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Jonny B asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why tax the successful people of society more?

Why should people who already work harder and earn more money have to pay more in taxes to support non-productive people? Shouldn't these people get a break for not being parasites?


I am middle class and did extremely well durin the Bush years. Between My wife and I our income doubled in that time.

And for the guy that does not understand that parasite is a metaphore for people that depend on society... that lack of basic comprehension skills explains why you are a liberal.

Update 2:

Alex, Hedge fund managers pay capital gain taxes. Hello?

Update 3:

Meg you have a couple of good points. But investment bankers are your friends... as well as plumbers:)

Update 4:

Darcy I am far from rich, but how is it fair that I pay twice the property taxes on a nice house for example than the guy with a trailer and 5 kids that use the schools my tax dollars are paying for? Its not like the mayor comes and shovels my snow. This is a small scale example of how people with more get screwed.

11 Answers

  • iceman
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, they are the only ones who have money. I'm not saying if it's a good or right/wrong thing to do, it's just that the options are very limited. I'm paying more taxes now, but if I was super rich I would consider the higher taxes as an investment for the future and to create opportunity to make more money in good economic times.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is how most countries do it

    You do understand that the rise of their taxes amount to mere 3%

    I do hope they can pay the lousy $6000.00 dollars and doesn't hurt them too much warned most hire lawyers and have inside knowledge to pay LESS than a regular person who pays non stop

    If you were rich I could see why you would not want to pay the mere 3% but guess you are not as would not be on this negative site on Friday night..instead in Mexico somewhere

    I still fail to understand how and why so many people from the R side DEFEND the rich

    have they become that it us against THEM...get with the picture please

    To have free society and capitalist one we all have to pay...taxes are how we get things done...part of price for a free society

    Agree some property taxes are unfair and should be changed..but the guy in the trailer pays taxes as well and those 5 kids need to go to school...we must all share in education..or against that as well

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Many of the rich do no productive work. Many live off capital gains and family fortunes. Hedge fund managers are among the highest paid of all Americans, yet they do nothing to benefit society. Health insurance CEOS make millions by denying the claims of real working Americans. The people who do the actual work that keeps this country running are not rich.

    Source(s): reality
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i desire you been planing on your retirement and not thinking the federal government will purely shield you, yet objective on the cost that's now expected that social protection will in all probability be completely broke by using 2025. Its now no longer a topic remember of now no longer spending on different concerns, as social protection and purposes like that now take in over 60% of the cost variety interior the u . s .. that's what human beings do no longer seem to realize once you do no longer superb the utility and shrink it back some you are going to unfastened all of it and extremely quickly. playstation reducing the Social protection tax that worker pay should not be correcting the region for the destiny.

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  • meg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    In our society we define productive by how much money someone makes and but can you then claim that people with high incomes should not be taxes because they are more productive.

    I would rather do without the services of lawyers than garbage collectors, investment bankers than, plumbers , and movie stars than nurses.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's against human nature to be a parasite so if you think other people are parasites you probably have a tendency toward being one.

    When you have high tax rates on the rich, you avoid bubble economies. There are less booms and busts with high tax rates.

  • After THREE tax cuts to the rich, Bush had the WORST job creation record of ANY modern full-term president. Read the Wall Street Journal:

    During Bush, the rich got richer and the middle class got poorer.

  • Because they are wicked wicked people and they should pay more for the poor. Spread the wealth. It's the progressive's agenda. Welcome to America and the Obama agenda. He will drive business offshore. It's reflective in the stock markets. He is a job killer.

    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They don't work hard. They're born into money.

    People who earn their money tend to be liberals, like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.

  • 1 decade ago

    because that's who you can make more money from and are less likely too care as much as those who aren't as they are.

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