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Is George Will correct in his piece below?

By George F. Will

Sunday, February 21, 2010; A19

Science, many scientists say, has been restored to her rightful throne because progressives have regained power. Progressives, say progressives, emulate the cool detachment of scientific discourse. So hear the calm, collected voice of a scientist lavishly honored by progressives, Rajendra Pachauri.

He is chairman of the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which shared the 2007 version of the increasingly weird Nobel Peace Prize. Denouncing persons skeptical about the shrill certitudes of those who say global warming poses an imminent threat to the planet, he says:

"They are the same people who deny the link between smoking and cancer. They are people who say that asbestos is as good as talcum powder -- and I hope they put it on their faces every day."

Do not judge him as harshly as he speaks of others. Nothing prepared him for the unnerving horror of encountering disagreement. Global warming alarmists, long cosseted by echoing media, manifest an interesting incongruity -- hysteria and name-calling accompanying serene assertions about the "settled science" of climate change. Were it settled, we would be spared the hyperbole that amounts to Ring Lardner's "Shut up, he explained."

The global warming industry, like Alexander in the famous children's story, is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Actually, a bad three months, which began Nov. 19 with the publication of e-mails indicating attempts by scientists to massage data and suppress dissent in order to strengthen "evidence" of global warming.

But there already supposedly was a broad, deep and unassailable consensus. Strange.

Next came the failure of The World's Last -- We Really, Really Mean It -- Chance, a.k.a. the Copenhagen climate change summit. It was a nullity, and since then things have been getting worse for those trying to stampede the world into a spasm of prophylactic statism.

In 2007, before the economic downturn began enforcing seriousness and discouraging grandstanding, seven western U.S. states (and four Canadian provinces) decided to fix the planet on their own. California's Arnold Schwarzenegger intoned, "We cannot wait for the United States government to get its act together on the environment." The 11 jurisdictions formed what is now called the Western Climate Initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions starting in 2012.

Or not. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer recently suspended her state's participation in what has not yet begun, and some Utah legislators are reportedly considering a similar action. Brewer worries, sensibly, that it would impose costs on businesses and consumers. She also ordered reconsideration of Arizona's strict vehicle emission rules, modeled on incorrigible California's, lest they raise the cost of new cars.

Last week, BP America, ConocoPhillips and Caterpillar, three early members of the 31-member U.S. Climate Action Partnership, said: Oh, never mind. They withdrew from USCAP. It is a coalition of corporations and global warming alarm groups that was formed in 2007 when carbon rationing legislation seemed inevitable and collaboration with the rationers seemed prudent. A spokesman for Conoco said: "We need to spend time addressing the issues that impact our shareholders and consumers." What a concept.

Global warming skeptics, too, have erred. They have said there has been no statistically significant warming for 10 years. Phil Jones, former director of Britain's Climatic Research Unit, source of the leaked documents, admits it has been 15 years. Small wonder that support for radical remedial action, sacrificing wealth and freedom to combat warming, is melting faster than the Himalayan glaciers that an IPCC report asserted, without serious scientific support, could disappear by 2035.

Jones also says that if during what is called the Medieval Warm Period (circa 800-1300) global temperatures may have been warmer than today's, that would change the debate. Indeed it would. It would complicate the task of indicting contemporary civilization for today's supposedly unprecedented temperatures.

Last week, Todd Stern, America's special envoy for climate change -- yes, there is one; and people wonder where to begin cutting government -- warned that those interested in "undermining action on climate change" will seize on "whatever tidbit they can find." Tidbits like specious science, and the absence of warming?

It is tempting to say, only half in jest, that Stern's portfolio violates the First Amendment, which forbids government from undertaking the establishment of religion. A religion is what the faith in catastrophic man-made global warming has become. It is now a tissue of assertions impervious to evidence, assertions that everything, including a historic blizzard, supposedly confirms and nothing, not even the absence of warming, can falsify.


Jeff M. you obviously don't understand science, science is entirely about skepticism.

