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Ab K asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Why are people so rude for no reason at all?

I was leaving the parking lot of a small strip mall. The parking lot had not been plowed and the slush was icing up. As I went to exit my Mustang got stuck on the ice. I was only there for a minute when this old guy starts banging on his horn behind me. There was plenty of room to get around me. I'm sure he could see my wheels spinning. After a few minutes he finally pulls around me, gives me the finger and yells that this is why women shouldn't drive. People should be nicer to each other. I just let him pull away but I was wondering if I should have yelled back at him.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree. There was no reason for that guy to be such a douche. You are not a whiner btw as Old Mr Crappy Pants says here. He is the whiner because he is whining about your question here on yahoo an lots of other questions. So don't listen to his silly ole whining. If that guy would have flipped me off I would have told him to put his mouth around a horses you know what.

    I hate when people say Methinks!

  • 1 decade ago

    He has most likely accumulated so many hurts, disappointments etc..he feels entitled to be a old f--t

    some folks are just contrary are always in a bad mood and ready to blame others for the misery they naturally attract.

    so I say to you be glad he was just passing you by and NOT a part of your everyday existence

    c'mon giving you the finger?

    he was provoking a further conflict that is a glimpse to just how miserable he is

  • 1 decade ago

    Next time take the high road knowing some people just don't consider anyone else but themselves.

    People like that have problems in their lives and direct their frustration on others. Don't stoop to their level but know vengeance belongs to the Lord.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. You acted well. It's better to respond in kindness (or in this case in silence) than to retaliate, because things tend to escalate and some people are crazy and you never know how they are going to react. By not acting the same aggressive way as this man, you showed him who had class and who hadn't (him).

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  • 1 decade ago

    you were the better person by not saying or doing anything. it is really sad that people are selfish, rude, and uncaring. you are so right, we should all try to be nicer to one another. no one knows when they may need help from a stranger.

  • Maria
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    A real gentleman would have gotten out of his car and offered to help you. Obviously he isn't any kind of gentleman.

    That, of course, means his opinion is of zero value. He is a boor and giving this any more thought is a waste of your time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The guy was sexist, prejudice encourages rudeness to the prejudicee,

  • 1 decade ago

    In these cases, you just ignore, because you don't know what people might pull out of their car

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You made the proper statement by not doing anything. Making sweeping generalizations like this because ONE person was rude to you in a parking lot, is a total downer, Lady. Makes you sound like a complete whiner and complainer. How about the 50 or so people who didn't give you the finger that day. It is all in your perception of life. No one likes a whiner.

    Source(s): Sorry Sugar Plum, but at least the brigade of feminists came to your rescue. Why don't you think: did someone kiss you that day, did you get a hug? Did you kid or bf or husband say they love you? Didn't you MOSTLY have good experiences that day? Why dwell on one old man who flipped you off? I maintain your question is a whine on your part, and using the plural "people" is not justified to the question you asked. Following which advice would make you happier at the end of the day? Mine or the ones who told you to yell, attack, flip back, etc. MINE is the better choice, and I commended you on not doing anything. So, I've had my say, and as "THEY SAY" let the hairy feminists attack at will.
  • 1 decade ago

    I would have given him the finger as soon as he started with the honking. If he was really in that big of a hurry, he should've got out and helped or just gone around you.

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