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Muslims, Why did Allah misinterpret the teachings of the trinity?

Allah refers to himself as "We" and Allah refers to himself as one God. So Allah is not against the doctrine of the trinity which is of God being one God who is plural.

Allah strange as it seems, misinterprets the teachings of the trinity as worship of three gods.

The trinity was never the worship of three gods but the worship of God who is one.

My question, why is it Allah misinterprets the teachings of trinity while referring to himself in plural?

Wouldn't God understand the doctrine even if he disagreed with it? Allah on one hand isn't in disagreement with himself referred to in the plural simply against associating partners with him.

The trinity does not associate partners with God. God is one God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Bible refers to God as "We" and also states God is one. Seems Allah misinterpreted his own scriptures.


Desicuri, it is throughout your book.

Update 2:

Valentine, according to your Allah he is the God of Abraham and as such called himself we long beofre there was a "Royal We" The "Royal We" is when a king refers to himswelf in regard to his people...God referred to himself as we when creating man, he could not have been referring to man being created by the "royal we" concept is extrmely flawed. Moses refered to God as we and there was no such thing as a royal we at the time of Moses.

Update 3:

(:) Allah refers to the doctrine of trinity as the worship of more than one god. Sorry Allah was wrong.

Update 4:

Trajic The Bible also refers to God as ONE, It also is very clear God is one.'

Again your Allah is supposed to be the God of Abraham and as such referred to himself as We before there was a royal we.

Understand the royal we is when a king refers to himself in regards to his kingdom, Allah is not referring to himself as men is he?

The context in which Allah refers to himself as we in the Quran is not in context with the use of the Royal We.

Allah is not referring to himself as in connection with his kingdom.

Update 5:

kimmie, What is it about the Royal We are you guys not understanding?

Did you not realize the king is not referring to himself as plural but to himself in regards to his kingdom.

Allah as the God of Abraham referred to himsekf as we before creation....therefore could not have been referring to his kingdom of men as himself..Let US create man in OUR image... could not refer to US as creators, the same is true in the Quran, If Allah regards being plural as magestic then what is his problem with the trinity which refers to ONE God in the seems Allah did not understand the doctrine of trinity.

Update 6:

kimmie, What is it about the Royal We are you guys not understanding?

Did you not realize the king is not referring to himself as plural but to himself in regards to his kingdom.

Allah as the God of Abraham referred to himsekf as we before creation....therefore could not have been referring to his kingdom of men as himself..Let US create man in OUR image... could not refer to US as creators, the same is true in the Quran, If Allah regards being plural as magestic then what is his problem with the trinity which refers to ONE God in the seems Allah did not understand the doctrine of trinity.

Ziggle, I am stupid and your Allah can not translate his word into any language other than Arabic?

How wise is it to be offfended by the trinity which also teaches God is one and plural while you consider it magestic to refer to yourself in the plural??????

Update 7:

Tina, the trinity makes no sense to you, yet somehow Allah makes sense being plural and being one? You see Tina there seems to be a problem with the teachings of Allah against the trinity because he thinks that the trinity dictrine is teaching more than one God not that God is one. Allah at the same time refers to himself as "WE" Now if it is true he does this because he feels " We" is majestic then he should not be offended by the teachings of the trinity which is the teachings of one God.

The probem is Allah does not define what the trinity teaches and misunderstands the teachings of trinity,

Allah refers to the trinity as worship of three gods and identifies these gods as himself, Mary and Jesus.

Update 8:

Thanks Batman, I'm glad that you can see the Bible is clear that Jesus is God and I completely agree. The problem my friend is that Muhammad must have understood that this is more than one God...the Bible is also very clear that God is one God.

Update 9:

I'm Blessed, Elohim used in the Jewish scriptures is also plural.

Yes indeed God has always refered to himself as one God and in the plural.

So it would not be unusual for Allah to refer to himself in the plural.

If we are to believe Allah is the God of Abraham he always referred to hismelf this way.

Now my question is to the fact that he is extremely anti-trinity and believes the trinity is three sepearate gods.

