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Why do we only stick to standard arguments when discussing abortion? Can you tell me anything new about it?

There are many factors involved with abortion, and we don't address most of them. I put together a few links to the rare questions that do address other issues, and I'd like to hear what you think. Some new arguments please. (Just pick one or two.)

Many people say a woman should keep the pregnancy, and then put the baby up for adoption. But they don't say what happens after that. This one is about how the adoption option will effect her life. (Though the question was worded very stupidly, the content was excellent.);_ylt=Ap...

This one is from my brother. Our mother was recently killed as a result of AntiAbortionist misinformation, and pressure to get and stay pregnant. He posted this question shortly before she died.;_ylt=Ah...

This one is about the rush that a woman must go through to make the decision. In some places, the law only allows a woman the choice for abortion, before she finds out she is pregnant. (8 weeks);_ylt=Ai...

This one shows examples of why women wind up unwillingly pregnant. The question only addressed BC, but the answers didn't!;_ylt=Aj...

This one is an open question about the negative effects society has suffered due to bans on abortion, and what happens to the kids after their mothers give them up.;_ylt=Ak...

This one came from the perspective of a man who grew up in foster care, and now he's impregnated his GF.;_ylt=Aq...

Someone asked about hypocrisy in abortion. I think my brother has an interesting perspective on the issue.;_ylt=Am...

This is what he had to say about hypocrisy and abortion:

Anti abortionists knowingly lied to my mom, and pushed her to make a decision they knew could kill her. Now my mom is dead. Anti abortionists kill mothers. THAT is hypocrisy.

Anti abortionists are also well known for blowing up free clinics. Their excuse is that abortion happens there. Never mind the innocent people they murder and maim there. Never mind the innocent people that no longer have access to health care. If abortion must be banned because abortion is wrong, then anti abortionists must be banned because blowing up clinics and maiming patients is wrong.

Anti abortionists are hypocrites.

Anti abortionists are known for murdering doctors. Every month or so, I read it in the papers. The last anti abortionist was a religious man, so he followed a doctor into church and opened fire on the congregation. He murdered a doctor and shot other worshippers too. THAT is hypocrisy.

Ban anti abortionists. Lies, and violence are not acceptable ways to protest. Arrest them for their crimes! They murdered my mother! Arrest them for their crimes!


Anti abortionists are murderers!

They used their lies to kill my mom!

Now I don't have a mom. : (

---this was from Doctor Who (with his permission to post)


Blue eyed christian: My mother had health care. She lived in a first world country. She's dead.

Update 2:

Blue Eyed Christian: How fine in the head would you be if your mother was killed? Cut him some slack.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If anti-choicers insist their doctrine should be applied to everyone, I insist they are required to deal with the consequences that result from it.

    I insist that all the anti-choice organizations take responsibility* for all the unwanted children that are/were not aborted, rather than campaigning based on philosophical objections and then doing nothing practical to fix the vast problem of children's needs going unmet. This means noone who is a member of a church would be without adopted and fostered children. Oh, and many of those children will be addicted to crack from the womb, or will have ADD, behavior problems, retardation, autism, Down syndrome, any number of genetic abnormalities or mental illness, and they might not be cute, either. Oh, the horror.

    Can you imagine how quickly people would change their tune if they were actually accountable for the things they spew? Put your money, time, home and heart where your mouth is, or I don't want to hear it!

    The fact that the existing children are already failed by society (society's adults, Christians, Catholics, churches, etc., etc.) shows these anti-choicers are (by and large) all talk and truly care nothing for the children. If they did, they would find a way to make sure the children were properly cared for, rather than trying to make the situation worse.

    * When I say responsibility, I mean responsible to love, feed, house, clothe, guide, nurture and care for these children for the duration of their lives, equal to how they would for their biological offspring. After all, it's the Christian thing to do, is it not?

  • Judy
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Just to clarify: my own position is that it IS a double standard and it IS unfair, unjust, and unequal, but that it would be MORE unjust to compromise people's right to bodily integrity or to have the government intruding into private medical and family planning decisions. I would respect feminist a whole lot more of they would acknowledge that sometimes biological reality DOES trump principles of equality. I am pro-choice but I don't like for someone to piss on my shoes and tell me it's raining. The present distribution of rights and responsibilities between men and women IS unequal and it is foolish to deny this. But equality is not the ONLY principle at issue.