Update 2:

Fary F.'s comments below show how ridiculous the alarmist movement is and Will explained that quite clearly on the attacks by this leftist radical group. No Will is not a scientist... did someone say Al Gore was? Or the politicians that did follow this garbage hook line and sinker... oops until they see that support is falling and thus have vacated the premise.

12 Answers

  • jerry
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    some pretty amazing answers here

    and yes Will is 100% correct in his assessment

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. There is very little correct in this piece and the amount of ad hominem attacks and derogatory language is at best unprofessional and at worst the rantings of a hysterical denier.


  • 1 decade ago

    George Will is just spouting more of the far right wing rant he is known for. He isn't a scientist, knows no science, doesn't listen to scientists, and writes solely from an extreme right wing point of view, which means deny global warming and fling insults and sarcasm. Some of his distortions have already been exposed. His writings, on climate, but also on other subjects, are becoming more and more irrelevant.

    For the one whose answer noted that Al Gore isn't a scientist, I make the remark that, yes, that is true. He isn't. But, unlike the overwhelming majority of politicians on the right, Gore at least LISTENS to scientists. That is unfortunately a rare quality these days.

  • Jeff M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No he is not. He makes the exact same mistakes as many of the skeptics and deniers make. Things such as stating that global warming has not occurred in the past 10 years (When the year 2005 is known to be the world-wide warmest on record) and stating that Phil Jones made an about face and stated that it was actually 15 years (When what he said was that it wasn't statistically significant, that being over the 95 percentile that it was man made. The number was actually 93%). It sounds to me like he's just getting his news from other news sources that have made exactly the same glaring errors.

  • 1 decade ago

    Where to start? This is an incoherent rant by a rhetorically skilled wordsmith who knows nothing about his subject matter, but does not see why that should deter him from writing his widely syndicated and highly lucrative columns.

    Not a single scientific fact, he doesn't understand (or pretends not to understand) what "statistically significant" means, and actually regards it as a weakness that Jones says that if the data were different from what they are, that would point towards different conclusions. Yet five lines later, he asserts that climate change science is "impervious to evidence"

    "a spasm of prophylactic statism"; with language like that, who needs rational analysis?

  • Ben O
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    That echos my sentiments.

    Why not create a new religion to fill the void left as people abandon the old ones. It worked for Sun Myung Moon.

    Trouble is that people may have unrealistic expectations that global temperature is actually going to go up and in years to come may become disillusioned about paying through the nose for something that doesn't exist.

  • 1 decade ago

    George Will is a political hack that has hung his hat on global warming denialism. (You can see this in his opening three sentences. They drip with "conservative hackistry".) He is not a climate science, and almost every single one of his Op-Ed pieces has been shown to be quite misleading (ie., wrong) on the science of global warming.

    He does this thing which is logically false, too: conflating political/social reality with physical reality. Physical reality doesn't care (it is incapable) what we think about global warming or what is politically viable. It merely reacts and continues onward. Will (and other denialists on any topic) tries to make a political argument as to why certain sources cannot be trusted, but the perceived trustworthiness of individuals doesn't mean anything about the physical reality surrounding us.

    I personally put more trust in scientists who actually study the science of climate change. (I.e., I don't trust scientists who don't study climate change when it comes to the topic of climate change.)

  • 1 decade ago

    What has happened to George Will?

    He used to write thoughtful, intellectual columns that were worth reading, even when I didn't agree with them.

    The above is a stupid rant parroting the nonsense of the denial industry. Even the wacky idea that global warming is a religion. Might as well say that those who obey the Law of Gravity are practicing religion.

  • Oscar
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    George let them have it with both barrels. That had to smart. So now he will get another dose of deny and ad hominem attack.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unlike most deniers, George Will is literate, but he should stick to things he knows about - like baseball. His article is buffoonish.


    edit --

    When was the last time anyone that is scientifically literate cited Gore?

    Yet, once again, you prove that deniers have no scientific evidence and so endlessly reference scientifically-challenged and politically motivated prejudiced sources.

    That's pathetic.

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