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Lv 31,969 points

Uncle Turk

Favorite Answers15%
  • Recognized Gain/Loss?

    I am a little stuck with a tax problem. Client contributed:

    $133,000 services

    Equipment (cost $700,000, depreciation $100,000) Fair Value $200,000

    Vehicle (cost $50,000, depreciation $20,000) Fair Value $40,000

    Client received 3730 shares of $100 par value stock.

    1 AnswerOther - Taxes9 years ago
  • Nintendo DSi or DSi XL?

    I know the DSi XL has a larger screen and is a little more expensive. Does the XL stretch the images too bad? Any major cons to getting the XL over the regular one? Pros?

    12 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Pokemon Platinum vs Heartgold?

    I am looking into a new Pokemon game. The last Pokemon game I played was Silver. Which one would recommend me getting? Any major pros and cons? I wanna get a good head start before Pokemon Black and White come out this year.

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • Prepaid cellphones - Which one?

    I just moved back to the US and am looking for a decent prepaid cellphone. I am not interested in plans, too expensive. I was looking at Tracfone and Net10. They are both prepaid phones, which one would you recommend? These would mainly be used for texting, and short phone calls.

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Question about living in Mongolia?

    I am considering taking a position in Mongolia. The job would be in Ulaanbaatar and have done some research into it only to still be left asking questions. Any first hand knowledge of living in Mongolia would greatly be appreciated.

    The job offers $1000/month. Is this reasonable for Mongolia?

    Cost of Internet? How fast is the internet? Would like to use Skype to keep contact with family and friends

    Is there a decent expat population?

    Are the people friendly towards foreigners?

    Is there a decent movie theater?

    Library that offers English books?

    Anything that you cannot find in Mongolia? Grocery items, Personal products like shaving cream or deordorant?

    Cell phone costs?

    Any other insights to living in Mongolia. I am currently living abroad in Korea and wish to continue living abroad. I consider myself fairly flexible and outgoing.

    3 AnswersOther - Asia Pacific1 decade ago
  • Which Turkish University to learn Turkish?

    To give a little background info.

    I grew up in America with a Turkish father, but never learned the language. I would love to learn Turkish so I may have actual conversations with my Turkish family. I might want to use my skills in Turkish and English for a future career. I am looking for a good university suggestion where I might accomplish this.

    Any previous experience with this would be extremely helpful.

    Another question as well. Any businesses or companies that look for people with English and Turkish language skills?

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • I come from Minnesota you know?

    I am looking for this song. I always use to hear it growing up in MN, I have been trying to find recently with no luck.

    Some of the lyrics:

    I come from Minnesota you know (in fargo accent)

    end of the song ends with, And the Vikings never win the Superbowl!

    Any help from my fellow Minnesotans?

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Can you help me find clothing logos?

    I have seen some nice shirts with little animal logos on them. Some of them I already know.

    Crocodile - Lacoste

    Eagle - American Eagle

    Moose - Ambercromie and Fitch

    The ones I am looking for are:




    I have seen Buffalo and Rhino before, dunno about giraffe although that would be cool


    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How to get a money tree in SimCity 4 Deluxe?

    I have found the sites to download from, and I have. Now I got this zip file and I don't know where to extract it to. Where do I put this file so I can build my cities.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Do I need DVD cases or can I just?

    I am moving to Korea next week. I plan on bringing some dvd's and xbox 360 games. Do I need to pack the cases along with them or can I just out them into a cd binder? I don't know if customs has an issue with 30-40 dvd's and 10 xbox 360 games being brought in a cd binder. Will they think there not legit and confiscate them?

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Electronics in a Carry On Bag?

    I will be moving to South Korea in the coming month. I plan on bringing my xbox 360 and laptop with me.

    Are these ok for Carry On's?

    Do I need to pack the cords with them or may I put those in the checked luggage?

    Would I be better off just bubble wrapping them really good and checking them?

    Any prior experience and/or knowledge will be appreciated.

    5 AnswersPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • Will Xbox live work on...?

    I have been offered a job on the Mariana Islands. I plan on bringing my Xbox. Is it possible to hook it up with live? The internet package I'm looking at has speeds around 1.5 mb down and 512 kb up.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Tomb Raider Anniversary?

    I was considering getting the download through Xbox Live, NOT the actual Disc. Do I have to have the Tomb Raider: Legend disc to play it since these achievements are technically under Tomb Raider: Legend?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Is there a simple program or site that ...?

    I have an awful time remembering all my family and friends birthdays, anniversaries, etc. This would be helpful in sending out cards mainly, but if there is a simple program that would send a reminder or upcoming events so I had enough time to send out the card.

    4 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • What should I get my best friend for graduation?

    My best bud is graduating from college here in December. He is graduating with a geology degree and will be going on a field research trip to costa rica in may. Any ideas for a graduation gift?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • What are some good warm socks?

    I have poor circulation, and as a result my feet are always cold. Are there any good warm socks that will keep my feet warm. It doesn't help I live on a lower floor. I was thinking of the ones that people use trekking through the north pole, mount everest and such. Any help is appreciated

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What do Obama and McCain munch on?

    What do you think the candidates favorite snack foods are?

    I can see Obama being a Sun Chip fan and McCain liking Ruffles.

    Any thoughts?

    This is just for fun, not to be taken seriously, and lighten the mood since there is a lot of candidate bashing.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How should the vote process work?

    With all the Obama/McCain and Biden/Palin questions I thought I change it up.

    Should we switch over to strictly popular vote or remain with the electoral college? I personally think that it should be popular vote so people voting would feel their vote counted for something. In example, voting democrat in Texas or voting republican in California. Your thoughts?

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Michigan Voters only please?

    Since McCain has abandoned you all campaign wise, does that change your vote. According to Palin, "McCain is the only one who has truly fought for you." Except those who live in Michigan.

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should the VP have extra powers?

    After watching the debate last night, I was surprised that Palin said that the VP should have special powers in the Senate. Almost making the VP spot both Executive and Legislative. I thought there was suppose to be separation of powers to limit corruption.

    The only power the VP should have in the Senate is the one vote to break ties. That's it, it doesn't matter what side of the aisle your on.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago