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Ramadan - how is the pronunciation and what is its importance in South African countries?


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Update 2:

I do not think that there is any relation for Ramadan with South Africa. But, still some answers makes me think that the answerers are africans - uncultured. Ramadan is a cultural style (life style) adopted in the deserts and in religious ceremony, people of other lands are misguided. I wanted them to see the things from the source, for its goal and advantage. Thanks Insah Allah. Your answer is the only favourable.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ramadan has various pronounciations according to the local languages, such as, Ramazan, Ramzan, Ramadhan, Ramdan, Ramadaan, and so on.

    Ramadan or Ramadhan (Arabic: رمضان) is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar (based on the birth of Prophet Muhammed), and the month in which the Qur'an was revealed. Ramadan is said to be one of the holy months in the Islamic calendar. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam. The month is spent by Muslims fasting during the daylight hours from dawn to sunset.

    However, these life-styles are applicable in the desert life of Arabia and those who are living in other geographical or political environment, are ill-healthy and ill-wealthy. Suppose, it may be a draw back of the religious life-style in other locations.


    There is a Rama in India from the world famous Epic. Lord Sri Rama. The name belongs to him. Daan means donation / contribution, giving something without expecting any return, etc., so the word can be meant as "Donation of Lord Rama" who ruled over Ayodhya of India (Asian country)

    Source(s): Prophet Muhammed and Islam belongs to a small province of the world in Arabia. Like every policy, there are people to follow the Islamic religion - religion means life-style, and nothing else..
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I call it merchandising, some human beings call it politics, yet in spite of the call, SA does not characteristic on a international new scale - I mean human beings here in Asia have no clue with regard to the crime (by some capacity it basically isn't featured on the internet, you're able to truly seem for it, then you certainly will discover it), they think of that SA is a attractive u . s . a . (that's it once you will discover previous the squatter camp smog, and so on). They examine Bush, Blair - you're able to seek for SA, and that may no longer SA's fault. Out of sight, out of ideas. different international locations get marketed extra. Like many different international locations, there is plenty taking place there daily, it basically does not make information the international over, it quite is extraordinarily much like the black sheep of Africa's kin, Zimbabwe - in basic terms the worst information ever actually gets out. once you reside there, it quite is all around you, you're residing it daily, yet from the exterior it quite is like the undesirable cousin - the single no person desires to speak approximately. Do a information seek and Google places different international locations first, no ask your self extra human beings be attentive to extra approximately Bush than Mbeki. in my view, i could opt to be attentive to approximately neither. easily everyone seems to be very speedy to choose SA from different international locations, yet then they could a minimum of get to be attentive to slightly approximately it, in any different case it actually IS lack of understanding. And fellow South Africans, have you ever besides would lost count type of the cases you have been asked of you experience elephants to college and if lions roam the streets, LOL?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    South Africa IS a country

  • borhan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    how its related to ramadan

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