The trinity is not three gods but one God.

Allah seems okay with us referring to him in the plural and being one but misinterprets the trinity as more than one god.

Update 10:

Butterfly, You are absolutely right, It was not unusual for God to refer to himself as we, Muhammad definitely understod this as even the oldest Jewish scriptures refer to him in plural.

These references predate any possiblity of referring to a Royal We, There was no Hebrew Royal We...clearly if Allah is that God that spoke to Moses and referred to himself as "We' even then.

So the Quran carries on this tradition.

Now The Quran disagrees with the tirnity and teaches that the trinity refers to seperate gods, Allah, Mary and Jesus..The trinity never taught that there was more than one God nor that Mary was God. The trinity teaches that God is one God and is plural...interesting How the Quran teaches this also and disagrees with the trinity because it misinterprets the trinity as more than one god.

Update 11:

Rogue, I absolutley understand the Quran and Islam teaches Allah is one and has no son.

The Quran also refers to Allah as plural,

I completely understand.

Allah is one and yet Allah is plural correct? Yet the trinity is one God and is Father, Son and Holy Spirit...and this makes no sense, yet Allah is one and is plural and this does make sense right?

I have no problem understanding God is one God and is triune. This I receive only by revelation of God. My question is that Allah is not opposed to being plural and one..and this is the teachings of God before how is the trinity the teachings of more than one God?

Update 12:

Ruchjat Are you saying Allah is not referring to himself as WE but to him and his angels when he says we in the Quran?

You should attempt to read the Quran when Allah says we and you will easily see it is only himself he is referring to as we.

Update 13:

Sincere-Advisor, If you guys will take the time and for the prupsoe of demonstration I will take the time.

Allah is not referring to others with him as "WE" I can easily demonstrate this for you and then your ae going to have to fal back on the Royal We with the others, Allah uses the term We many times in the Quran referring solely to himself.

Update 14:

Okay my Muslim friends who created the heavens? Was it Allah and his angels creating? Did the angels elp Allah create?

“We created not the heavens, the earth, and all between them, but for just ends. And the Hour is surely coming” (al-Hijr 15:85)

This we refers to Allah not Allah and some helpers helping him create the world.

Update 15:

FreeSpeech, clearly Muhamamd thought the trinity was worshiping Allah, Mary and Jesus, not understanding the trinity was teaching God is one God.

Update 16:

If you guys can, please read Andrea's answer. It is indeed my point.

I understand that Allah claims to disagree with the trinity, What I fail to understand is why All knowing Allah does not understand the trinity.

Update 17:

Q 15:26. We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape;

So this ayat is referring to the "royal we"?

Allah is telling of he and his helpers creating man?

Who created man? Allah alone right?

So this "We" refers to Allah alone.

It was not his kingdom and it was not his angels who created but Allah alone.

So this ayat is not using the "royal we" nor is it referring to other beings helping Allah create man.

So who is this we? This "We refers to Allah and is not the "royal we" It is Allah referring to himself in the plural and to none other than himself.

Update 18:

The "Royal We" Does not work in Judaism nor in Christianity and even more so not in Islam. , Allah is not joined to man is he? God is not joined to man. God does not refer to himself as his creation not in the Jewish text nor in the Gospel and definitely not in the Quran... God does not claim to have help creating the world, not in the Jewish nor in the Christian and not in the Islamic text.

When God said "We created the world" in the Quran he was not referring to him and his creation creating the world, this rules out the possibility of we in this context referring either to the "royal we" or to "we" referring to himself and other beings, God alone created the world so this "we" refers to God alone.

Update 19:

Majeed, God understands the trinity competely, why doesn't Allah?

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why don't these people understand that the royal "we" was never used in the time of the Koran? the royal "we " expression originated with French nobility In the 13th century.