  • People have said that pregnancy is natural, and they've said that abortion (or not wanting kids you are not ready to take care of) is unnatural. Thanks to that myth science has advanced in abortion, more than it has in pregnancy or childbirth or child care. It is actually safer to get an abortion than to give birth. It is a LOT safer to get an abortion than to go through a pregnancy, which is very dangerous to any woman's health. (my college debate teem found that pregnancy is more than 800 times more damaging on a woman's body than an abortion.

    If a woman has a baby she will suffer reduced fertility. If she has an abortion she will have a better chance of conceiving when she is ready.

    I think what John said is right about the same old arguments.

    ******Pro choice supporters, star John's question so more people will see it!*****

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think there are any new issues, only new discussions.

    I will maintain that abortion decisions need to be addressed on a case-by-case basis, because no politician or physician can possibly anticipate all the potential scenarios that might call for abortion.

    Abortion should be safe and legal. Abortion is not a substitute for reliable contraception and responsible sexual behavior.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Because honest discussion will be deleted immediately by the Man-Hating Nazis.

  • 1 decade ago

    That because, in my experience, I see that

    1/ Standard arguments are quick to evoke expected reactions because people are already used to them

    2/ Most people seem to want to relate to others and using standard arguments is a quick short-cut

    3/ Many do seem averse to newer lines of thinking. Repeating standard arguments is indeed easier.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have no opinion about the abortion issue. My only observation is that both sides of the debate are absurdly passionate about it. No compromise. Relentless hatred one unto the other. The only wrinkle is that poor, uneducated women do not seem to opt for abortion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whoa, Blue Eyed Christian, you couldn't even agree that "lies and violence are not acceptable ways to protest"? Really?

    You think insulting Doctor Who for being upset about his mothers death is the way to go?

    I won't be taking any of your advice in the future.

    John Von Lof, I think this question is very refreshing. I will watch this question for new information before adding my take on abortion. Thanks!

  • 1 decade ago

    thanks for this post man

    there are still so many who's opinions are given to them by the pastor at their church

    they have it drilled into their minds at early ages that ABORTION IS WRONG, written in like stone

  • 1 decade ago

    Two books that may interest you . . . .

    Beyond Choice: Reproductive Freedom In The 21st Century

    Sanger, grandson of reproductive rights activist Margaret Sanger, is dismayed by the abortion debate's current stalemate, and in this pro-choice manifesto he asserts that pro-choice supporters face a difficult task if they want to persuade pro-life advocates to listen. He recalls being on a talk show where audience members were polled about their views before he spoke and then again after he finished. Although Sanger thought he made provocative and persuasive arguments, not one audience member was swayed. This indicates a larger problem, and Sanger posits that such ineffectiveness will harm the pro-choice camp in the future, as state legislatures enact pro-life legislation and more young people join the pro-life movement. After explaining why current methods aren't working, Sanger opines on righting the pro-choice movement's maladies. He suggests discussions that could change how those outside the pro-life camp view the issue. Including men in the conversation about reproductive rights would be a major step toward positive change, Sanger notes, and one that isn't currently being taken.

    Natural Liberty: Rediscovering Self-Induced Abortion Methods ISBN: 0964592002 is now available on Scribd to read for free!

    Natural Liberty is a detailed, well documented guide for women and scholars - outlining the history, mythology, and methods of self-induced abortion, featuring: pharmaceutical drug abortion, menstrual extraction, forty plants used historically to induce abortion, homeopathy, acupuncture, massage, yoga, and more.

    This is a thorough, well documented presentation of the process of self induced abortion. It includes a review of the history and practice of self abortion in many cultures, as well as information on current cultural, religious, and political issues on the topic. The methods described are documented in over 500 endnotes. Precautions and warnings are clearly stated. Methods are described in precise detail, including many illustrations. Absolutely a remarkable resourse.

    Sage-femme Collective is a dedicated group of professional researchers, herbalists, and individuals involved in the women's self-help movement.

    Abortion is Not Murder: So-Called "Pro-Life Movement" is Anti-Human

    When Pro-life is Anti-family

    ~Pro-Choice Momma; Have had an abortion <no regrets> and I have a 15 month old daughter <no regrets>. I believe in protecting my daughter's choice.

    Abortion: There is a Consensus

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