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Anonymous asked in Consumer ElectronicsMobile Phones & Plans · 1 decade ago

Found an iphone, how do i unlock it so i can use it?

Ok, so i was out last night, but was finding hard to get into it because of afew things including my phone was broken and was bored at the place we were at. We eventually left where we went for a walk. Mid conversation, i spot something on the grass near a pathway where we were walking and, low and behold, it was an iphone. Crazy because my phone that I had before had been giving me grief for a while, it actually went haywire and called and ex-girlfriend by itself and would not hang up. So finding it kind of justified my crappy night out.

But any who, the iphone has a passcode i cant seem to get past, I've tried some obvious passwords like possible birthyears of whoever had it but nothing, still cant get through to it. I was curious to see what was on the iphone but i dont care anymore, i just need a new working phone. I dont know much about iphones, but all i know is that it is a 16G, 3G iphone. How can i get past the passcode? I've read that if i jailbreak the iphone, it'll get past the passcode. If so, how do I jailbreak it. Or is there somehow I can just restore factory settings? Keep in mind I found it, so I dont have itunes or any other software for the iphone to run.

Thanks so much.


Also with being able to track down where tht phone is, will i run into any problems with that? Is there any way that i can stop it from being tracked?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    wow! lucky you kid! well theres this thing that's both on an ipod touch and Iphone that if you get the passcode wrong after 10 times. it will erase the hold data. now that only works if the person who lost the iphone checked it off. if they didn't you could try restoring to factory settings. You don't have to jailbreak it or anything. Just download Itunes on your computer, you need to have an apple cable 2.0, now plug it in. it might say that it can't open it because you need to unlock it first so what you need to do keep the iphone plugged in. hold the home and power button for atleast 10 seconds, once the iphone turns off release the power button and keep on holding the home button for atleast 10 seconds until you get to DFU mode. DFU mode is the little picture of an Itunes logo with a cable. your Itunes will recognize the Iphone and click on restore to factory settings and make sure to restore it to new. and that's it!

    here is also how to put it on dfu mode:

    1. Connect your iPod touch/iPhone to your computer with the USB cable. (make sure iPod/iPhone is on)

    2. Hold both power and home buttons at the same time and count to 10 (1 onethousand 2 onethousand etc. )

    3. Let go of the Power button, continue to hold the home button until the iPod/iPhone connects back to iTunes.

    Be patient it can take some time. Sometimes while holding the home button it can take up to 15-20 seconds.

    Source(s): Ipod touch and Iphone expert and hacker!
  • 4 years ago


  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Get 100% Free Phone -
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    I Found An Iphone

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  • 5 years ago

    Get a No Cost Phone Number Scan at

    Its a good way to start. The place lets you to do a no cost phone scan simply to find out if any telephone data is there. This basic alalysis is done without cost. For a full detailed report its a modest payment.

    Here's Reverse / Whose Number Lookup page. If you're talking about cell phones, you usually have to pay for that. I've had pretty good luck just using Google a phone number to find out who's calling. If you are researching a quantity of numbers, though, I suppose, you might want a service. I can't imagine why the average person would need to research a quantity of numbers, though, so I assume this is business-related, and it then seems only fair that you pay for a service. But maybe it's not.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I found one as well a week ago in my lawn, posted signs all over the neighborhood for a lost phone not specifying what it was and no one has claimed it. This phone also is locked so I can't find out who to call for it and looks like no one is claiming it. Once you do what you said C&J, how can you activate it with your cell phone provider? Will it be claimed as stolen because I sure don't want the wrath of that. I did everything in my power to find the owner of it.......

  • 7 years ago

    Hi!! Same case.


    But the situation is without a SIM Card, the phone won't connect and with SIM Card I borrowed from my friend's iPhone in any minutes loading from iTunes ended up like this sign in the picture :((

    Any idea, guys?

  • 5 years ago

    I hate to say this but if your ex told you that you're too jealous and clingy then he must know what he's saying.

    Read here

    Anyone that goes out clubbing just to see what their ex is doing or drive by his place at 7:00 a.m. to see who's there tell me that you need to work on something. I don't think that you are only jealous but also possessive. And if you don't change that then you will never get your ex back. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to mean to you. I only want you to see what you are doing is so wrong. You have to admit that you are jealous and clingy. If you can't admit that then you'll never be able to fix the problem.

    I understand that you don't like it if he dances and flirts in front of you. But guys are guys. And many guys don't see anything wrong with this. I know you feel hurt if he does that in front of your face. And it is disrespectful. But there are ways you can talk to your boyfriend if he's flirting while he's with you. You only have to tell him that it hurts you and that it's disrespectful and then ask him to stop doing it when he’s with you.

    I don't know if getting back with your ex is going to last because now you have two problems. You were having problems with him because of his flirting and now you will have another problem because of this girl that he's going out with. It is eating you alive that he's involved with this girl and you know he's probably sleeping with her. How are you going to handle that if you get back together? Because of your jealousy and your insecurities are you going to be able to forget that he was ever involved with this girl? You really need to work on this and make sure if you try to get him back that you never again mention about his flirting or this girl. You can mention one more time how his flirting affects you but it has to stop there.

    You asked how do you compete with the girl he's involved with. I looked at the picture and I can tell that your ex knows how to go for beautiful girls. So that give me a clear picture about how you look. I have a feeling that you are also very beautiful but for some reason I don't think you see yourself that way. The only thing I can tell you is that your boyfriend did not leave you because he didn't love you. He left you because of your jealousy and because you were clinging to him. If you love his as much as you say you do then fight for him and get him back. And if you do get him back then make sure that you can promise him that you will no longer be jealous, clingy or insecure about your relationship with him. If you can't promise him that then you may as well forget about him because it won't work if you don't change,

  • 6 years ago

    I just found an iphone 5c after I a party I was at I restored it but now im stuck because the phone is still attached to the persons apple email. is there a way to get around that? Also tried to find person actually got threats from them soooo, yeah its mine now!

  • 5 years ago

    Want to know how to get your ex back? Change yourself. Don't worry about changing other people, worry about changing yourself. Go to

    Once you do that then you can start to worry about getting back together with your ex, other wise you will find that you are fighting about all the same things and getting no where. Do what it takes and I promise things will work out in your favor.

    The funny thing is I came to the realization that I had to change a little too late. After I was kicked out and after I was about to lose the only things that truly mattered to me - her love. A funny thing happens when we truly love someone and lose them. We do what ever it takes to get them back. For me I had to drop bad habits that had caused not only our relationship to sour but practically every other relationship I had had in the past. Not only with women, but with friends, co-workers, family, you name it.

    Which is why I say to you as my ex at the time said to me, the only thing you can do is change yourself. Work on yourself and improve on the person that you already are. Drop the negative things in your life that don't belong there and you will see all of your relationships start to take off to new heights.

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