    From Old French roial, from Latin regalis (kingly) + Old English we. The practice of using "we" to refer to oneself is called nosism

    The tradition of the royal we may also be traced to the Mughals of India and Sultans of Banu Abbas and Banu Umayyah.(eighth centurry origin) The "Royal We" is used to express the dignity or highest position either understood as strictly hierarchical or as referential to an alternate "higher" than ego identity.This was a local cultural phenomenon in India alone. It would not of been used in Islam .

    The Koran;s use of the "we" in reference to Allah was no reflection of soviernty or Kingship but rather a ripoff of How the hebrew God Referred to himself in genesis. it is obvious.

    Source(s): It is also used frequently by Schizophrenics...I'm just saying.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, you are right. In Genesis chapter one, the creation story has "we" doing it all. In Colossians 1 we also see that Jesus created everything, and in John 1:3, and in Rev. 4:11.

    It is the 3 in one. In Matthew 28:19 we see that Jesus tells his disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Muhammad did not understand the concept of the trinity if he did he would not have added Mary as part of the Holy Trinity. Christians do not worship God Jesus and Mary, but rather God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, we worship one God with one purpose. Muhammad could not understand the teachings of Christ because there were no Bible in the Arabic language at Muhammad's time also Muhammad himself was a merchant and he traveled he had contact with Christians, the stories in which they told him he misrepresented and placed them in the Koran. He took the Divine nature of Christ (The great I AM) and replaced it with that of a prophet.

    Also I don't believe in the "Royal We" Muhammad I believe misinterpreted a lot of things in his Koran and tried to tie it in with Christian teachings which only leaves His followers to try and come up with excuses as to why allah would refer to himself as "we" when he states he has no partners. Again this shows muhammad was extremely confused when writing His koran and if your confused then you possibly can not be a prophet of God, The God Christians worship is not the God of confusion, Can't say the same about the Muhammad's god. Muhammad can not be a prophet, because he disagrees with all the other prophets that came before him, in the Old Testament there were prophecy of the virgin birth the New Testament fullfills the propechy with the birth of Jesus. The Birth life death and ressurection of Christ was all fullfilled and part of God's plan to give us a much needed Savior, yet muhammed would come six hundred years after the disciples and Apotole paul and state he had a new revelation even though Muhammad is from a differnt time period of Jesus and a different culture Muhammad never spoke walked or ate with Jesus like the disciples did. The Bible warns us to be careful of false prophets for they will come to us disgusied as sheep in wolves clothing, muhammad is one of those false prophets.

    -TO MUSLIMS- The Trinity will not make sense to you it is the grace of God that He send us the Holy Spirit so that we can understand the true nature of God.Only with the help of the Holy Spirit can you understand the concept of the trinity, until then Christians putting their faith in Christ Jesus will only sound like foolishness to you because you do not see the importance. You need to start reading the Bible with open hearts instead of going to the Bible to try and find "contridictions" The name of Jesus is 1 billion times more powerful then the 99 names of Allah combine it is by the blood of Jesus that sets us free from the bondage of sin

    Put your faith in Jesus and God will bless you with understanding and wisdom. Call out the name to the name Jesus and He will save you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Apparently, Muhammad thought that Mary was part of the Christian Trinity: Quran 5:116 "And behold! Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, ‘Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah?" He will say: "Glory to Thee! Never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, Thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, though I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden." Nothing like setting up a strawman argument and then knocking it down.

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  • The word 'we' in many Semitic languages is used for a singular entity as well and in such cases it signifies respect and exalted status of the speaker. This mode of expression exists in some modern languages as well, such as Urdu.

    It is a feature of literary style in Arabic that a person may refer to himself by the pronoun nahnu (we) for respect or glorification. He may also use the word ana (I), indicating one person, or the third person huwa (he). All three styles are used in the Qur’an, where Allaah addresses the Arabs in their own tongue.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Basic Christian: Biblical Proof that Jesus is God

    Revelation 21:3 God Himself shall be with them, and be their God.

    In many, many places the Bible references, referrers to and calls Jesus, God, here are just a few!

    1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

    Hebrews 1:8 But unto the Son (Jesus) He (Father) saith, Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy Kingdom.

    Revelation 1:6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to Him be Glory and Dominion forever and ever. Amen.

