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joeparker67 asked in PetsReptiles · 1 decade ago

why comments get deleted?

a perosn asked a question about their snake and another person answered with dont hold the nasty creature, i asked why the girl was a moron and would say that? my comment gets deleted and hers is ok? why is it ok for her to say that but not ok for me to say she's stupid

people posting answers that are wrong or just stupid so they can get those dumb points that mean nothing?


so its ok for her to insualt a person pet but not ok for me to call her stupid for making a comment that didn't need to be made? if she doesn't like snakes why be on a reptile section? seems stupid to me

3 Answers

  • Thea
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You might want to familiarize yourself with the Community Guidelines that are posted and keep in mind that this is a "question and answer forum", not a forum for comments. Abusive answers that insult other posters or the questioner are deleted as are "answers" that actually are just comments and provide no answer at all to the question. As long as *some* attempt is made to answer the question then there is no criteria for deleting them regardless of how stupid or incorrect the answer may be.

    People who claim to be veterinarians and are obviously just kids should also be reported regardless of how accurate their response may be. Claiming false professional credentials should be reported under the 'illegal" category.

    You would have been better off reporting the other "answer" if it was in fact just a comment and made no attempt to answer the question rather then making a comment yourself directed at that poster, especially one with insulting language.

  • 1 decade ago

    That makes me pissed off to. I ask a question about my snakes and people go ewwww.

    But what got me one time is i came across an answer that one person said don't feed your snakes mice.

    You shouldn't own snakes in fact we should find all the snakes in the world and just kill them. I love mice so much that i wouldn't want them to be eaten by those nasty little things. Someone said that. But it might not be exact it was like eight months ago. But it was definitely about people feeding mice to snakes and how much she hated it.

    So i emailed that person saying i feed my snakes live mice and my snakes kill them and eat them. And since she tried to make use feel bad i made her feel bad by saying that if my snakes don't eat them i torture the mice in a number of ways. I don't really do that i just keep them and see if my snakes will eat them later on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would say it got deleted due to you abusing other members.

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