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I have 4 children, 2 boys & 2 girls. Ages 6, 8, 20 and 21. I enjoy watching scary movies and reality shows. I like playing video games with my kids and reading my medical book whenever anyone has a symptom. .....0.... ..0...0.... .0.....0... .0.....0.. plz put this ..0...0...on ur profile ...0..0... if u know somone ....00.... that died from cancer ..0....0.. .0......0.

  • Are you obligated to visit your mother in law on mothers day or does your?

    husband and/or children do something for you? What are your plans for mothers day?

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers!!

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • For those w/ young children, does your husband do anything for you for mother day from the kids?

    My husband says that he shouldn't do anything for me for mothers day because I'm not his mother. Wondering if other husbands are like this.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Mothers Day dillema....?

    My husband asked me if I wanted to go OUT-OF-TOWN to visit my mother-in-law on Mother's Day. I told him if I had the choice I'd rather stay home & relax. I am a mother of 4 & Sunday is almost my only day off. I hear him call & tell her that we probably wouldn't make it, but maybe we could meet one day during the week 1/2 way for dinner. That sounded great! I thought it was a plan. Tonight he keeps asking me if we're going to his moms tomorrow. I said I thought we had a plan to meet her during the week & he said real snotty "Fine, it seems like you don't want to go tomorrow, so I guess we won't." Now, he's all mad at me. I'm not going to be able to enjoy my mothers day now anyway, atleast not w/o feeling guilty. Am I being selfish?? What would you do.

    To top things off, my oldest daughter called me tonight & invited me to her house here in town for a grill out & now I feel like I can't go visit my own daughter on mothers day because I didn't want to spend all day driving to visit HIS mom. Ugh. Why does this have to be so difficult. We have a 7 & 9 year old together & I guess my feelings are hurt that he's deciding how I'm going to spend my mothers day.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Question for grandparents.....especially those w/ young children still at home...?

    How often do you go visit your grandchild or take them somewhere? My daughter tells me I'm the worst grandma ever because I don't pick my gd up enough or take her places. Not to make excuses, but I am busy w/ two young children still at home. She says the other grandma has 5 grandkids (no kids at home) and she picks her up frequently. Also the other grandma lives down the street & I'm a good 30-40 minutes away & find it hard to visit and make dinner and get the young ones in bed for school all on a work day. Plus I work Saturdays, my only day off is Sunday & she works most Sundays. Does this make me a horrible person? I do love my daughter and gd very much, but I will also admit my gd is VERY spoiled and VERY much a handful. I am planning on calling my daughter & trying to make peace w/ her, but right now my feelings are very hurt. Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • My oldest daughter told me I'm the worst mother and grandmother...details..?

    She says I don't visit her & her 5 yr old daughter enough. It's true, I don't visit enough, but she doesn't visit me either. I have never told her she's a terrible daughter for that?! I am also busy w/ two young children still at home. I have tried to have my granddaughter stay the night quite a few times, but she cries after hours of me trying to get her to lay down. She doesn't stay anywhere yet. She's MORE than a handful and is very spoiled at home.

    I think it really didn't help that last week-end my 7 yr old daughter had a "big girl" sleep over for her birthday w/ a few of her school friends. I told my daughter that my granddaughter could stay a different night, but not that night, but she insisted on my gd staying. Well, just as I expected she was not behaving and chasing my daughter and all her friends around and expecting a lot of "grandma" time from me. I just wanted my daughters birthday party to be special. Around 3am she started crying for her mom and went home, but it really disrupted the birthday party.

    I haven't talked to my daughter for a week and next week-end is her 23rd birthday. I'd like to patch things up, but I know she's still mad. Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks for any answers!

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Lots of viruses lately....HELP! Also too many spyware/virus protection installs?

    My 21 year old son just moved out & I think he messed up my computer before he left. I did checked the history and found out that he had been on porn sites and tried to install a game called "The Rise of Atlantis," which I heard contains a virus?? Anyway, here's a list of all the infections I have now...


