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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicMusicRap and Hip-Hop · 1 decade ago

Apparantly you guys don't realize what I'm trying to say...?

DISCLAIMER: If you don't want to hear slander against Nas, just click the back button.

I'm not hating on him by any means, I just think it's funny how no one ever mentions how poorly his albums are structured. Nas contradicts himself on multiple songs during the same album on every album. In my last question a lot of people contributed Nas's changes to his "diversity". Not only is that completely retarded, it makes me question whether you guys actually listen to his albums at all. Do you realize that the following lines are both from the same album?

Black Girl Lost:

"Say men are all the same, what we need to do is break this chain

You got a job part-time and school's your night thing

With dreams to settle down, it ain't far from now

You gettin interviewed, but your boss is into gettin screwed

Typical day that the black girl sees

Comin home wantin more from a college degree"

The Set Up:

"Tried to get a name holdin the steel, I paid attention to the females

Maintain b*tches when it get real

Sos' pulled me close and told me the deal

He said both h0es'll peel, spray shots and reload"

I'm all for changing your sound as part of a character, but changing your ideals is a different story. We all know that mafioso albums are fabricated, and that's fine. You can make sh*t up, but you can't contradict yourself. You cannot be backing and degrading females at the same time. And this isn't the only time he did it either, this happens on every album. One minute he'll say guns are bad, the next minute he'll threaten to murder.

And on top of that, a lot of people claimed that Nas was changing because he was getting more mature. These are lyrics from his 2008 album Untitled:

"So mean-mugging on my clean-thugging

Mean nothing

Women dream I'm your husband

I'm Alex Pushkin

The black poetry-writing Russian

Ice disgusting

I started bling

How could you question my direction

Or my time for collection

Gangstas two-steppin'

You hate me

Should thank me

But lately

I burn so much trees

I keep environmentalists angry"

So my question is, why am I the only person who ever mentions this stuff? Why does Nas get a pass on so much stuff that other rappers take sh*t for?


@The Chronic: Read the first sentence after the disclaimer

Update 2:

@Truly: Like I said, this isn't an isolated incident. This happens on every album. The message of I Gave You Power contradicts the message of Affirmative Action. The message of Rule contradicts the message of Got Ur Self A... The message of Let There Be Light contradicts the message of You Can't Kill Me. Seriously, I could go on and on. And the point I was trying to make with the maturity is that he's not growing. If you're mature, you leave behind what you thought before and stop being childish. But Nas continually plays both sides of the fence. Mature and immature, street and conscious, anti-violence and pro-guns. And it's not that he matured out of it, because he still did it on his most recent album. I think people have either not given a good listen to his albums in a while, or they're unwilling to realize that this is a problem. He's the only artist I can think of who does this sort of thing within the same album.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wait I never hear anyone else get bashed for contradictions, really not that I can remember. I mean just saying.

    But really..........

    Are you really Black? Are you actually intelligent? I'm beginning to question almost everything you say. Are you human?

    I mean there was absolutely ZERO contradiction in the anything you just posted. The Set Up was basically a made up story which was extremely creative and detailed as well as very lyrical. The whole idea behind the song was to tell a mafioso style, creative story and that is what it was. This doesn't contradict anything in Black Girl Lost which is about how Black girls in society their struggles and how they are attracted to negative things. This actually goes perfectly with The Set Up because the females in that song were running with guys who were doing the wrong type of things and doing things they shouldn't. One was a make believe story the other was a conscious view on actual topics in society. Not all girls are perfect. I mean you never seen prostitutes, crackheads, girls who actually are hoes, gold diggers, etc. Some are just plain lost and Nas points this out.

    I'm not saying Nas hasn't ever did anything contradictory or wrong in his career that is just a horrible example. A better might be a song like Oochie Wally. I think that whole him trying to sellout and become more commercial and totally doing songs completely out of his style is where he goes wrong and where he gets the pass. I mean Jay gets knocked for selling out but Nas seems to be okay because he sucked at doing commercial songs and never succeeded. To me that is a huge sin that constantly gets overlooked.

    As far as the maturity thing goes he does still do some brag swag lyrics about ice and weed etc. that is allowed I'm not against that I think it's cool him doing lyrics like that. Just because you are more mature overall doesn't mean you can't do songs like that, he still smokes most people do, and he has money to rock jewels, it's like a mark of success for rappers and has been since the 80s. I also thought that was a horrible argument for Nas though. I think he has gotten more mature but I didn't agree with that as being a good argument for his different material in different songs.

    edit: There isn't really any contradictions in any of those songs either besides probably You Can't Kill Me. I'd use Shoot Em Up as the one song that defiantly went too far with that type of shyt. He did do songs that are both hood and conscious. I mean you are always going to do some hood tracks, you can't take away the fact that he is from the streets. You can't take away where you're from and you can't forget your past, it's apart of your life not something you just forget about. He can't do all conscious songs that would make him a complete "word I can't use without getting reported". He's not really playing both sides of the fence he is on both sides of the fence. He's from the streets but does want to send a positive message. I mean this really isn't something you should attack an artist for too much because 2Pac was defiantly the worse at this by a good bit, and I never hear anyone call him out. Well actually I do just not that much. But I think it is good that you brought it up because these cases do occur.

    I do agree that Nas does this and I also agree he isn't the best at putting together albums. He's defiantly not that intelligent. I hate it when people say he is intelligent because he doesn't come off as too smart, especially with the way he has handled his career and the choices he has made. I think Nas is given a pass on shyt, and given like a benefit of the doubt on shyt when he should get bashed. So I'm on your side, sort of.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're saying that you're not hating on Nas.. but obviously you are.

    Just like another person here said.. if you're going to hate on a rapper PLEASE,PLEASE make sure it's a horrible one. You can say all the mess you want, but at the end of the day, Nas is still seen as one of the best lyricist in the game today. And you're so mad about all of this, why? Did Nas do something to you? Did he kill your mom? Pretty sure he didn't.

    So, while you sit here and try and bring him down.. he's sitting pretty in his home watching his money pile.

    EDIT: MJA thank you, because I guess some people don't understand that if you make a complete album about positive things.. you just might get booted off your record label.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have tried to say this about Nas time and time again but no one here will ever listen..he has too man stan-fans. He has been almost hypocritical at times and then claims he's not. It's not the record companies forcing him to write lyrics..they come from his minds eye. He's been on a downtrodden path for a while and I honestly pray for redemption for him but he puts himself in a bad spotlight all the time (eg....what he did with Kelis..talked her down..even though it's his baby and all). He just isn't superman to me. 10 points should go to you.

    Peace, Love & Happiness

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's a good rapper, but definatley not PERFECT.

    Everybody here go around like Nas is perfect and if somebody says one bad thing about Nas, then they get 10 thumbs downs.

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  • Anon
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You do know record companies are involved right. He had to include at least one song like that on Untitled to keep them happy. That last statement I know you were referring to Lil Wayne. Wayne claims to be a gangsta and does songs like lollipop, prom queen, and Bedrock. Its highly unlikely he was an 11 year old gangsta. and I don't care if anyone says they are the best rapper as long as they back it up on a hot track. Lil Wayne fails at this.

  • ?usten
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Believe me, I totally see the change as much as you, but I think it's a change in him as a person in the years as he progressed as an artist, musically, financially, fame-wise, etc.

    It's not like he's switching themes up on each album or each song. It's a steady transition as he rose to fame and became richer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Those are two of three of my least favorite tracks off It Was Written, BTW.

    Anyway, Nas is a 8th grade dropout, what else do you expect?

    Source(s): He dropped out because he could rhyme orange.
  • 4 years ago

    You could use the method of allowing yourself to near the point of now return and slow down and then go back to that level over and over. It will help you to learn to control your orgasms. Go here

    Controlling levels of arousal is what it comes down to. If you ejaculate once even twice before actual intercourse that might help you out.

    What I always tell guys to do is to lay on their partner, penetrate but do not thrust. Just remain in this position and take time to cuddle, kiss, talk dirty whatever else. Then slowly work your way towards thrusting and if you feel yourself start to want to blow stop. Even pull out if you have to. Then take time to go down on her, more foreplay and such the resume sex stopping before you get to that point of no return. In time, practicing this method, you should be able to recognize your levels of arousal and control your orgasms and teach yourself to last as long as you want.

    The issue is purely a mental one, in most cases. And it is all about self control and being able to recognize your physical responses to sex and cognitively be able to control them.

    Chances are if you are turned on enough as long as you can last a few minutes that should be long enough. If you orgasm once, in many men, they may need to cool down for a minute but they can still get an erection and have sex a second third or even more times after that.

    If the problem is severe enough my advice is that you see an actual sex therapist and maybe try taking SSRI antidepressants. If you do get on pills like that don't use that as a cure all. And it might work too well and prevent you from orgasm altogether. If you do go that route use them as part of therapy and still consult an expert. You can over come PE and learn to last as long as you want though.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's trying to appeal to a wider crowd of people.

    Don't you see its working?

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you ALL the way

    but you have a lot of time on your hands dont you???

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