    Colossians 1:14-15 In whom (Jesus) we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn {Inheritor} of every creature:

    Colossians 2:9-10 For in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in Him, which is the head of all principality and power:

    2 Corinthians 5:19 To whit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself,

    1 Thessalonians 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

    Romans 8:39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Some of the Bible Quotes reference that Jesus contains the Characteristics and abilities

  • I've asked before why the word "we" is in the quran if God is one being, but no Muslim ever gave me a satisfactory answer. Not an answer that I didn't find satisfactory because it wasn't what I wanted to hear, but not any where near a satisfactory answer. The quran also has at least one verse that I've read that say "the holy spirit", but Muslims have said it is referring to the angel Gabriel, but in other verses Gabriel is called by name. Also the quran mistakenly says the trinity is God, Jesus and Mary, not the holy spirit, so it is obviousl Muhammed did not understand what the Christian understanding of the Trinity was.

  • Fatima
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The problem with the Trinity as taught by the Catholic faith is God is God, Jesus is God and the holy Spirit is God. While the teaching explains that the three persons combine to make one God, it's impossible to comprehend this puzzle; it doesn't make any sense.

    I respect your faith and I have no authority to condemn your belief but don't blame me if I say that I can't comprehend the Trinity theory. Even the creators of the Trinity say it's a mystery that cannot be solved; so why are you trying to solve it here?

    Belief in the trinity is a thing of faith ...without reason; trying to solve this puzzle here will create confusion. Leave it alone. Will you?

  • 1 decade ago

    Salam for youmy dear friend. If we read the qur'an sometimes Allah says "I" and sometimes says "

    We" because Allah is helping by so many angels headed by Jibril.It does not mean that Allah is more than one.Taukheed religion or the oneness of Allah was submitted to Adam and Eve and their descendants.Adam know best that Allah was only one because he saw Allah in the paradise.There is no doubt that Allah has no son, no daughter,no wife and no parents because Allah is not like a person.Allah stated clearly in the qur'an that the trinity is wrong because it was made by humans who corrupted the bible or injil.Allah did not misinterprete it but Allah shows us the truth.Allah could not do wrong.Jesus as son of Maryam was only a human without father in line with the willingness of Allah. He was not the son of Allah. Holy spirit is stated in the qur'an as Jibril angel who blew the soul into the womb of Maryam. Allah did not misinterprete Allah's own scriptures.

  • Rouge
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    We is the royal plural Brother.

    I don't agree with you. I was reading just the other day a classical Islamic book and even at that time, Eisa (pbuh) was being reffered to by the Christians as an apostle of God. It was recognised that they were unitarians who believed in one God without partners 'Tawheed'. Quran clearly states:

    In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

    Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!

    Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

    He begetteth not nor is He begotten.

    And there is none like unto Him.

    Allah clearly lays the foundation for his oneness:

    He is one. He is eternal. He begets not (nor is he begotton - again eternal). There is none even LIKE him.

    Peace be with you


    Why are you ignoring the fact that it is not a literal plural? Do you know what majestic plural is? Because it does not mean more than one. So I provided you with a link (that you didn't read, clearly). Majestic plural denotes grandeur, not quantity. If it is clear that God has no son nor partner then it should be easy to understand that 'we' does not denote any partner.

    Incase you don't click the link (again), here's an exceprt. Now you can ignore it and claim you recieved no satisfactory answer to your question (like Miss Butterfly has) or you can realise that you have recieved a rebut to your point.

    "The majestic plural (pluralis maiestatis in Latin) is the use of a plural pronoun to refer to a >>>single<<< person holding a high office, such as a monarch, bishop, pope, or university rector. It is also called the royal pronoun, the royal "we" or the Victorian "we". The more general word for the use of we to refer to oneself is nosism, from the Latin nos.[1] Its most common use denotes the excellence, power, and dignity of the person that speaks or writes."

    If you want to know WHY:


    @ Freespe... Never heard of catholicism?


    Oh deary me, they are the same thing!