    Grokster - P2P

    Heur - Malware

    Katusha - Trojan

    I was using just Avast and SuperAntiSpyware, but since then have researched and have downloaded Adaware Bot, Spyware Doctor & Spyware Terminator. Is Adaware Bot virus protection or spyware?? I don't want to have 2 virus programs running?? Any info would be great! I'm so computer illiterate

    8 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Cold sensation in my right leg off and on for a few days....please read more?

    I was driving my car the other day & it felt like something really cold dripped onto my right leg a few inches under my knee on the inside of my leg. (Not on the shin, but on the side of my leg) I thought maybe it was something from the air conditioner or something, but there was no wet spot, so I ignored it. About 1/2 hour later it happened again and several times that day. It's happened about 3 times today too. I can't figure out what it could be? And NO, I'm not on any drugs or medication or anything. It doesn't really hurt, so I haven't gone to the doctor, but I'm really curious if anyone knows what it could be?? Thanks for any info!!

    13 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Where did my 360 go? On my home page it says "View Profile" now instead of 360.?

    I have to google yahoo 360 & log in from there. I can no longer get to it from my YA Home page? Is this changed for everyone? Can I get it back?

    3 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • Do people who have seasonal jobs get unemployment during the few months they are off work?

    If they have 2 jobs and one is seasonal, but the other one isn't, do they still get unemployment from the seasonal job for the few months they are off?

    8 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • My dog bit our new kitten on the face. It looks like her tongue is cut and I can't tell if it's still bleedin?

    It happened today while I was at work and my husband accidentally let the dog in the room where the new kitten was. He said the dog went right for her head. He immediately picked up the dog, who still had the kitten in his mouth, and hollared "DROP IT!" It happened around noon today. I keep checking on her and she seems to be breathing normal. She has got down from the top bunk bed once since noon, but when I look at her there's always blood on her lips and her face looks swolen. Also, one of her eyes has a small bit of black drainage. I think she's about 10-12 weeks old. What kind of things should I look for overnight and is there anything I can do or give her. I really don't have any money for a vet, but if I need to take her tomorrow I guess I will have to. Thanks for all answers!!

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What do you think will happen if I dropped my rent off tonight after receiving this letter?

    I have been late on rent for about 5 months now. I've been paying at the end of each month instead of the beginning. I lost my job over 10 months ago & just found a new job 2 weeks ago. It's never been a problem paying my rent at the end of the month instead of the beginning of the month before, but today I got this letter:


    You still have a balance remaining on your account in the amount of $697.00.

    On Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 9am your account will be turned over to the attorney for EVICTION.

    Please contact me at the office if you have any questions or concerns.

    I dropped my payment of $697.00 off in the drop area for night payments. Do you think I will still be evicted??!! I'm so worried. I'm trying to keep up on it the best I can & I have kids. I don't know what I'll do if I get evicted.

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • I want to go sledding tomorrow w/ the kids, but I can't find a sled at any of the stores?

    What creative things can I use for a sled? Only thin I could come up w/ is a laundry basket or cardboard (which I don't think would work well) or a big tupperware lid. Any other ideas?

    6 AnswersOther - Winter Sports1 decade ago
  • I sent birthday invitations to my daughters Kingdergarten class and no one has RSVP'd. Should I?

    go ahead w/ the party & hope that someone comes or reschedule it for another day? The party is tomorrow (valentines day) but it's early enough in the day that I thought people would still come. Is it a big deal to have a birthday party on the afternoon of Valentines Day or did I make a big mistake?

    PS. Do you have plans for Valentines Day?

    11 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • When you're on a really tight budget do you give to the kids before you eat?

    We're on a REALLY tight budget lately & I buy very few snacks that have to last the whole week. This week I bought a 1/2 gallon of ice cream because it was on sale for $1.50 and a box of their favorite cereal. I find myself getting angry when I see my husband come home after work and have a gigantic bowl of cereal or a huge bowl of ice cream. I know that sounds terrible, but I can't help it. I tried having dinner ready when he walks in the door, but then he just snacks after dinner. I know we need to get caught up on bills so we have more money for food, but for the mean time shouldn't parents try not to snack so that the kids can have it or am I being unreasonable. It was to the point last night where we almost had an argument after the 4th time I seen him go into the kitchen to look for MORE food.

