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Lizzy P asked in HealthDental · 1 decade ago

getting my braces off monday, question?

so im getting my braces off on monday, i have two gaps in my mouth and im not getting the fake teeth untill next monday so i would have to walk around without two fake teeth for a week and i really dont like that idea. the only reason why is since after i get my braces off then they want to take an impression for fake teeth since they cant do it with braces on. but is there something i can do so that way there wont be two gaps?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah I wrote the answer in the source part by mistake lol I would just Copy and paste but I can't cuz I'm on my iPhone lol

    Source(s): Wow I'm In the exact same situation as you are , except I am only missing one tooth. I got impressions done today for my fake tooth. They did the impression with my braces on. So it is possible to do impressions with braces on. They just cover your braces with wax so that they don't screw up the impressions or so that they don't end up breaking anything on my braces. My braces should be coming off next month. I got the impression done today. And as you said, when the braces come off there's gonna be a big gap. So my ortho is gonna make me a retainer with a fake tooth on it. So that I don't have to walk around toothless until I go for my implant. So that's my Process!
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    no, the retainer setting up is nice before you get your braces off. this is a distinctive weirdy ingredient that sorta makes you gag with the aid of fact it kinda tastes undesirable. once I have been given my braces off final 300 and sixty 5 days, it replaced into the ****! It harm for like a minute or so, yet then it felt mind-blowing! I enjoyed being waiting to roll my tongue over my tooth and not having from now on meals regulations! My tooth regarded so particularly! they look particularly now too, yet besides the fact that. Ya, you need to be excited with the aid of fact it is mind-blowing.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    No, I don't think you can place anything temporarily to cover the gaps for just a week. Don't worry, its just a week and after that your smile will be beautiful and everyone will forget you ever had gaps for a week.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ask if they can take the braces off when u get the teeth.

    Good luck ~x~

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  • 1 decade ago

    that is so good. you will look so pretty

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