    Now we're getting into a fruitless argument over semantics.

  • 1 decade ago

    Conversation started on 02/09/10 20:24:02]

    [02/09/10 20:24:02 ] khair : salaam alykum again

    [02/09/10 20:24:16 ] Spider : Wa Alaikum Salam wu Takabal Allah inshAllah amin

    [02/09/10 20:25:02 ] khair : Alhumdilah and u?

    [02/09/10 20:25:42 ] Spider : Takaball Allah means

    [02/09/10 20:25:49 ] Spider : May Allah SWT accept your prayers

    [02/09/10 20:25:53 ] Spider : and you say Mini wu Mineek

    [02/09/10 20:25:55 ] Spider : to a man

    [02/09/10 20:25:59 ] Spider : minee wu mineek

    [02/09/10 20:26:00 ] Spider : to a woman

    [02/09/10 20:26:03 ] Spider : meaning from me and you

    [02/09/10 20:26:55 ] khair : inshallah Ameen minee wu mineek

    [02/09/10 20:26:57 ] khair : :)

    [02/09/10 20:27:05 ] Spider : inshAllah amin

    [02/09/10 20:28:04 ] khair : Ameen,

    [You have closed the window on 09 Feb 2010 20:28:30]

    [Conversation started on 02/09/10 20:29:22]

    [02/09/10 20:29:22 ] khair : is their such thing as bad luck

    [02/09/10 20:29:29 ] khair : in islam

    [02/09/10 20:29:31 ] khair : ?

    [02/09/10 20:29:35 ] Spider : no such thing as luck

    [02/09/10 20:29:41 ] Spider : Allah SWT says never cast lucky arrows

    [02/09/10 20:29:44 ] Spider : in the Quran

    [02/09/10 20:29:48 ] Spider : I proved that with my bet

    [02/09/10 20:29:50 ] Spider : and look I lost

    [02/09/10 20:29:54 ] Spider : and I thougth for sure they would win

    [02/09/10 20:30:08 ] khair : yea, lesson to u, but

    [02/09/10 20:30:21 ] khair : my elective class of mine ends on

    [02/09/10 20:30:27 ] khair : thursday and

    [02/09/10 20:30:39 ] khair : the lectures are online, and my speaker is not working

    [02/09/10 20:30:46 ] khair : is that not something :(

    [02/09/10 20:30:47 ] Spider : unplug the wire

    [02/09/10 20:30:50 ] Spider : and pug it back in

    [02/09/10 20:30:51 ] Spider : the back

    [02/09/10 20:30:53 ] Spider : the green cord

    [02/09/10 20:31:03 ] Spider : or take headphones

    [02/09/10 20:31:04 ] Spider : and try them

    [02/09/10 20:31:26 ] Spider : check the power source to the speakers

    [02/09/10 20:31:32 ] Spider : and check your volume control

    [02/09/10 20:31:34 ] Spider : in the control pannel

    [02/09/10 20:31:42 ] Spider : very simple fix

    [02/09/10 20:31:59 ] Spider : that has nothing to do with luck

    [02/09/10 20:32:04 ] Spider : that is called error of human creation

    [02/09/10 20:32:21 ] Spider : nothing mankind makes last long

    [02/09/10 20:32:32 ] khair : I did that and it says not in their at all :(

    [02/09/10 20:32:34 ] Spider : and there is always 1 error in everything mankind made

    [02/09/10 20:32:45 ] Spider : you checked the volume control

    [02/09/10 20:32:53 ] Spider : you tried headphones?

    [02/09/10 20:33:06 ] Spider : how long has it been since you heard sound from it

    [02/09/10 20:33:13 ] Spider : does anything else make sound

    [02/09/10 20:33:15 ] khair : yeah, wires, npugged many times, i tried headphones

    [02/09/10 20:33:21 ] khair : earlier

    [02/09/10 20:33:29 ] Spider : ok then did you check the volume control

    [02/09/10 20:34:00 ] Spider : control panel

    [02/09/10 20:34:03 ] Spider : volume control

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