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What would be the best scary movies to see out of these?

    Dead Or Alive

    Vacancy 2

    13 Hours In A Warehouse

    Midnight Movie or

    Alphabet Killer??

    Other suggestions. Renting from redbox and these are the choices. Already seen Saw V.


    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Does anyone homeschool 1/2 days & use public schools 1/2 days?

    How does the school treat you? My childrens school is ALWAYS wanting to have meetings w/ me to make me have my kindergartner go all day. It's not that I have a problem w/ my kids going to school. I have another older child who is in school all day now, but I homeschooled him all day for the first few years. It's really my personal choice anyway isn't it. There's only 3 months left of school for the year and I just wish they would quit bugging me about it. I have asked her if she wants to go all day, but she likes it this way & so do I. She goes in the morning like all the other kids, walks herself down the hall & hangs up her stuff all by herself and she leaves during the 2nd recess when all the kids are going outside, so the transition is an easy one. She is the one who wanted to go to school 1/2 days. I was going to homeschool her for the whole day. She has all the required subjects during the day, lunch and a recess. She is only missing guidance and theme when she goes home. So, I was wondering if anyone else does this & how your school treats you??

    6 AnswersHome Schooling1 decade ago
  • My Kindergartners school counselor approached me in the hallway & told me I need anxiety counseling?!!!?

    I'll try to make this short. I homeschool my daughter for 1/2 day & she goes to school for 1/2 day. I wanted to homeschool her for the entire day, but my husband was against that. I homeschooled my son for kindergarten and first grade, but he wanted to go to school for 2nd grade on, so I let him go. I have NO PROBLEM w/ LETTING my kids go to school if they want to. I have filed the proper paper work & everything is LEGAL. In fact, she goes to school in the morning, walks herself down the hall & hangs her stuff up all by herself and is doing great in school. She goes until almost 1:00. She has reading, writting, PE, music, literacy centers, math, recess and lunch all at school. All I do at home is Social Studies and Science. We both enjoy the way things are going and she has lots of friends. Well, the counselor approached me today in the hallway & told me that he thinks I need anxiety counseling because it's rubbing off on the kids. I asked him if they were anxious in school because they don't ever complain to me and never fuss about going to school. He said no, but they seem anxious when I'm around. I don't know what he's talking about, since I'm hardly ever at the school except for the occasional lunch visit, which LOTS of parents do and they certainly aren't anxious at home. Would you be mad about this? What would you do? I don't want to be at war w/ the school, but counseling....really?! I don't think I need it. I have no problem w/ my kids going to school, I just enjoy the little homeschooling that I do. BTW, she leaves when all the kids come outside for a 2nd recess, so the transition is very easy & smooth. I just don't know what to think of this??

    16 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Ever have a friend on 360 change their name AND avatar and you can't figure out who they are?

    I should know my friends better than that, but one of them changed their pic and name & it's driving me nuts not knowing who it is!! Any way to find out?

    8 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • Could you have a birthday party at McDonald's without buying the party package?

    My daughters 6th birthday is coming up & I don't want to have the party at my house (many reasons) but I can't really afford to buy the birthday package, which costs $80. If I just invite everyone to meet me there & buy them all happy meals & let them play in the play place it would only cost me $30. Would you be embarrassed to do that?? Thanks!!

    13 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Help filling out job application.....Where it asks why you left your last job.....?

    Here's the story....I worked there for almost 4 months before they did the employee background check & when it came back there was a dismissed 5th degree theft charge on my record, which I really wasn't aware of because I hadn't had a background check done for several years. It was from a bounced check that I wrote to WalMart for $30 something, which I paid in full plus all court costs within 30 days. Well, problem was w/ that charge on there I couldn't be bonded, so they had to let me go. What could I put on my application that would not make it sound so bad? Couldn't be bonded? Bounced check? Failed background check? (that's not good!) Any suggestions welcome?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago