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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingTeen & Preteen · 1 decade ago

Teens: Does your area have slang that if you use on Y!A, people won't know what you mean?

I live in Scotland and if I were to type Scottish slang, I doubt very much you would understand xD Like for example, if I were to tell you a bit about myself in full Scots slang, it would look something like this ...

Awrite, ma name's Cillian, am 16 yer auld fae Glesga. Huv 1 brer and a sister. Play fitba, it's pretty sound aye? Ken it is. If a hud ma buckie rite noo ad be a pure ned mawn!

Hahaa that's exaggerating taking it to the extremes, I don't talk that slang, but you get my drift lol.

So, give me some slang from where you are? =)


swimmer - not really lol xD some people do, I use some of the words like aye and that stuff, but the example there was a bit exaggerated xD

Update 2:

natalie - you mean from my avatar? well that isnt me hes a footballer so... you're not insulting me lol

24 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Alright, my name's Cillian, am 16 years old from Glasgow. Have 1 brother and 1 sister. Play Football, it's pretty great, say? Know it is. If I had my buckie I'd be a pure ned man.

    Sorry, but I read the book Trainspotting and it used to be my favourite movie, so I can cipher some Scottish slang[but not all of that, I don't know what the last part exactly means]. :)

    The entire book was written like this:

    "Too right, He's no goat the full AIDS likes, but he's tested positive. Still, as ah sais tae um, it isnae the end ay the world Goagsie. Ye kin learn tae live wi the virus. Tons ay ****s dae it withoot any hassle at aw. Could be fuckin years before ye git sick, ah telt um. Any **** withoot the virus could git run ower the morn. That's the wey ye huv tae look at it. Cannae jist cancel the gig. The show must go oan."

    But from Trainspotting I picked up words like buftie, bairn, keks, and scag.

    I'm not sure what I have here. I use rad, bitchin', rank [cool], ****[tightass, random person], assklown[and other variations of it].

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hmm yeah I guess you could say say

    Where I'm from, people say ''aye boy'' as a way of saying hello. And saying ''yes lawd'' is a way of saying hello. Haha

    And we say ''the last day'' meaning like a few days ago. There's been a few times I've typed that and was like ''no, they won't know what it means, put it differently'' lol And Americans don't seem to get the phrase 'taking the piss'..Pretty sure the UK uses that too you'd know what it means..It means just kidding or messing. Or saying the word ''wile'' meaning very. Like oh it was wile funny would mean oh it was very funny hah Umm yeah you get my drift! I'm from Ireland btw. There is way more but I can't think right now :l

  • 1 decade ago

    A few slang terms i know would be:

    Turnt Up- High/Drunk; sentence: He turnt up.

    Faded- da same thing as turnt up basically; sentence: Man i was faded yesterday.

    Function- like a party; sentence: U going 2 dat function tonight?

    Crack/Crackin/Cracks- To be hype; sentence: School was crackin today.

    Go/Went Hard- Something was really hype and sweet; sentence: Man dat song go hard!

    Cuddy- Any friend of yours; sentence: Cuddy where u goin?

    Whats poppin?- Whats going on, whats happening; sentence: Whats poppin tonight?

    Lowkey- Something thats not known and like a secret; sentence; Dude im lowkey broke.

    No Japp- Not joking, seriously; sentence: 2 dudes are about to fight like no japp

    Lightweight- in a sort-of-kinda- way, not really but really; sentence: Im lightweight hungry.

    Munchies- To want snacks (usually the effect of being "turnt up" or "faded"); sentence: Man i got da munchies, u got sum candy or sumthin?

    Sick/ill/Dope- Something dat is really nice (kinda of the same thing as "go hard"); sentence: Dat necklace is dope. Dat song is ill. Dat beat is sick.

    Its a lot more but i cant really think of them LOL

    Source(s): Everyday life :)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I got most of what you were saying (I think) until the last sentence... :|

    I'm Canadian, and some slang people may not know/use that we use around my area:

    -Wheeling/Wheelin - flirting, trying to hookup with someone

    -Chirping/Chirpin - Trying to b*tch someone out and get in a fight with them.

    -Real sickening - pronounced more like rull sickneen... this is more local rez slang, but it is also used by non-Natives. Mostly ones who are around Natives often/been in school with Natives for along time. It means someone who is acting really annoying.

    -Wala/Walla. It's an Arabic word I'm pretty sure, I'm not exactly sure what it means but everyone in my school says it. It's the most annoying term to hear ever to come out of anyones mouth. >:\

    There are more, but I cannot think of them for some reason.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I actually understood most of that, lol. Except 'ken it is', and I don't know what a 'buckie' is.

    Well, it just depends on who you are. In my area, some people talk in ebonics, some people just use plain, southern slang.

    Slang words I hear used in my area on a regular basis are: becky, buck, ain't, y'all, frog gig. Those are just off the top of my head. I can't really think of any words we say that other places don't say... I type exactly the way I talk on Y!A, and everyone seems to understand me just fine, lol.

    We also tend to say 'figure', in the place of realize, or consider, or assume.

    ex. I figured it was going to rain.

    And we say we are 'fixing' to do something, instead of saying 'about to'.

    ex. I'm fixing to go to the store.

  • Judith
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Homecoming football game is the football game played before the homecoming dance. Sadie Hawkins dance is the dance where it is a tradition of girls asking guys to the dance instead of the other way around "dece" I think is a shortened word for decent (adj) Some people hate Justin Bieber because of his girl like voice and most guys are just jealous all girls are drooling over him. They hate Rebecca Black because of her nasal like voice and her infamous song "Friday" you can look it up on youtube. (These are not slang terms except for "dece")

  • .
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hahahahaha that is brilliant xD

    I'm from Scotland too so mine will be near enough the same, loved the bit about the buckie lmao xD

  • 1 decade ago

    i got hella faded brah!

    haha...nah, not really. i mean what i wrote above ^^ is slang, but it's used basically all over the west coast of the united states.


    arbo = arboretum. everyone goes up there to smoke weed.

    and "bop". it's used other places too. it means give head. bopper = a girl who gives head. boppertunity = an opportunity to get head.

  • 1 decade ago

    Haha, I have a friend from FL, and he uses slang that is very confusing to me most of the time, lol. As for me...I don't think so.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol, wow thats like your own little language :D

    But no not really, I mean I live in the South and alot of the ppl do use Southern slang, but its pretty easy to understand

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