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Does the Yahoo answer format prevent actual knowledge sharing, invite abuse, encourage repeat offenders?

while deterring those interested in knowledge sharing and being a positive member of the community from continuing to try?

It had that effect on me and i'm wondering how others see this. This is not a rant, i'm not pouring my heart out here or angry. My question is polite and sincere.

I've enjoyed this place many years and am thankful to the makers and many answer team members who gave me the impression they cared over that time period or even helped me out far beyond the call of duty. i respect and like this place. Any and all criticism starts from my love for this site

I've noticed some thing though and wonder how others see this.

There's no standard of accuracy at all, none, making the claim to be a knowledge sharing community rather unfounded in my view. I can ask 'Where does Obama live' and choose on mars as the best answer all within the guidelines. The person will get the same BA and ten points someone gets who is actually knowledgeable about the subject at hand and spent his or her precious time sharing that knowledge. So why the claim the main goal is knowledge sharing?

Second the continued abuse of the same trolls and repeat offenders because for them, and them alone unfortunately, suspensions are a joke. For us, trying to make this place work and being good members, it's sad to lose a level three, four, seven account but if you come here only to troll and abuse then why would any violation or suspension deter you when no one and nothing will stop you from simply making another account tomorrow and starting over?

Good members continue to be suspended too much, all too often for expressing frustration on the board over the second point I made ( yeah i understand that's not allowed and why but they're not machines, the playing field is tilted in favor of the trolls) regularly leading them to become less productive members after the third fourth or fifth suspension

What do you think?


So many great people with great answers. This is an extremely difficult choice I'll have to make. Thank You

Update 2:

Most difficult decission I ever had to make here. Several very good YA contacts showed up with outstanding answers an unique persepctive or efforts far beyond the call of duty. Travis Anderson, Smudgeward, oohhbother, Aloofly Goofy, Les S and Civic Cat all deserve to be rewarded here and are great contacts on top of that who made my answers expirience. Thanks a lot

Then there are others, some i saw before but others totally unknown who equally deserve a BA for their impressive effort here.

Most difficult decission I ever had to make here so please know your effort was more than appreciated but can't risk a vote and am only allowed to pick one.

Thank you again

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When Y!A first started, it was a sense of genuine community. There was a real desire to help people get to the information they wanted.

    Thumbs down were meant to advise a person that an answer was not as good as it could be and the real goal was to see how many people you could help. Points were just a benchmark and nothing more

    it is hard to pinpoint when the shift occured. Certainly weaknesses in the system invited abuse and point-amassing and a reluctance by the Y!A staff to ban trolls via their IP addresses contributed further to the decline of this site.

    I am now personally of hte opinion that this is not a Q&A site, but a MMORPG, where the goal is to gather points. Perhaps I am guilty of harming Y!A, making me no different than any given troll or spammer.

    which brings us back to the main question, why is there a Y!A? What made the folks at Yahoo decide to advance this idea? Only they can tell you

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No, but they should give the person being reported the reason that they are being reported, and give them a chance to alter their answer if they wish to do so before permanently deleting it. This would clear up a lot of misunderstanding (if the reasons for the removal of postings are valid). Those who are unclear on the concept will be educated. Abusive material that really needs to be limited will be taken out in a more honest way - at least the person who wrote it will know the truth. And if they don't agree with the reason they can then talk about it on the forum and get the opinion of others. If it is by presidential order (or from politicians) - why not state so. If political power groups can have an answer or question removed why shouldn't they be identified as doing so? If Yahoo really is trying to be a serious forum and not a stooge of the "Powers that be" and practising censorship to curry favor with the powerful, why not keep this out in the open.

  • I haven't been on Yahoo very long, but I am seeing a pattern of trolling and abuse already.

    The reason I am here is to share what I discover to help others. If I can learn something along he way, then great.

    BUT, if someone ASKS for a link for something, and that link just happens to be a commercial site, I don't consider this SPAM. I got suspended for this once.

    SPAM is unsolicited. But yet, Yahoo won't let you post many helpful links, even if the asker wants them.

    I will try to help others as best I can, but if I have to pay for it, then nope. I'll move on somewhere else.

    They should actually be paying ME for my 'free' help I provide.

    I try to post 'footnotes' or links to support any answers I give, except for some of the very obvious one's. I am VERY careful that I don't post any 'commercial' sites. I just tell someone that they have to google this or that.

    Yahoo does invite abuse, because it's a popular site with a lot of visitors, and no confirmation of a member's IP address.

    Yahoo answers is more of an opinionated answer forum. There really is no way to determine if someone's answer is really a fact or a fiction.

    There was a site I saw that claimed that diabetic people lost on average 13 years of their lifespan once diagnosed. But I lost the site address. So, just because I can't find the site again, does it mean that my statements are not facts?

