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Josh S
Lv 4
Josh S asked in Science & MathematicsEngineering · 1 decade ago

How far away are scientists from creating cyborgs?

I heard recently about Japanese robots being very advanced. Some acted like people with artificial emotions while some even looked like people. I wonder, are the cyborgs I see in science fiction far from realistic or in fact going to be seen in the near future.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Robots may be very advanced and able to mimic humans through complex hardware and software, but beyond that, they're little more than metal and plastic puppets.

    Cyborgs are engineered as both organic and artificial systems (the Arnold-style Termators, that cool infiltrator terminator from T4, the human cylons from that show that sucked, the Six Million Dollar Man). They're also capable of independent thought and decision making beyond pre-programmed software. Lt. Cmdr. Data was not a cyborg, because he was 100% artificial. He my have had cybor-like qualities but he had no organic systems.

    Technically, anyone with a pacemaker or your grandmother with her artificial hip are cyborgs.

    However, no matter how well we can get anything to mimic us, and appear to look like us, we have no way of giving them the artificial intelligence, or integration of organic-artificial that is demanded. Even if organic-artificial could be integrated, the hard part -- the part that may never be created -- is the necessary, independent artificial intelligence. I say this because, at least now, 2010 of the Gregorian calendar, we basically have no idea how our own brains work, let alone how to program in to make a machine (or cyborg) work the same way.

    So the answer to your question, REALLY far away.

    Source(s): Geologist.
  • 1 decade ago

    I am a cyborg. I'm trying to deactivate my emotion chip. Can you help?

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sure it's in the near future, but i'm sure it may be made illegal

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