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Hanna:D asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

please help me my dog might be hurt? please please read all?

his name is lucky and hes adorable. i love him and hes five years old. today my dad brought me hom something form starbucks. im not sure what it was but it was the size and shape of a muffin and full of chocolate chips. i hate half and put it back in the little bag. i was stupid enough to leave it on my couch and a little while later i heard my dog sniffing around and when i looked the bag was empty on the floor. i looked everywhere around the house where he could have stashed it but its gone. so he ate it. hes a small dog; shih tzu poodle mix. he looks like this: but hes smaller (8 and a half pounds) do you think he will be okay? im worried. and please dont say i should take him to the vet. my parents refuse, they think hes fine. thank you.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    From the website:

    Poison by chocolate can occur quickly if your dog had a large amount, but sometimes even small amounts will show signs of poisoning within a few short hours. Symptoms include vomiting and diarrhea, restlessness and hyperactivity, and he or she might even go to you for help and answers. Symptoms will progressively get worse from restlessness to arrhythmia and other muscle twitching. Frequent urination is common, a direct side affect of the toxin in chocolate.

    If you know your dog had chocolate and even the first signs develop, call a veterinarian right away. If you are unaware of your dog eating chocolate but develop these symptoms, this might also be a sign of another poison and you need to find a doctor immediately. If symptoms in chocolate poisoning don’t decrease at this point, they will probably increase to hyperthermia and seizures, which can quickly escalate to a coma.

    Show this article to your parents so they know what to look for.

    Good luck.

    And when you have a dog in the house, you have to be super careful with chocolate. I'm sorry you had to learn this lesson the scary way...

  • 1 decade ago

    'Cookie' is right. don't worry about it. just keep an eye one the dog. yes, chocolate is not good for dogs, but the chances of him dieing of chocolate chips is small. if you have a regular vet (who you get shots from etc.) you can usually call them up and ask them questions during the week.

    Cookie=He will most likely be fine other than possible diarrhea, and maybe slight vomiting. The chocolate chips used are pretty small and the amount probably wouldn't be enough to be fatal to your dog. Keep an eye on him. See if there are any changes in his behavior. Any lethargy, loss of appetite, etc. I'm sure he's fine. Next time, don't leave it within his reach.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He will most likely be fine other than possible diarrhea, and maybe slight vomiting. The chocolate chips used are pretty small and the amount probably wouldn't be enough to be fatal to your dog. Keep an eye on him. See if there are any changes in his behavior. Any lethargy, loss of appetite, etc. I'm sure he's fine. Next time, don't leave it within his reach.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's probably fine, the choc in a star bucks muffin is not the 75% cocoa solid type choc, its less rich and therefore less of problem to your dog.

    He may have an upset tummy, possible diarrhea or sickness.

    If it seems very unwell, and it hasn't stopped then take him to the vet, but this is unlikely.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Although chocolate isn't the best thing for a dog, I'm sure he will be fine :)

    if not, go online. Search up doggy no-no's, or tell your parents you would like them to call the vet. Don't worry. Just give him water to wash it down.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think he'll be fine. My kitten ate a bit of a hoho cake and my parents refused to take her to the vet as well, but she's still alive. If he's acting funny or sick, then yeah....a vet would be required. But if he seems normal, then I think he'll be fine.

  • 1 decade ago


    If it looks like a muffin, smells like a muffin - it is probably a muffin.

    I'm sure your dog will be fine. Just watch him. He may have some loose stool but that's probably about it.

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in the adventure that your canine is unquestionably knowledgeable to go away the kitten on my own, you ought to have not got any issue. in any different case, your canine resents no longer being #a million on your existence and now she would not choose to share you. For the kittens sake, locate it yet another abode or your canine could do it harm once you're no longer looking.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    the amount of chocolate chips in a half of a starbucks scone is not lethal to dogs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your baby will be fine.Just make this a learning experience.Dogs must stay away from dark chocolate.and it would take a Pretty good bit to kill your baby.

    Source(s): Breeder if small pomeranians for 20 yrs / R.N.
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