    Speaking of facts, I have NONE unless I experience them personally. I have to take the word of the sites I research on the internet as being fact.

    FYI: I am a level 3 right now. In less than 100 points, I will be a level 4.

    Perhaps a disclaimer at the top of the web page that says: All answers are OPINIONS and not necessarily facts. The use of any answer or statement is at your own risk.

    There are just too many trolls out there for Yahoo to prosecute.

    About violations and suspensions: Yahoo should at least give you a warning email before suspending you, and a time frame of how long you are suspended for. Except for illegal postings or absolutely OUTRIGHT SPAM, not just a link.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good to see you back, if only for a moment.

    The answers format has many loopholes that caused this-

    1. Yahoo Answers is free-free sights offer no incentive to behave and keep an account because you can make dozens of new accounts a day to give yourself best answer and troll.

    Here's my idea for Level 1 accounts-

    Level 1 accounts can ask or answer any question they wish, but cannot report other members until level 2.

    Level 2 is where a small fee is necessary to continue. It doesn't have to be much, but it opens up the entire site for those who pay.

    In other words, make Level 1 a trial period.

    2. Prevent one way adding. If I add you, you have to accept me before I can look at your questions and answers. As it is now, I can add someone and report them all over the place, potentially destroying their accounts.

    3. With greater funds, Yahoo Answers can have a full staff that can seriously look into reports and appeals. Trolls will be quickly driven away and only legitimate users will stay.

    I've put a lot of time into my account, as have you. I would have no problem paying a dollar or two to keep my account if it can make Yahoo! Answers a much better site.

    If you've ever looked around, Yahoo! Answers is somewhat of a joke on other communities for its trolls. If the trolls get driven away then more people will try the site because of its better reputation.

    4. End one way E-Mailing. If I block you-I can't e-mail you, or vice versa. This will drastically cut down on people attacking others by e-mail and insulting them.


    I like this site, I've been here for a while and without realizing it, I had developed a sort of following without trying to.

    The only thing you were guilty of was being opinionated and being your own person.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Very well articulated. Your observations are valid and intelligent. Your details in the question are honest, accurate, and objective. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant question indeed. I praise you for asking it. It took courage, creativity, and guts.

    I agree. Your remarks are well taken. You bring up so many compelling reasons and points. The answers forum is somewhat similar to Wikipedia. The reliability of information is crummy. The subjectivity is high. The clowning around is out of control at times. And even though I am experiencing a lucid and mature interval at this precise moment, even though I am 35 years of age, I, too, am guilty of participating in the immature behavior- and, dare I say it, even possible trolling.

    I also agree regarding good people getting suspended. But I don't think I am a good person any more. I was deluding myself before, when I thought I was a good person. Perhaps I deserved to have my previous four or five accounts revoked. But it just stands to logic and reason that with all of the gratuitous suspensions, that some people are getting 86'd, and some of them do not deserve it. Many evil doers keep starting trouble, and they get away with murder. It is not fair. It is out of balance, and something should be done. But what are solutions? We should focus on that.

    I also think that because of the nature that some of the "good" people on here get suspended unfairly, it contributes to greater anger, frustration, and makes the answers community worse. I had my last account suspended to weeks ago. Perhaps I deserved it. I have repeatedly appealed the decision, but it seems my requests fall on deaf ears and blind eyes. They refuse to listen to my side of the story, or maybe they just don't care. Can I blame them for it? I doubt it.

    As I said before, dear friend, this question is absolutely amazing, creative, and it hits home. Your words ring strong of truth. Thank you for sharing this most excellent, excellent question!

    Source(s): Christian- this is my fourth or fifth account here.
  • A few days ago I saw another question posted here along the same lines:


    How can I get Yahoo! to deal with some serious trolling?


    It was a thoughtful question, well expressed, and it gathered some good Answers, but unfortunately it has been deleted, I guess because the trolls reported it. I hope this question here does not suffer the same fate... I am told that one cannot appeal a deletion of a question they did not author, not even if they answered it. I wonder if it would help if YA changed this policy?

    [I am prevented by Yahoo from accessing the suggestion board,(forum) so hope I can have my say here?]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What gets to me is how Paul Grass—God luv him—maintains such points and BA%?


    Keep in mind, you're often in the political section, and it's a bit of a blood sport.

    You've had an affect on me, and it's not so much the politics, but that again, that a someone who's on the far left, or progressive left—call it what you will—have maintained your own here; and yes likely affected many others too.

    Think of your avatar, Leon Trotsky.

    I'm sure he had a few morale crises--before the Revolution and after.

    He might have died, but he had his affect.

    Our task is easier.

