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I sent birthday invitations to my daughters Kingdergarten class and no one has RSVP'd. Should I?

go ahead w/ the party & hope that someone comes or reschedule it for another day? The party is tomorrow (valentines day) but it's early enough in the day that I thought people would still come. Is it a big deal to have a birthday party on the afternoon of Valentines Day or did I make a big mistake?

PS. Do you have plans for Valentines Day?


Des, I hope you're right!!

Update 2:

I only have 2 of the kid's phone numbers. You only put your name and phone number in the school book if you want to.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its not a big deal and you didn't make a mistake. Unfortunately in today's society many people simply ignore the RSVP on invitations. Unless you have a class phone list, you're kind of in a tough spot. I would go ahead and plan on having the party. If no one shows up you can reschedule it if you want or just make a note to have your daughter ask for these kid's addresses & phone numbers next year so she can send the invitations to their house (there's always a chance that the parents of some of these kids haven't even seen the invitation) and she has some way to follow up.

    As for our V-Day plans: I'm working a few hours while my hubby & daughter are at a RV, Boat & Vacation show at the fair grounds. Then we're meeting up with the rest of our family and going to dinner together.

  • SoBox
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Surely at least some of the kids are coming. It sounds like the parents are just rude and didn't RSVP - annoying, isn't it? I would give them a call and say you're trying to get a final count for the party. Good luck!

    By the way, we have other obligations tomorrow and so are celebrating Valentine's Day today. My son had a brunch at his school, which was really sweet and fun for us all. He got his presents from Hubby and me - a Valentine's t - shirt, a book, a matchbox car, and some candy. We're going on a "date" later, and I told him that he gets to pick the restaurant. His choice so far is anywhere that serves chicken nuggets - talk about a gourmet menu, right?

    I hope your daughter's birthday party goes well tomorrow. Happy Valentine's Day!

    Source(s): By the way, having the party on Valentine's Day is NOT the same as having it on Christmas. Most people don't do a huge family celebration for Valentine's. Having it tomorrow really isn't an issue at all.
  • rock55
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Maybe not the best day to do a party but a few may still come. Of course people don't follow etiquette any more or rsvp but just to be sure make the calls for your daughter's sake. I would call and to not make it sound rude, just say you are trying to get a final head count. This way you can make sure that at least someone is coming. When my brother-in-law was little for one of his birthday parties NO ONE showed up, not a single kid!! You can imagine how sad he was. So don't "just hope" that people show up.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont really do anything special on valentines day but some people may. I would of choosen a diff day to to the party. If no one RSVP...i would deff reschedule...their is nothing worse then having a party for your child and no one showing up.

  • You should probably reschudule the party for another day, who really wants to take their child to a bday party on Valentine Day

  • mommyo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    This happened to us and no one showed up. My daughter would have been heart broken had we not managed to scramble up some kids at the last minute. Not fun. Definitely phone the parents or send a reminder to them through your daughter's school. There's nothing worse then a no-show.

  • 1 decade ago

    call the parents and just say you're trying to get a final head count for the party.

    my kids would go to any birthday party on any day, so if it were them they would not miss it for Valentine's Day. some parents are just really bad about rsvps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ask the teacher if you can send a memo home to all the parents thru their child and ask. Just that a simple head count is needed for ordering food.

    You can do it politely.

  • 1 decade ago

    You really planned an event for Valentines Day? Maybe if you volunteered to take the kids for the whole night so the rest could have a nice night without the kids.

    A party on Valentines Day, might as well be Christmas

  • 1 decade ago

    If you have family an a couple of close friends..... then go ahead with it...

    people are ar just noncomplying these day..

    and why disappoint your daughter,. ??????

    it is about her not the kids... !!!!!

    I say go for it..... and good luck

    and happy b'day to her.

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