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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsOther - Science · 1 decade ago

Viruses or another form of organism or non-organism in outer space?

It just came to me that since there are mesophilic, halophilic, psychrophilic, and lots of forms or microorganisms living in the extreme environment, is it possible to have microorganisms in outerspace too? What about anerobic microorganisms?

Also, an analogy:

microorganisms, viruses : soil

microorganisms, viruses : air or atmosphere

so there must also be

microorganisms or viruses in outer space.

Can someone please explain to me the possibilities? Thank you :D

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, probably someone can explain to you the possibilities. But since they have not yet done so, you would do well to step back, regroup, and ask a coherent question. Could a virus survive in the vacuum of space? Probably some could.

  • 4 years ago

    We basically understand that there is existence accessible, yet no longer necessarely what u are questioning of. we are very virtually advantageous that there is or became some form of microbial existence on mars, so we are sending a team of scientists to verify in the close to destiny (10-20yrs). the latest fighter that's in very final attempting out for the U. S. military, the F22 Rapter, is technically a alien craft by using fact it somewhat is not any longer recognized as an airplane via the FAA. The term alien craft is tossed around too lots with the incorrect which skill. in simple terms for the reason which you observed a alien craft doesnt propose which you observed existence from yet another planet. particularly in the midwest, there are try flights of jets that are saved secret till the U. S. military is acquainted with that they are going to use it. i might desire to think of that there are extraterrestrial beings accessible that have landed in the international and souch, yet i understand that there probable isnt any clever existence in the image voltaic gadget besides human beings, porpoises, ect... by using fact the closest famous guy or woman is a lot too a great way for them to get our radio alerts and then return and forth here without breaking the uncomplicated regulations of spacetime...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I'm no expert but I sort of agree haha

    maybe there are organisms in things like nebulas and clouds... tbut i doubt it, because of the enormous temperatures i dont think anything could withstand it

    and in space itself it is a vacuum, which is the absence of matter, so even if the organism was there and it was anaerobic then it wouldn't have any food anyway, unless it made food from UV radiation (photoautotroph)

    yes life could exist, but its more likely to be in planets rather than in space

    Source(s): nothing valid. just my thoughts
  • 1 decade ago

    If you watched the movie 'Apollo 13', there is a scene were the astronaut flush the the toilet and the waste is vented out of the space capsule and into space. That might have been the beginning of microorganisms in space.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    float or swim in outer space, float in the water or swim, birds float or fly back and forth, I doubt that he birds were first though

    edit: Did you hear about that Carbon I think graphite likes to make a heartbeat rhythm when there is energy added to it or something I read. Also Carbon Nanotube likes to glow when energy is added. So Carbon is a wild one, with all kinds of neutron variation

    Also viruses arent alive, without cells they are inert packets of chemicals though they arent dead in that they have genes and reproduce and evolve through natural selection and so a virus does need a nature in order to make it somewhere

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