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billie asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Six week old puppy issues?

On Monday night I bought a six week old American Bulldog. It was a last minute thing, not that I haven't been thinking of getting a puppy anyway. It wasn't until after wards that I found out how important it is for the pup to be with its mum and litter mates still. He's off mum's milk and mum wasn't even with the litter full time anymore. He's very tiny and wants a lot of cuddling, but other than that he is doing very well. I want to be consistent but not to overwhelm him - I don't want ease him into proper training till he is about eight weeks. He's already sleeping through the night without whining and he loves to get in his pen to nap and out to play, he likes his routine, and he's going to the paper to pee about 40 percent of the time. Am I doing the right things? Also, is it too soon to intervene when he nips? I'm saying 'ouch' but not being too harsh, just yet. I don't want to scare him. Like I say I want to carry on as I am till he is eight weeks, then go into proper training like toilet and bite control. I just want to know if all sounds okay so far.


Also he has already been around another, older, safe dog so he is getting used to that (and he's okay with it). In a couple weeks i'll get him out more for proper socialization

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, the pup has been separated from it's mom & littermates two weeks too early but most 6 week old pups do well without them & if he can already eat solid food, has already been to the Vet & has a clean bill of health, eating & drinking well, playing around, etc then everything will be okay.

    Be sure to keep supervising him when he's out of his crate & hanging around with the other dog. Accidents can happen. You actually can start training it right now with simple commands such as sit & come. Do not expose him to the outside world yet until he has had all three of his vaccines.

  • 1 decade ago

    RE the nipping - normally at your puppy's current age, he would be learning about bite inhibition from his litter mates. Since he's no longer with them, you have to teach him. You need to cry out (loudly - not harshly) in pain when he nips you and withdraw from him for a few minutes (to show him that if he hurts you, you won't play with him - this is what his siblings would do). Don't wait for several more weeks; start working on bite inhibition now. Also, you shouldn't socialize him with dogs outside your household until he has had all of his vaccinations.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Only way to prove "purebred" is through papers obtained through a legit registry. DNA testing will prove PARENTAGE but not breed, and those so-called breed tests that are available aren't accurate enough to be worth the money they cost. You cannot LOOK at a dog and declare it purebred. Period. A mixed breed dog could look like a purebred if traits of one breed are more dominant than the other. A poorly bred dog could also look like a mix but still be purebred. Instead of focusing on her breed, focus on finding a German Shepherd savvy instructor for her puppy classes. Chances are you will need them in a few weeks - she came from a BYB and was taken too young, both potential red flags for behavioral problems. You also admit to not doing a lot of research on the GSD so you'll need an experienced mentor to show you how to handle her and properly drain her physical/mental energy. Now you know better for the next pet you get. Good luck with her.

  • 1 decade ago

    Suggestion: You don't have to yell at the puppy, but when he bites, stop petting/paying attention for a few minutes afterward. This will make him realize not to nip at you and you'll most likely get results faster when he is a little older.

    Also, I hear if you wet a washcloth and put it in the freezer for awhile the puppy will tend to chew more on it than on you. :)

    Other than that, you seem to be doing everything you're supposed to. Good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like your doing a great job :) Just keep on doing what your doing. For the bitting let him know its wrong by having a stern voice. You don't want this to continue when hes older cause it will be worse. Make sure you buy him toys that will help the biting problem

  • 1 decade ago

    sounds ok. you may want him to learn to go outside for bathroom needs if you can. Also, its not too soon for some behavior modification. When he nips cuff his head away with open hand (not hit) every time. This is what his mother would with her paw. Its more important for you to learn dog behavior than expect him to learn people behavior when training.

  • 1 decade ago

    u need to teach ur dog not to bite u dosnt matter what age

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Google crate training, and don't paper train him. But you are doing pretty good.

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