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What are your tips for a Healthy, Happy Life / Mind?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    wuwei never fight against nature, flow with everything that comes your way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Eat good food, plenty of veg.

    Drink plenty of water

    Keep clear of stimulants, just having them as a little joy here and there (Coffee, tea, Cola drinks, alcohol, tobacco, high sugar)

    Be open to change, accepting the useful rejecting the gimmick

    Meditate each day

    Explore your limits, knowing there will be things beyond you at the moment. There is so much more once you know how.

    Discover your empathy, non judgmental, congruent self.

    And this above all, be true to thy own self and as night follows day you can be force to no man (or woman)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    One thing that was missing from the diet is all the crap we eat. Like high fructose corn syrup in place of sugar and pretty much anything man-made that's not really food. So just switching to all natural foods with only real ingredients will help a lot.

  • 1 decade ago

    did you watch the BBC2 Horizon -Don't grow old, last night? It says it all - all the centenarians in the study were happy ppl, didn't think of being health conscious or anything like that!

    Be happy no matter what goes on around you.





    THAT'S IT!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No drugs legal or illegal is at the top of my list, unless it's temporarily for severe physical pain. This is a big one, because the enemies of R&S have been pumping mega-money into making Drugs, "Oh So Popular" and "The Thing To Do", see...So, get very smart about what the enemy is up too...What ever the Materialists are for, I am automatically against, because I know what these loon's are about, and it sure is not the betterment of Mankind...

    You, are the one who observes, evaluates and decides,

    What is true for you is true and what is not true for you is not true...

    So be very, very, very, careful what you "agree" with...

  • RC
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    God asked Cain...

    Why has your countenance fallen?

    roughly translated.... Why do you look so bummed out?

    Then God gave Cain this great bit of wisdom...

    If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up?

    roughly translated ... If you do what's right won't that make you feel better?

    Tip: Open God's Word and learn ALL about what's right and do it.

  • Strega
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Don't dwell on the negative and things you have no control over

    Do something fun everyday

    Learn something new everyday

    Be kind to yourself and others

    Own a pet

    Just off the top of my head

  • Yoda
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Blah Blah Blah,, all these WORDS seeking "security", which is a word which doesn't exist in reality!

    Security (freedom from care) is death, division, unreal, the soap opera of the mind. Live in it if thats what you want.

    The reality is that we are not free, we are in reality, we are incarnated, there is no escape, there is only living. The vehicle we drive has its good days and its off days: there is no healthy position, reality has constant movement.

    Jesus said, "[Foxes have] their dens and birds have their nests, but human beings have no place to lay down and rest."

    "Get of your mat (words) and walk", or rest in thinking (words), which is a constantly moving "illusion" running as a parallel world to the constantly moving reality.

    There is no choice to be made: you are a slave either to reality or thought, either way you are not free. There is: my words, your words and Buddha/Jesus' words. Those words are all dead words. Thought which constantly moves, as it does- seeking freedom from that which "it" itself causes; that thought is no place for attention to rest.

    Thought is to attention as a black hole is to light! Reality moves. To move with reality, thinking has to flower and end. Adding to it, gives it weight. There is nothing for you to understand.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Eat real food instead of that fake food sold in supermarkets, and drink unpolluted water. We are literally made of what we eat and drink. Stop eating rat poison, ie sodium fluoride, and other toxic killer substances like aspartame. :)

    Practicing Shaman... quantum physics rocks

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is our practical religion; it is our duty to stop and begin to look at ourselves. We may have trials to pass through, and when people come to me, and tell me that they are wonderfully tried and have a great many difficulties to encounter - have their troubles on the right and on the left, and what to do they are at a loss to know, I say, "I am glad of it." I rejoice to think that they must have trials as well as other people. And when they say, "It seems as though the devil would overcome me," it is a pretty good evidence that an individual is watching himself.

  • 1 decade ago


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