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How responsible are the Knights as a club for their current situation?

I know that Wicks and Houston are both grown men and responsible for their own actions but they don't or didn't operate in a vacuum and Wicks in particular was pretty blatant about what he was doing. He was living the lifestyle and it was obvious to many a long time before he was arrested that he was up to no good hence the detailed Police case against him. That being the case why wasn't it obvious to the Knights?

It appears that they chose to ignore the problem as they did with Andrew Johns and are now suffering the consequences. 2 players charged with being drug dealers (one of the worst crimes imaginable for people in their position) and maybe more to follow. Drug testing players is only part of the solution and it wont tell you who the dealers are. I think the Knights have let their fans and sponsors down again with their inaction. What do you think?


Dragonlady: Danny Wicks was openly using and selling drugs in a prominent Newcastle Night Club which is why he was placed under investigation. No undercover work was needed. As far as the Clubs "duty of care" goes they are in charge of a full time professional sporting organisation and I think that they owe more to the players, sponsors and the fans than just complying with drug testing requirements. It's that type of attitude that has got them into trouble in the first place.

Update 2:

I think some of you are missing the point. Wicks, Houston and anyone else caught dealing in drugs should rot in Gaol. What I'm saying is that if the Knights as a club had been more vigilant and jumped on this sort of thing before it became front page news it wouldn't be as bad as it is now. Sure the players that are involved are to blame but the club hasn't helped the problem by sitting on its hands.

Update 3:

Knights 10 - I have plants in my garden that are smarter than Danny Wicks so I find it hard to believe that he fooled so many people. He partied regularly with 6-7 other Knights players so they would have known what he was up to. All the staff at the Night Club knew what he was doing and so did a lot of the patrons so why didn't the club know about it? Same reason they "didn't know" about Andrew Johns because it was inconvenient to do so.

Update 4:

Knights Supporters - If you had bothered to read what I had written you would know where the information came from and it is accurate. Are you that stupid to think that if it is not written in a news paper it can't be real? Instead we have Knights 10 with his finger on the pulse up there on the Gold Coast who struggles to write a coherent sentence and worships Kurt Gidley telling us how it is. You people live in a dream world if you think the club didn't have at least some idea that something was going on with Wicks. The club knew about Andrew Johns and did nothing and they have done the same thing again - which was my point in the first place.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If they knew about this growing problem in their ranks, (and this point is debatable) and chose to turn their backs or ignore it, then they are just as culpable as those who are now charged with drug dealing. But who is to say that they did know? I would argue that it's easy to say .. in hindsight .. that it was obvious that the kind of lifestyle these players are/have been living can only be classified as fitting a drug dealer's lifestyle.

    Maybe in this instance it has turned out to be so, but most professional sportsmen and a lot of sportswomen have a better lifestyle than the rest of us as far as their bank balances, living arrangements and 'playtimes' go. But it doesn't always follow that they are breaking the law to maintain this lifestyle. I would think that the police were aware of the activities of these two players because of undercover work, or even informants.

    I know that the Clubs have a duty of care in respect of looking after their players, but in the end the players choose to drink too much, or take banned substances, or conduct deals as these two players seem to have done. The Club can only do their tests and carry out the requirements of the Sports Drug Testing Agency, and believe that their players will behave themselves.

    In the end, the blame rests with those who commit the crimes.

    Dogsoldier : I take your point, if Danny Wicks was openly dealing in Clubs then he deserves to be caught. But where is it written that if someone is apprehended for a criminal activity then he has to bleat about someone else being responsible? They make the decision to openly deal in drugs, so they should cop the punishment when they're caught.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey mate

    I would imagine the life of an NRL player is pretty sweet. Getting paid up to 10 times what normal people get a year (or more I dont know what sponsorship payments and ORigin and International bonuses are). NO other job or obligation to work outside of training. NO obligation to study and further yourself to secure a future beyond footy.

    Sitting around all day getting to cruise the streets and do interviews about how you need to look after yourself cos your career may be over when you are 30 then what? HERES WHAT - GET A JOB!!

    Really I dont care they will spend 5-10 years in jail. I care about how the Knights fans feel and how the NRL has to mop up AGAIN. This doesnt just apply to drug dealing at the Knights though - the general attitude of some of these blokes is nauseating. Some REALLY believe they are owed a living.

    Drinking and punching on in public (have they found the "thugs" that apparently bashed Watmough and Matai? Or are Sea Eagles happy to keep that out of the media cos those two maybe DID have something to do with the fight starting? Not saying its fact just wondering why we havent heard anything since)

    Sexual assaults, drunken bullsh-t, urinating and shtting in public (WTF???), turning up to training (at 8am?) drunk, drug use, glassing people, drink driving, speeding. Clubs need to step in and make a positive move.

    I know I support Tigers and Im not saying they are the only club that do this but a lot of the players are studying and also have their own businesses (in fitness) which I would imagine will give them a top career once league is over for them. Plus they are training and learning and not SITTING ON THEIR ARSES!!!!!!

    I also acknowledge that any minute the Tigers could have a seriously incident just like any other club ( I hope to god not!!). Its now up to the Knights to step in and start the ball rolling and stop this before it rears its head again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe it's the players who do the crimes fault. Its not the clubs and it's not the captains. Knights have one of the strictest drug testing policies, the club can't follow the players every single move.

