group is racist and allow members from all communities, in fact a documentary on ITV about the EDL had a multi-cultural band of members burning a swastika to highlight this (it was a bit surreal). The problem is they speak out about areas such immigration and national identity which few others will openly discuss. As these can be branded as "racial areas" it's easy for other parties to brand them racist. They are also a big threat in areas to Labour seats so there has been a quite public media campaign to smear their names.

    It sickens me that people like the Unite Against Fascism are all for free speech and will probably defend anti-British sentiments made by some people, however play the "Fascist" card against the patriotic speech.

    I was once told when someone refers to something you do or say as being "fascist" "like what Hitler would do" or cries "Nazi" then the debate breaks down into shambles. Using this sentiment: although I dislike the garbage the UAF spew out, on the other hand I see it as counter productive to their cause and will probably help aid the causes of the UDL and BNP. As most of their arguments end up with someone referring to a despot or some event with no relevance to what's going on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely. The EDL have absolutely no affiliation to the BNP, however, members and supporters of any political party can attend demonstrations, as long as they don't try and promote their party while there. EDL protests, unfortunately, do attract a small minority of racists, and other people intent on causing trouble. At their last protest in Stoke, a senior police officer stated that the trouble makers constituted a very small minority of the protesters. There were in fact 17 arrests, and I believe 4 of those 17 were charged. Not too bad as there were at least 1,500 present. The reason that UAF didn't cause any trouble on this occasion, was probably because they were outnumbered by at least 5/1. EDL are not against Muslims, but are against Radical islam. EDL have coloured members, and are open to people of any ethnicity and religion. EDL slogans include "Black and White Unite" and "Against Radical Islam, Nazi's and Communism" (i.e. any totalitarian ideology).

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i do no longer understand everyone in any respect who's a rasict. Is it some sort of religious sect? they are able to ban EDL whilst they end allowing human beings like Hamza scream their spittle-flecked abuse at my usa mutually as residing right here for unfastened with all his scum supporters. in case you're taking your head out of your backside for a couple of minutes, you'll be able to certainly see what is going on in Britain. If (and somewhat in all danger whilst) there's a civil war in this usa, it could have been led to via a mix of recent Labour immigration coverage, ill, racist thugs like Hamza, Islamic radicalism and ghetto development and bloody stupid prats, residing of their leafy suburbs without thought in any understand of what's certainly happening interior the genuine international.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The EDL has some fine principles, but I am afraid they do themselves no good by openly seeking violent confrontation. Much of what they say is very valid but that will get lost in the mire if they cannot use diplomacy and reason.

    Of course what you say about the Government cow towing to the Muslim extremists is true and I find it very frustrating myself.

    We do have a very serious problem with the Islamic nutters who want to control everything and who also have no problem using extreme violence to make their point.

    Do I want rid of them, yes. But lawfully and with respect to those muslims who have no desire to do anything other than work and live in the community.

    It is a diplomatic nightmare because accusations of racism or fascism are usually the first things that come from the mouths of those that are too blind to see the actual problem.

    The EDL would get more support if they were to use their considerable resource to table the issues in a rational way, and not get involved in extreme activities. Yes march to protest their point, but no, do not seek confrontation.

    A better choice will be the British Sovereign Democrats who plan to launch in 2014. They want what the average British citizen wants, the difference is that they know how to get it and they do not tar everyone with the same brush.

    Their manifesto will be released in 2014 and I think that they will at last offer an alternative to the current weak and ineffective politicians who are in no small part responsible for the mess that is our current immigrant situation.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well extremist Islam is not so much racist if you convert to Islam you're okay unless it is one of the heretical versions a bit like the catholic church in the middle ages. The English Defence League certainly claims not to be racist yet it behaves in racist way but then they are bunch of people who are no longer represented by the Government. They are ignored and used and abused, and relegated to second class status by an ideology which is racist.”

    The BNP has designated the EDL a “proscribed organisation” but, according to the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, that is standard practise for the party when attempting to establish 'deniability’


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    damn right i am and all the people saying some of there members have given nazi salutes need stop being so narrow minded so because a couple of them give nazi salutes they assume all EDL members of nazies by that thinking because a some UAF members wave communist flags all UAF must be commies because a couple of british muslims are terrorists all muslims must be terrorists there is a word for this kinda thinking is called prejudice

  • 1 decade ago

    Is it right having right wing skinhead racist thugs causing trouble in our streets? Get over it. Everyone knows that the EDL are the active wing of the BNP (no matter how much dick sniffin denies it). EDL are perfectly entitled to demonstrate and everyone else is allowed to call them fascists. It's a free country and will remain so unless a miracle happens and the BNP are elected.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a leftist who calls the EDL racist, let me clarify my position

    - Patriots marching on our own streets and displaying our own flag = no problem

    - an all white group marching through the streets giving nazi salutes and shouting 'pakis out' = problem

    - Muslim hate clerics spouting poison = problem

    - Muslim with differing views to mine, but still legal genuine views = no problem

    EDIT: So the people I cite in EDL are extremists and on the fringe, but the one guy you cite in UAF is a regular normal example of everyone in UAF, yeah?

  • 1 decade ago

    If you click the link below, you can see the Nazi salutes given at EDL rallies. Not just on one occasion, but several.

    To me, that means that the EDL are racist. Or is there another excuse?

    As you can see, I am proud to display the St Georges Cross. I do not see that as racist. I do see Nazi salutes as racist.

    I have met Muslims. I have worked with some as well. Like with all groups of people, there are those I like, and those I do not like. I have yet to meet a nice Nazi.

  • Wolfie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's not just 'leftists'. Tory leader David Cameron is very clear about it too. That's why he's a member of Unite Against Fascism, (UAF).

    At their recent riot in Stoke EDL members booed and heckled black and Asian people who were there as EDL speakers. They received nazi salutes from the EDL supporters.

    Racist enough for you?

    Interesting that some Tory 'supporters' on here label Tory leader David Cameron a 'fascist'. Not only that, a 'red fascist' to boot. If you ignore the obvious contradiction in terms you would wonder if the Tory party actually want these people to speak for them lol

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