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Unable to mount an image?

I have several ISO files I need to mount for a computer game, and I have tried both Daemon Tools Lite and Virtual CloneDrive and both behave the same in that I click "Mount Image" and nothing happens.

I fear the files may be corrupted, however these are the only files I have to work with, and am not able to obtain them elsewhere. Is there some software I can use to fix the ISO files or is there an image mounting program that would somehow work where the others have failed?

Please help, thanks.


I went to My Computer and it does behave as if the virtual drive is there, however when I go to open it it says the disc may be corrupted. What can I do?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just to clear bases, have you checked/enabled your virtual drive. I use PowerISO and I enable the drive and mount and it doesn't "do anything" but I go to My Computer and it is in the virtual drive.

    When you mount an image, it makes the operating system treat a file as if it is in a CD drive which is really a virtual CD drive made by the program of your choice (in your case Daemon Tools Lite/Virtual CloneDrive)

    Source(s): I'm a Teenage Computer Guru
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    a your artwork 2.Unistall it it on the internet (the main suitable one) 4.Reinstall it 5.If it dont artwork the you are able to screw Sims2 6. If it nevertheless doesnt artwork......F@^! Sims2!

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