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Do you think Christian Prayer Forces Atheist Richard Dawkins to Close RichardDawkins.Net Forums?

power prayer.

The atheists laughed and said prayer did not exist. They cursed us and said there was no God. I warned them time and again, and now, we see the true power of God as he has closed their sinful site,

Christian newswire-grew to over 93,000 members worldwide to pray against the forums.

And you know what? He has now closed his forums

Richard Dawkins' pro-am clash in the boffins’ blogosphere

The evolutionary biologist has found the online vitriol too much, but can the sniping blogs of amateurs help science?


Dawkins blogged: “Imagine that you, as a greatly liked and respected person, found yourself overnight subjected to personal vilification on an unprecedented scale from anonymous commenters on a website.” He went on to describe his disbelief at the blogosphere’s vitriol and tendency to overreact to trivia and concluded that “there is something rotten in the internet culture”.

Bitching, infighting and back-biting have always been part of academia, much as they are a given in politics or the school playground. But now it is no longer confined to the footnotes of journals or senior common rooms. It is open, nasty and, as Dawkins can testify, getting nastier by the day.

Update 2:

Excuse me..He is changing his site or censoring it to Vitriol..I ask you why? Are not Atheists like Minded People all with Rational Minds? Seems like so many Atheists like to use swear words as it is their language of origin, and make idle threats...

Update 3:

Christian Swearing??? It does not exist.

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    you are praying to the wrong being.

    your prayer didn't work.

    Crimmy is an R&S member I like.atheists being rude and crude won't change true christians from

    praying for miracles and seeing the miricles work.

    I pray some day you and all antichristians that answer this question will see the truth of Jesus.

  • Leela
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago is getting a facelift that will be out in the next few weeks, along with a new forum center, with the old forum there as part of the archive.

    Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer. tis true

  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What part of Christianity is so filled with hate? This is a good example to give anyone who wonders why Christians are hate so much. Do you believe that what you send out comes back to you? So all these people who worked to stop a man from his work will now lose their ability to & you will see..............I remember in the USA when Barack Obama was running against John McCain a group of Christians prayed that Obama's outdoor convention speech would be ruined by bad weather...well, it ended up being magnificent....then when McCain was having his indoor convention all kinds of people he fought with through the years refused to go & all kinds of things were happening but the one tied in with the prayer was that Storm Gusav came a long & it caused the people from the states near that to not show up at the convention.. Anyway, you are in for some huge bad karma if you prayed something that stopped a man from what he was doing. You will be stopped but in a worst way than he was cause he was innocent you are a really bad sinner. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you because we are all I hope whatever it is that you lose will teach you to never do anything to another cause if you believe in God you worked to harm one of God's do you know that this man is not an angel & God was not using him to test you to see how you would act?

  • 1 decade ago

    Your reading comprehension isn't too good, is it? The site is not closed down, it is simply being updated, and the existing forum is read-only in the interim. Which they did because a large number of idiots violated the terms of service they agreed to when they joined.

    Perhaps you're just the troll you appear to be?


    "Christian Swearing??? It does not exist."

    It's confirmed then. You are just a troll.

    But, just to play along :

    If you pray that someone will die, and then you shoot them, it's not the praying that killed them.

    If Dawkins makes any changes to his forums as a result of the vitriol, it's in response to things actually posted on them. Not in response to some idiot's prayer.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I hope not. We need a open and honest dialog to discuss different views. How will Christ be revealed to all if we do not intelligently discuss it. Let Richard speak without harassment or judgment. Let all speak. Be willing and ready to make a defense for the hope that is in you,with respect and honor for all beliefs. As Christ the goal is to love and accept not condemn. Love them with a gentle answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, I think that it was shut down for the reasons described in your first link. Here's a quote:

    "Suppose you found yourself described as an “utter twat” a “suppurating rectum. A suppurating rat’s rectum. A suppurating rat’s rectum inside a dead skunk that’s been shoved up a week-old dead rhino’s twat.” Or suppose that somebody on the same website expressed a “sudden urge to ram a fistful of nails” down your throat. Also to “trip you up and kick you in the guts.” And imagine seeing your face described, again by an anonymous poster, as “a slack jawed turd in the mouth mug if ever I saw one.”

    Now, if THAT is Christian prayer I would certainly hate to hear (or read) Christian swearing...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's closed them down to commentary temporarily because they're doing an upgrade to a new system, genius. They're coming back online as soon as the upgrade is complete. Their current incarnation will be deleted, and wasn't meant to be shut down for another 30 days (but hateful, anti-free-speech morons like you felt the need to spam the place with your vile insults), but they're being replaced by a better system, with many of the same topics posted. The VERY POST you linked provided that information. Learn to read.

    Source(s): Edit: Freak of Nurture wins.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes the power of prayer worked praise God - now Atheists might be outraged and call this anti - Christian behaviour but more than 2 thousand years ago this is what Atheists would have done to Jesus Christ and instead of just scandalizing Jesus they beat him up physically and killed him and for what because he preached the truth which some people rejected. And he was without sin

    This hasn't been done at all to Dorky (Dawkins), who is a big sinner. He's a big man he can take criticism and dosen't have to cry to mummy about it. Lets face it he is a revolutionist who wants to uproot the idea of creationism and creationists in general aren't going to take it without a fight. Sorry Dorky but you have to realise you have a fight on your hands.

  • Tomo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Looks to me more like the power of twats rather than the power of prayer.

    Also the forums are "closed for comments" not "closed down" which means you lied and your god just killed a kitten for your sin.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    **ll **it ! the forum is closed for upgrading and security purposes , some of it due to not 93,000 prayers but 93,000 abusive messages being flooded onto his forum site , get a life and stop forcing your fiction down peoples throats as truth when you are clearly just telling lies !

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