    I like Yahoo! Answers, save for the limit on when a question is open and the insistence that the rules be followed every time, all the time (regardless how others violate them). If I were allowed to violate rules of personal information, and the TOS and CG, say, 5% of the time, I would be happy.

    I like the way Wikipedia handles it:

    Wikipedia:Five pillars

    Wikipedia:Ignore all rules



    and the other essays.

    Category:Wikipedia essays

    As you know, I was a big booster of Answerbag, but it's changed—much for the worse—at least for now, so now I'm on Fluther (as well as many AB'ers).

    Also keep in mind, that we are content generators for Yahoo! Inc, and whatever increases "eyeballs" to its pages is likely tolerated even if rules are broken, though many of the rule breakers add little, and thus ad revenue.

    "There's no standard of accuracy at all, none, making the claim to be a knowledge sharing community rather unfounded in my view. I can ask 'Where does Obama live' and choose on mars as the best answer all within the guidelines. The person will get the same BA and ten points someone gets who is actually knowledgeable about the subject at hand and spent his or her precious time sharing that knowledge. So why the claim the main goal is knowledge sharing?"

    Perhaps someone of your prestige can effectively report that BA.


    Actually, I'm thinking of creating a page of "stupid YA questions" in a Wiki of a similar name, where reporting of such could be easier.

    "Second the continued abuse of the same trolls and repeat offenders because for them, and them alone unfortunately, suspensions are a joke. For us, trying to make this place work and being good members, it's sad to lose a level three, four, seven account but if you come here only to troll and abuse then why would any violation or suspension deter you when no one and nothing will stop you from simply making another account tomorrow and starting over?"

    As one who has created +10 accounts here—most of them at level 1 and rarely used, I might answer with some authority here.

    First, I have access to several IP's. Fine for me: a man with no life. :-D

    However, one has to work at it. But I assure you, I doubt my Flags of my Fathers clone lasted 24 hours and all 4-5 questions were removed in minutes. My Russell Means lasts only because that account asked only 3 questions.

    Many of the trolls here are engaging in hi-fiving, and like a herd of trolls, can be avoided, or countered by one’s own group.

    "Good members continue to be suspended too much, all too often for expressing frustration on the board over the second point I made ( yeah I understand that's not allowed and why but they're not machines, the playing field is tilted in favor of the trolls) regularly leading them to become less productive members after the third fourth or fifth suspension."

    Actually, I can see why a lot of my Q's and A's were suspended, and a lot of my complaints were more hissyfits than anything. I bear fewer grudges these days, and indeed thank Yahoo! for allowing me use of this site—though again, I’m also sure that I have profited them decently with good content, and more so you and others—have created far better content.

    I've also taken to reporting others, so I'm doing less trolling myself, and doing more troll reporting.

    Yahoo! Answers, like many companies, tries to keep costs down with as few as possible administrators.

    I can imagine how the board meeting with the higher-ups go.

    “But sir, some of these accounts are really ticked-off about the trolls.”

    “Okay, so just reset it so people are more likely suspended and IP’s blocked.”

    “But that will get others angrier.”

    “Hmmmm. I guess it’s your call. Right now Google is kicking our asses right, left, and center; and who knows what Bing is going to do with us. Evidently, I had a chat with Steve Jobs. He said that we should ditched YA like Google did theirs, but Jobs is a jerk. Still, the problem is yours.”

    Here’s yet another answer site:


    They pay you.


    Another thing to keep in mind, many of the sites I’m on, have fewer trolls: particularly Fluther and Wikipedia Reference Desk. Guys like Paul Grass, Flags of our Fathers, et al would be eaten alive.

    Best wishes.


  • 1 decade ago

    It does seem to be a place that people with opinionated talking points can come to look for validation, rather than ask questions and get answers.

    I am always happy to see a good question and a good answer intrude on this pattern, and your answers have always been thorough and thoughtful. I have missed them.

    There does seem to be a sudden increase in point gaming and malicious removals. I have been the target just this week of false reporting, and have made a point of saying that the removals were malicious reporting when I appealed. If people do not get satisfaction through the appeals process, there is also the suggestion board to go to for help. (eh -forget that - they have their own problems)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think there are legitimate abuse reports for advertising, hatred and extremes, beyond that freedom of expression does seem to be a priority which on the whole is better than if it wasn’t. There are a lot of stupid people and trolls out there, though some can be funny on purpose or by accident. The Soviets wouldn't have worn it, the Chinese still won't. I wouldn't take it as seriously, enjoy it for what it is, as w. live people at the end of the day they are what they are and some of them will find you or I equally irritating, that’s diversity and tolerance for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree. I think the best sites for this kind of thing are independent, meaning they can't be attached to affiliated email accounts, blogs and profiles powered by the same corporation, or at least a site where only members past a certain level (experts) can answer questions and sockpuppeting is banned.

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