    Why would ANY club just sit back and let their players take or sell drugs?!! I think if they did know, they would have done something. You can't just speculate that they knew and let it happen that's entirely unfair and damaging.

    As for the newcastle drug culture bit, Wicks and Houston came from the dragons, who knows how long they've been doing this. Don't blame newcastle. Every other city has just as many idiots taking drugs as newcastle, maybe not as profiled but you can bet they do.

    Every club has players who screw up. What about the wife beaters in the NRL? The ones accused of sexual assault? No one said their team should get kicked out of the comp. Its a few stupid idiots who ruin it for everyone is and it's not the knights fault, its the players. They have everything going for them and they just don't care.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whether they know or not is speculation but regardless this is a team that has been harbouring guys with drug problems or that have taken illegal substances for a while now. Go back to Andrew Johns, Robbie O'Davis, Adam MacDougall etc.

    I think the club lived on the success of having the best halfback in the game and professionalism and good business took a backward step. It makes it worse that Newcastle have some of the most passionate supporters in the game, these players in the scandals at the moment have really let their fans down.

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  • Bill P
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They are not travelling too well. They have had problems at the club, though I think McDougall was hard done by. McDougall taking prescribed medication for a long term illness. Though the Andrew Johns incident was far worse. He admitted taking banned substances, he knew when the testing was to be done and he only owned up to it after he retired. Perhaps these latest two thought they could do the same.

  • Aiden
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Jsinista - You're not in a very good positiion to talk about the knights, look how terrible the Warriors were last year. I would have to say they were by far the most boring team to watch, I'd go close to saying the Sharks would have played a more attractive brand of football then the Warriors. And i'd doubt Brett Seymour will make much of a difference to your team this year either.

    Moving onto the question, the players are held responsible for their actions, not the knights, . Like Knights 10 and Nikkita said, the knights have a very strict drug policy and the players are given regular drug tests. Houston was stood down straight away and looks like his contract will be torn up very shortly , given the news i have heard. The knights are dealing with this very well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'm getting so sick of seeing "Knights" in the news for all the bad reasons, i get sick of people always saying bad stuff about them and how they apparently "suck" and are a "sh!t" team.

    all i am waiting for now is for the NRL season to start up and cheer for the Knights, whether they have only 4 players on the field or whether they have a full, spirited team that wants to go further than a top 8 finish.

    i can't be fuc-ked answering questions about the Knights' drug problems, and to back Knights10 up, show us a link or any bit of news on the net to prove that he was regularly partying with 6-7 other Knights players and how they knew about Wicks' situation, until you show us a link, shut up about it and stop making this bullsh!t up!

  • 1 decade ago

    Knights are just a bunch of cheaters and deserve all they get as a Club. I have no pity for drug cheats in our game and I fully agree that every club has a duty of responsibility to there players, this isnt about micro managing players, but being aware of your players and activities people are enjoying outside of the club. The Knights admin, coaches and (some) players are just down right cheats, there way to much conversation amoungst teams to not have known. I say kick them out and put the Bears back in!!!! Knights 10, I too have plants in my garden which know your friends up there, Weed, LMAO!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You don't really think this doesn't go on at other clubs.

    I know about one player that had a recreational drug problem and they dealt with it in house. In a way it was a good team building exercise for them and he over came it too.

  • machey
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    OBama has been in workplace for extra suitable than 2 years. on a similar time as no you could restore the themes Obama has to deal with, in one day. Obama has accomplished no longer something to even commence on the themes we are dealing with. Specifics: The Stimulus invoice became an excellent waste of money that did no longer something to stimulate interest growth. Obama's wellness care regulation, isn't something extra suitable than an excellent tax develop. additionally shown that for the duration of this is complete deployment could kill jobs. Obama's capability rules and reaction to the Gulf disaster, close down all oil wells and not enable new ones to be outfitted. the fee of gas became at a historic extreme for countless weeks this year. Obama made some dumb comments approximately it. yet this could be a guy that ran on the marketing campaign promise of desirous to work out gas at 5 money a gallon, and to make coal mining very costly on a similar time as working coal-fired electric powered flora into chapter 11 enterprise. In different words, Obama's regulatory nightmares killing jobs as quickly as lower back. Threats and rumors of extra regulation from Obama is retaining interest growth from happening. no person desires to hire human beings in the event that they comprehend or think of they would be taxed extra heavily. The loss of corporation-based wellness care. owing to Obamacare, many employers are dropping that earnings for its workers. The taxes in accordance with corporation-based wellness care could take a extensive bite of its salary away. to no longer point out, Obamacare provides to be a tax and archives-retaining nightmare for small companies. this is much less annoying for the employer to pay the fines and forget approximately approximately it. Obama supplies away billions to different countries, which incorporates those which do unlike us. And nevertheless do no longer. they only think of we are stupid for giving them money. Obama seems extra fascinated in helping different countries, on a similar time as forgetting approximately this one. Bush ran up a deficit, actual. Obama has taken that deficit and ran up the invoice much extra, now at some 14 trillion money. Obama needs one extra ten trillion money for his social classes. to no longer point out green capability classes that have failed, and a extreme speed rail equipment that we additionally can not cope with to pay for today.

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