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Has anyone ever felt like the grandparents think your kids are theirs?

I know its a weird question, but I feel like my in laws think they have a right to my kids and can do whatever they want without asking us. I want honest answers. I want to know if i'm over reacting or are my feelings ligete. Here's an example: Mother in law told her my husband (her son) that she talked to her tax preparation lady and she told her that she could claim one of our kids on her taxes. We live with them, but we pay rent and have our own apt. They don't provide for our kids at all. Thanks for all answers.


They are so frustariting, and we can't say anything, my husband is upset about it and he complains to me, but then when I agree with him or try to talk to him, he gets upset with me. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm losing my mind, because they just think they can get away with everything and my husband is getting stepped all over in the process.

Update 2:

Well we live in their basment, which has a kitchen and bedroom and bathroom. Its like a studio apartment. So maybe not our own apt lol.. Our own basement. We can't afford to move out. I am the only one with a job, he stays home and takes care of the kids. His job is not open and if he just got some side job, it would only be paying for day care. The whole situation as got me all rattled and I dont' know what to do anymore.

To answer if it were my parents would I feel the same way. Absouletly. Its my thinking that they had their time to raise their kids, now step bak and let me raise My kids. Sorry if i'm rambling, I like all the answers though.

Update 3:

Oh you ladies dont' know how bad I want to tell her to mind her own business, but I don't want my husband mad at me. We have a pretty good realationship right now. I just need a place to let my anger out.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh I feel for ex mother in law filed her son's taxes with me on after I filed separately. She got on her comouter and got my SS# then told us if we didn't file that way she would report us!! We had been separated and could file that way. She is a Jehovah's Witness and I am not and she continually tells my 6 yr old daughter things like "there is no such thing as Santa." You have EVERY right to be upset...MOTHER IN LAWS NEED TO MIND THEIR BUSINESS! Didn't they already have their children and raise them? They should trust that they did a good enough job raising their son's that they are capable of making decisions regarding their family. Good luck! I pray your husband stands up for his family...mine did not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I don't think it's okay for her to claim your child on her taxes. You should say something like "I've already done my taxes and claimed them, so 2 people can't claim the same kids". As for them thinking they are parents don't do that. They always ask what the kids can/should have for dinner (if they're babysitting). They always seem to want to do things as close to the way that I do things, for the kids sake. Now my inlaws...thats a whole different story. They do things how THEY want to, and don't care how the kids take it. My mom lays down with my kids at night to make sure they feel secure when she puts them to bed (on a rare night that they stay overnight). However, inlaws would just put them in a bed and shut the door...cause thats how they do things.

    Do you think you feel this way because it's your inlaws? Would you feel the same if this was your parents that tried to do this?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    My mother-in-law wants to claim my child next year. I told her that she was crazy. She says she can put her down as her job. That she and my boyfriend can say that she takes care of her and that my boyfriend pays her cash. That way they both get money. Over my dead body. She has never even babysat for us much less takes care of her all day everyday. Plus, that is fraud. I am a stay at home mom!! She had a fit but I don't care. She has tried to butt into how we raise our child and I have always put her back into her place, my boyfriend (sadly) is a momma's boy so I do it myself. Maybe if you guys could move out she wouldn't butt in so much? How do you live with them but have your own apartment? I don't understand that part. Is it like a guest house?

  • 1 decade ago

    omg that is bizzare, my grandparents arent like that, but that must be really annoying by the example you just gave i dont think you are over reacting at all, maybe you should talk to your husband about it, and if they want to start claiming your kids on their taxes (which surely that cant be aloud can it?) they should start helping out in caring for them i.e paying for there food etc :)

    Hoped This Helped :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    yeah i know how you feel im only 36 weeks pregnant and my in laws are acting like im having their kid and they did the same thing to my sister in law when she had her daughter they were like can i hold her and she was like sure and then when tracy wanted to leave they wouldn't give her back there like well we have rights when really they don't. they are trying to control everyone kid around they and im not going to put up with it i told my husband that ill put a restraining order on them and hunny they can claim your child that's just wrong i would say something to them i know im going to have too to mine and i know how you feel like you want to say something but then you don't cuz you live there and they are you in laws and your stuck with them lol but anyways best of luck :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think its your mother inlaw its not right what she thinks , maybe if u could speak to her one day and explain everything and maybe you could work this out but i doubt it try talking to your husband he might take some time out and talk to her for you ,but how does your kids feel about this ,anyways good luck with everything ,

    Source(s): James
  • Sosumi
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If your MIL can't say that she pays more than 50% or your child's expenses (Food, clothing, shelter etc.) she cannot claim your children. Tell her to bugger off.

  • SoBox
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They used to, but we set them straight. We made it clear that if they couldn't respect us as our son's parents, then they wouldn't be around any of us.

    By the way, your MIL is full of crap. Does she buy all groceries and cover all expenses for your children? I doubt it. Based on her logic, a landlord could claim his tenant's child.

  • 1 decade ago

    my husbands grandmother butchered my son's hair because she thought he looked like a girl. (he was only one!)

    I wouldn't let her claim your children.

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