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When you're on a really tight budget do you give to the kids before you eat?

We're on a REALLY tight budget lately & I buy very few snacks that have to last the whole week. This week I bought a 1/2 gallon of ice cream because it was on sale for $1.50 and a box of their favorite cereal. I find myself getting angry when I see my husband come home after work and have a gigantic bowl of cereal or a huge bowl of ice cream. I know that sounds terrible, but I can't help it. I tried having dinner ready when he walks in the door, but then he just snacks after dinner. I know we need to get caught up on bills so we have more money for food, but for the mean time shouldn't parents try not to snack so that the kids can have it or am I being unreasonable. It was to the point last night where we almost had an argument after the 4th time I seen him go into the kitchen to look for MORE food.


I've thought about not buying snacks at all, but my kids are always hungry after school for something. They eat lunch at 11am and I usually have dinner around 5, but when they come home at 3 they are hungry.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My husband does this, too; heads straight for the snacks, as soon as he's home! I'm going to have to talk to him about it, but I don't think it will be a problem... He'll eat the things the kids won't want to eat, like the apples!

    His hours were just cut, and things are really tight, and the snacks are for the kids, and for him to take to work... When things settle down, I won't care, but it's causing stress... Good luck!

    Source(s): Married, 4 kids.
  • cindy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Depending on the type of Job that your husband has, he may need all those extra calories.

    Physical jobs mean that a man can and should eat way more than we do as women. We work hard and long hours, but very seldom are the hours filled with hard physical labor.

    Yes, if there is no food in the house, your husband may get the message that something needs to give, but right now he is probably just obeying his stomach and it is telling him to eat.

    When it comes to food, there are pantrys all over the place. They have different days that they are open and different hours. Call a few local churches and find out where they are. Your local trustees office may also have the names and numbers of food pantry's. Also, try the local welfare department, they will have a list of available help with food.

    Some pantys' also try to stock paper goods needed to get by such as toilet paper, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should save some for the kids. Why not make it a family rule nobody get treats, like ice cream until after everyone has had dinner.

    Then you can be the one to give everyone dessert. Tell him you want to make sure there is enough left over so the kids can enjoy it too. To me it doesn't sound unreasonable at all.

    You could also buy a dessert or snack that's only for the kids.

    Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Men are pigs.

    I kinda gave up snacking and now I just drink alot of water and take diet pills to fill me up. I'm not losing any weight, but I'm not eating. Hubby will come home and just eat forever, entire boxes at a time. pisses me off. I have a rule of no eating after 9. This cuts down on my snacking at night, and I usually have the dishwasher loaded and running by then, so I don't want to dirty any dishes. He gets home late. Sometimes 11 or 12 and dirties my dishes. That pisses me off too.

    I know what foods he likes and dislikes. On purpose, I'll buy the ones he doesn't like, like chips and generic oreos. he hates cereal and cream of wheat and oatmeal. Plus, I hate touching meat, so I don't buy it or make it. We eat alot of fish and chicken, hardly any red meat. If I'm feeling nice I buy him oreos and stop at the deli. But the kids come first and I am sick of running out of milk at night and finding no yougert or bread. or peanut butter. or cottage cheese.


  • Erika
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I've been there, usually when we are having a tight week, I try not to buy snacks. If there's no snacks in the house, then husband can't be snacking.

    I usually buy enough food to last for breakfast, lunch and supper for the week until pay day.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    attempt finding out to purchase meals that are filling, may well be utilized in extra then one way, are much less costly, and replace different meals. occasion: Dry beans. severe in protien, much less costly, filling, and effortless to apply as leftovers. Rice. much less costly, may well be utilized in selection to potatoes, might properly be added to floor meats to stretch them extra. might properly be eaten as a warm ceral (upload a dab of butter and sugar). Canned meats including tuna fish. much less costly, may well be utilized in different procedures. you are able to take a can of tuna, a can of cream of mushroom soup, and a few cooked noodles, blend all at the same time, warmth and serve. A pot of chili. Can final for 3 nutrition (in keeping with how plenty you're making). Use leftover dried beans that have been cooked. One night you have chili, yet another night you have chili canines, and then there are chili burgers, chili noodles. with a bit of luck you recognize the belief i'm attempting to furnish you. i'm hoping this helps you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you married to my husband? He and i have gotten into similar disagreements about food and snacks. he will insist on eating the whole box of fruit snacks in one or two sittings and then when i go to give the kids one they are gone. hes finally flat out told me to hide them if i don't want him to eat them. so thats what i do now, hide the snacks i don't want him to eat. i know its annoying but i don't know what else to do....

    let me know if you find a better solution.

  • y
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    See if you can get your husband to eat pb&j for his snack. Its cheap and fills you up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Start hiding the food on him, or tell him to cool it on the weed... :)

    ... hide the food

  • 1 decade ago

    just don't buy it anymore. when he complains tell him you need more money.

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