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My oldest daughter told me I'm the worst mother and grandmother...details..?

She says I don't visit her & her 5 yr old daughter enough. It's true, I don't visit enough, but she doesn't visit me either. I have never told her she's a terrible daughter for that?! I am also busy w/ two young children still at home. I have tried to have my granddaughter stay the night quite a few times, but she cries after hours of me trying to get her to lay down. She doesn't stay anywhere yet. She's MORE than a handful and is very spoiled at home.

I think it really didn't help that last week-end my 7 yr old daughter had a "big girl" sleep over for her birthday w/ a few of her school friends. I told my daughter that my granddaughter could stay a different night, but not that night, but she insisted on my gd staying. Well, just as I expected she was not behaving and chasing my daughter and all her friends around and expecting a lot of "grandma" time from me. I just wanted my daughters birthday party to be special. Around 3am she started crying for her mom and went home, but it really disrupted the birthday party.

I haven't talked to my daughter for a week and next week-end is her 23rd birthday. I'd like to patch things up, but I know she's still mad. Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks for any answers!


She's also mad that my kids have friends stay the night, but I never have my gd stay the night? I guess she thinks if I don't have my gd over then my younger kids can't have friends over?

She also says the other grandma always picks her gd up & takes her places. I tried to explain that the other grandma doesn't have young kids at home. She just said "She has 5 grandkids and finds time for all of them." She also lives down the street from my daughter and my gd's dad.

Update 2:

Julie, I was 20 when I had her and yes she was only 17 when she had my gd.

Update 3:

ROCK LOBSTER, I'm just admitting that I'm not perfect and pointing out that although she's not perfect either I would never say anything like that to her. I understand that life gets busy and I don't hold it against her for not visiting me as much as I would like. That's all. Sorry if that makes you mad??

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You sound like a spoiled teenager yourself. "It's true I do this, but she does it too!" You are the parent!

    Did you ever hear the song Cats in the Cradle? You might want to keep it in mind for the children you still have at home...

    IN RESPONSE - I'm not mad. But your daughter is, and as the lady below me says, you will always be the Mom, and should be the bigger person. And as a side note, there is no reason life should ever be too busy for family. You two need to make more time for eachother and everyone will be much happier.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ur daughter needs to understand.. being a mom.. is not the same as grandma..

    she is being selfish.. I think it is more for her than her daughter..

    did u ask her why she doesn't have her siblings over????

    after all mom needs a break once in a while.. perhaps u could do that.. trade off

    one w'end a month???

    I think your a great mom.. and u are having a Guilt-Attack.. and there is no need for

    it.. Ur kids come first.. then ur g'kids.. keep doing what ur doing.. U can't please every

    one all the time.. so don't try tooo..

    get her a give, visit.. and ask her to work things out.. and stop worrying about this

    she doesn't want to be there to begin w/... this is not the first time she has wanted to

    go home.. leave it alone.. good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps in the future you could just initially invite both your daughter and granddaughter to come for these sleep-overs. there are sure to be more of them. you might tell your daughter that you would love her to be there and that you could use the help. If she declines and only insists that you allow her daughter/your granddaughter to stay - remind her of the incident the last time and say something to the effect that while you love to spend time with the g/d you also have to remember that is the younger sister's b/day. Your daughter sounds a little needy and it sounds as if this is a tug of war and really has nothing to do with the b/day party but a lot to do with your elder daughter getting you to do her bidding. What do you think?

  • Nora C
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Underneath it all, your daughter just probably want a little more attention from you. Call her up and talk. Send her a birthday card.

    Being mothers, both you and your daughter have a lot to share. Be good friends. People say nasty things when they are angry, but they don't necessarily mean it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes call her your the mother.And you have to be the bigger person.We have to set the examples for our kids as parents.So I have made my own calls to my kids.Life is to short.As for your grand-daughter she needs you to have quality time with her.So when she stays with you she will be use to you and cry in the morning.Remember your 23 yr daughter needs her mom too.She may not be 7 but she still is your daughter.So we may think their all grown up but inside them their still in need of mom.So call her.Have a big,bigger girl sleep over for your daughter.I know it sounds childish but then your grand daughter will see that her mom stays over and it ok she will follow her moms actions.Give it a shot.This will make your daughter and you have more quality time together.And it will give your daughter a view of what her daughters behavior is like.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My Mum tells my Nan she's the worst Nan and I tell my Mum she's the worst Mum and my Mum tells me I'm the worst daughter in the world, don't worry, just don't brake any promises :)

  • 1 decade ago

    don't feel too bad about it, sometimes we say things out of anger or disappointment, things that we really don't mean. you could give her a card and tell her how sorry you were and that you would like to patch things up. goodluck!

  • 1 decade ago

    This is what happens when kids have kids. How old were you when you had her? Total dysfunction.

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