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My 7 mo old is having major seperation anxiety, how can I fix this?

My son is 7 mo old and every time I leave the room he throws a fit , he starts screaming mama. Its gotten so bad that noone else can even hold him, his dad will hold him and he'll reach for me and if I dont take him he cries out mama, and every time I leave for work he throws a fit, its so hard to leave him but this is making it worse he wants me to stay so bad and I cant what should I do??

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    For a child this age, sometimes an object can help, such as a favorite stuffed animal. Give him a hug, hand him the toy, say "Mommy will be back later," and leave without paying any attention to the screaming. And remember - when he screams like that, you feel worse than he does. He'll be fine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    (You may get more answers in the Parenting/Baby section.)

    It could be just a phase... some kids go through clingy phases. Or it could be that you're spoiling him to the point that he literally fears being separated from you. Or it could be that he's learned that when he screams, you come running, thus he gets what he wants, whenever he wants it.

    When other people hold him, try to make it pleasant for him. One evening a week, go out for dinner or a movie with your husband and get a babysitter for him-- this will get him used to being around other people. Start having him sleep alone in his own crib (if you haven't already) and start letting him cry it out and put himself to sleep. Finally, don't get stressed out. I'm sure it's an incredibly stressful situation, but you have to remember that your baby can read your emotions like a book... if you're stressed, he'll pick up on that and feel equally uncomfortable. Good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Time for some parental tough love here. You need to show him whose Mom and that youre the boss. Sure itll probably hurt you more but you need to let him learn that mommy isnt giving into his controlling ways, that crying for just wanting wont work. So let him cry and if he isnt hurt, just let him be. Young children learn quick so this wont take long. Good luck

    Source(s): Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Pyschology
  • 1 decade ago

    This is normal behavior for a baby his age. I guarantee when you leave, he is ok. He needs to learn to be around other people and it will be ok. You will survive this. I remember going back into my mom's house, 5 minutes later, and my daughter had stopped crying and was playing. Its ok!

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  • Mario
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, just hold him on your arms.

  • 1 decade ago

    give him a blanket with your favorite perfume on it that might help

  • 1 decade ago

    oh i'm sure you are doing plenty to encourage his behavior so it makes you feel wanted.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    make contact with the st.jude's children's hospital or any other place for children.. they will help.

    Source(s): sick children.
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