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R&P: So Long For Now.. Can you share a song about new beginnings or starting over?

Hey R&P remember me? Probably not, I’m just another contributor to this board, oh yeah maybe I was a top answerer or a question or two of mine got a few responses, but I’m certainly no one that ANYONE would want to mention in a fave contacts Q or beloved this or that.

Mr. Cellophane

Hi anyways, because there certainly quite a few of you I held in high regard and I thought I would let anyone who cares have a weather update.. Condition hazy, ask again later… Punch has spent his last night on Camerford Ave... Next to Paramount Studios, it is indeed with a hint of bittersweet reluctance that I leave there.. From its windows I watched the Hollywood skies collide into themselves and the windswept patterns that the raindrops washed away.. And from a keyboard there in the city of angels lost, I made your acquaintance and hoped you made mine. Though my little questions here and there and an answer there and here might not have meant much to many of you, I know from emails and responses that some of you care indeed..

Bright Eyes - "First Day of My Life"

I cared as well and wish you the best now and always. I lost my internet provider on Friday and don’t know how soon I can be hooked up again, I’m letting you know this so that if I miss your questions for awhile or you don’t see me around much you’ll understand and not think my silence to be one of indifference but instead it is of quiet to explore myself, going inward to discover why my life has fallen to pieces and how I got so damn lost.. I’ll be able to answer here and there as I still get the net at work, but I’ll use my back up because it won't be the same… oh well, so that brings me to the question..

What song or thoughts have you on new beginnings or starting anew?

Tracy Chapman - New Beginning

Love & Mercy,

and as always... Have Fun!



* * * *

Sincerely, graciously, shyly and ever more humbly the ever I thank you..

Each of you have touched me, and those of you “in the know” know just how much this means to me

It is right now___ nearly twenty four hours from the time I posted this question, and while I have moved I have not yet actually moved to anywhere! Yes, the chaos and confusion that has marked my life since early October continues unabated, unrestrained and quite possibly insanely forward.. And what of the future? Quite unfinished replied the author, for the words and twists of phrase have not yet been imagined or committed to page. I should probably be committed myself.. anyways, I’ll be alright and Helen Keller had it right, when she said “life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”

Please keep me in your prayers

Update 2:

17 hours later...

I just have to thank everyone for your continued support, keep the emails coming please, they help me so much

one person even said I was a hottie (blush)

okay I know i said in my call for attention that i was filled with "bittersweet reluctance" over leaving my apt.. chronic procratination is more apt.. geeze.. anywhooo, the final things are being put into storage and my clothes and a few belongings are being moved to a room in Los Angeles, I am making good on this fantasy of living a gypsy existance while keeping a high pressured career going.. my real last night was marked by sleeplessness and a fist fight in my living room.. you just gotta give the neighbors one last good time show for the road, Christ, is it any wonder why i was evicted? I will be writing emails today if time permits to thank the more personal responses, thanks to my Cafe bros (and sisters) for your answers.. Traci, thanks so much and David, thanks for the scene from MAGNOLIA..

Update 3:

When I left my apt for the VERY last time this song was playing.. i thought it was so perfect and a underrated Stones Jam

'Till the next goodbye

24 Answers

  • David
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Godspeed, Punch.

    "A lot of people think this is just a job that you go to... take a lunch hour, the job's over, something like that. But it's a 24-hour deal... no two ways about it... and what most people don't see is just how hard it is to do the right thing. People think if I make a judgment call, that it's a judgment on them. But that's not what I do, and that's not what should be done. I have to take everything and play it as it lays. Sometimes people need a little help. Sometimes people need to be forgiven. And sometimes they need to go to jail. And that's a very tricky thing on my part... making that call. The law is the law, and heck if I'm gonna break it. But if you can forgive someone... well, that's the tough part. What can we forgive? Tough part of the job. Tough part of walking down the street."

    California dreamin' on such a winter's day

    Love must be forgotten, life can always start up anew

  • 1 decade ago

    I for one will miss your answer and questions, you are a person, contact that has always been true to their self and to others like myself. There are many who will miss you. I'm sorry if I never contacted you by e-mail. The reason for that would be that I'm so much older than most of my contacts I try an not be a hassle to them or others. I'lve always been happy to answer their questions and help with a good answer when I can. So thanks for being one of the true blue of R&P, I will miss your so very much. I do hope you make it back. Take care and may the sun always shine in your face and the wind be to your back. And you took the song right out of my mouth that I was going to post. So i hope I can come up with something as good.

    take care i'll always around if you ever want to talk, just as for my phone number if you want and I will call you


  • 1 decade ago

    Dear Punch,

    Your clear spirit will see you through~

    Wishing for you great happiness and peace.

    ~and speaking of Spirit... this just seems right ~ Why can't I be free / Love has found a way


    Just wanted to say one more thing... Punch, the simple fact that you're willing to look inward, figure out where things went wrong, and then take steps to *not* make the same mistakes twice, gives me GREAT HOPE that all will be well in the end. Sending some powerful good mojo your way!!!

  • Annie Lennox Little Bird the artistic version of this video was awesome. It made me think of where you're at but, when the time comes you'll spread your wings and fly the coop to bigger and better things. Stand by Me-playing for change- around the world

    I've sent this too you on a couple of occasions but, it's awesome. I think the others here may enjoy it as well. Celtic Woman- A New Journey- You Raise Me Up Celtic Woman- The Voice

    Well, I'm sorry to hear about your woes my dear friend but, as always I lend a shoulder to rest your troubled head and an ear to listen to you. I've left you with some Inspirational songs of hope. I hope they help. (((( Huggs & Kisses)))) : ) Jilly

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  • Hilary
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Right back at you! None come to mind atm, sorry :/. BQ: I'm Christian, but I'm not very religious. I do celebrate Easter though. BQ2: Haha, part of me still wants to sometimes, even though I don't. I hope the Easter Bunny brought you a bunch of candy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Punch, you're the only person on R&P who could make such a graceful exit (temporary as it is) and still make me smile when reading the question. You're one of the best on here! Don't ever leave for good!


    Isis - "The Beginning And The End"

  • its true i don't come on answers very often but I remember when you I first started seeing your questions and answers because I've been here a lot longer. You have consistently been one of the most inventive ones. I'm surprised that no one mentioned your terrific cafe questions which brought people together to share music, a shame that our fun had to be spoiled and that my computer never could acces your chat room. anyways know you have had a rough time of it and know we will be here when/if you return

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You do know that you are one of the coolest people around here ,right ? In many peoples' views

    here's one song that fits just perfectly.. Start Again , the second song

    Yeah I always mention Leonard whenever I get the appropriate chance :)

    take care Punchy *hugs*

  • 1 decade ago

    Not to much to say...this happened to me for awhile. Get back on soon as some people leave and never come back. I was missed and got tons of email while I was gone...just like you I checked from time to time at work..but it wasnt the same. Just take care and get out and find love/hobby/ or even volunteer as I did with the extra time. Later. And see ya soon!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont think it's on youtube but...

    its on the Black Eyed Peas Album "The E.N.D"

    Party All The time.... It truly is a great song that makes me smile when i listen to it...

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